Builded a fire to keep me warm ✅

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"Y/N, Want me to make a fire?" I asked pointing to the fireplace.

It's currently raining and and it's super cold inside the house.

"Sure babe. I'll go get some fire food and some old news papers." Taylor said as she put on her coat and walked outside to get some firewood.

I found some old newspaper and a liter and walked back over to the fireplace. I opened up the fireplace and opened up the chimney so the smoke can go out and up. I hear the glass slider open and shut again and I turned to see Taylor is dripping wet.

"Oh no is the firewood all wet?" I asked.

"No luckily they are covered by a tarp and I quickly grabbed them as fast as I could so they wouldn't get wet." Taylor said and placed the copped up wood on the bricks of the fireplace.

I put some firewood in the chimney and some news papers underneath and around the firewood. I carefully took out the liter and lit the news paper on fire and it sparked brightly. The newspaper quickly got on fire spreading quickly all around the wood burning it. The heat warms up the house quickly and I closed the fireplace place door's.

"Ahh. It feels so much warmer now." Taylor said walking over to the couch next to the fire.

"It's more romantic as well." You said making her laugh.

"Thank you for building it." Taylor said wrapping her arms around you and kissed you on the cheek.


Author's Note

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