(30) Bracelet trouble (Fred and Mike)

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A/N Merry Christmas!
As my Christmas present to all of you
, I made a longer chapter than normal that's posted on Christmas eve (For where I live).

Shopping List: Get Books and jewellery

Mike POV

The employees all had gotten enough money to buy a 'worthy enough for royalty' gift. But I still wanted to go with one of the princes. So they can help me. You see, I got the queen. And shopping for her isn't easy, so I want an second opinion from one of her kids before I go buy something for her. But I seemed to not be in much luck. Goldie didn't need to go into town, but really needed all the time he got. What I completely understand. Shadow was already going into town with the king. And they said that I was welcome to join them, but was a bit too much of a second opinion for me.

Luckily Fred wanted to tag along. We were outside of the castle when we started to speak about where to go first.
"So, where do you want to go to? I want to go to the bookstore, but if you want to go to a different place first, that's fine by me too"
"I want to go visit Jeremy for sure"
"Yeah, I want to go visit Springtrap too, but we don't really have time for that"

"I know that. I was thinking of jewellery. Would that be something for your mother?"
"O yes, definitely. Is that why you wanted me to go with you? So I can pay for it?"
"No, not for the amount of money that it will cost. More for what she would like. I have no clue what she would like"
"And you think any of us know her better than you do?"

"It was worth an shot" I said, turning a corner.
"Yeah, and we do know what would fit her, better than any of the staff" Fred said as he held the door to the jewellery open for me.
"Mike! Fred! What are you doing here?!" Jeremy said once he saw that it was us.
I hugged my little brother and told him why Fred and I were here.

"Maybe you can find something over here" Jeremy said from behind the counter.
Fred and I walked over and looked at some of the jewellery that Jeremy had stored there.
I picked a set of earring with a matching necklace, when Fred grabbed my wrist and made me crouch down.
"What was that for?!" I yelled from the sudden action.

Fred slapped his hand over my mouth and whispered to both me and Jeremy.
"I saw mother, she can't see us like this" Fred whispered as he pointed at his clothing.
"She's coming over here, be quiet" Jeremy responded as he shoved both of us underneath the counter.
Fred and I moved a bit to be sitting comfortable, when we heard the door open.

"Your majesty! What brings you to my humble store on this fine day?" Jeremy said with an overdramatic voice.
"I'm looking for something for my son's bride for Christmas" The queen said.
"I was hoping your store had something that's worthy enough for someone with a status like her"
"I hope I have something to fit your vision for her present. Are there any specifications you were thinking of?"

"I was thinking of a bracelet set with gemstones that represent her birth month"
"What is her birth month ma'am? I know which stone belongs with which month"
"Her birthday is in April"
"Then her birth month stone is a diamond. I have some pretty diamond set bracelets over here"

It was more or less silent for a moment. Until there was a sound of one of the cabinets opening.
"What do you think of this one?" Jeremy said, probably holding up one of the bracelets.
"It's beautiful, but it's more something that I would wear instead of her" I heard the queen say.
At that moment I was silently praying that Jeremy would remember which one she liked.

I shifted a bit so I could peek through a crack in the counter.
"What about this one?" Jeremy said, holding up another bracelet.
This one was silver of colour, with 12 diamonds evenly spread across it.
"It's very pretty, but not quite what I'm looking for. Do you have something similar, but with an golden colour instead of an silver one?"

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