(19) Where are the others?

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Back to Fred POV

"Nice to meet you Jeremy" I said, holding my hand out to shake his.
"Nice to meet you too" Jeremy said, shaking my hand.
"Hi Jeremy, how are you?" Springtrap said.
"Hi Spring, I'm good now that I've seen my brother, you?"

"Good. I've spend some time with Fred today" Spring said, leaning on my head while hugging me from behind.
"You two know each other?" Mike and I asked.
"Yes, we do" Jeremy said.
"How? We don't know. Neither of us remember how we became friends" Springtrap said, shrugging a bit.

At that moment Freddy, Bonnie and Bon came back.
"Hey Jeremy, you here too?" Bonnie asked Jeremy, who went into a conversation with him.
Freddy turned to me, Spring, Mike and Amy.
"Why is the owner of the jewellery store here?"

"Well, you're here with your younger brothers, so I thought, why not bring mine along?" Mike said.
"Fair enough"
"But we don't have a ticket for him, and I'm not sure if there are tickets left" Plush said.
"He has his own ticket" Amy said.

At that moment someone walked outside.
"Hey Spring, is this the group you wanted to see the show with?" The brown haired boy, from back when TiChi replaced a sick actor, asked Spring.
"No we're missing quite some people" Spring said.
"Who are we missing?" Shadow asked from behind me.

I yelped thanks to this, because I hadn't heard him.
"Don't scare me like that" I hissed at my brother.
"Sorry, normally you hear me coming" He said, giving me a hug.
"It's alright... At least you're here now" I sighed, but hugging back nonetheless.

"O, hey, you took Foxy, Goldie and Shade with you" Bon said.
"Now we're still missing Chica and TiChi" Spring said to the brown haired boy.
"I'll wait outside for them, then all of you can go inside" I said.
"I want to wait with Fred. That way he won't get lonely" Plush said, clinging to my leg.

Spring looked at Plush the same way that I did, shocked at how fast he was.
"Alright, apparently you two will wait for Chica and TiChi" Spring said, looking away from Plush.
"Everyone else will be in the main sitting area, do you know how to get there?" The brown haired boy asked.
"Yeah, I know how to get there. I will lead Chica and TiChi to it when they're here" I said.

"Alright, we'll see you there" Springtrap said, turning around and walking inside.
Everyone else followed. Shadow gave me a quick hug before he went inside. I went to sit on the log that Springtrap had sat on this morning. Plush came to sit on my lap. He asked me a couple of question, and I answered them. Eventually 20 minutes had passed. The brown haired boy came outside again.

"The show is about to begin, you might want to come inside" He said.
"Wait for us!" We heard in the distance.
I turned around to look at the source of the sound. Then I saw Chica and TiChi running towards us.
"We're sorry we're late, we didn't realize how much time has passed" TiChi said, trying to catch her breath.

"It's alright, we're complete now, so we go inside" I said, the first part to TiChi and the rest to the boy.
He smiled and let us inside. I noticed I never got his name, so I decided to ask him.
"Say, what's your name anyway?" I asked the boy.
"My name is Fredrick, yours?" He asked.

"My name is Fred" I answered.
We both went silent again, but after a bit Fredrick broke the silence again.
"Can I ask you something?" Fredrick asked.
"Sure, ask away"

"How did you and Springtrap meet? I heard a lot about you from him, but he never told how you two met"
"Well, we met when TiChi, Foxy and I went to this theatre"
"That isn't so long ago. Spring made it sound like you two knew each other for months"
"We had seen each other before that, but the distance between us was too long to really get to know the other"

"O, how so?"
"Ehm... Let's say that I do not live in this village, yet not far from here either"
"O, so you're from one of the neighbouring villages. Wait, no. then you wouldn't have seen Spring in person"
Fredrick was busy figuring out where I lived, that is not in this village, yet where I'm able to see Springtrap.

"Wait a minute... You live in the castle?" Fredrick asked me, not believing that.
"Yup, but do you know which status I have" I said, unconsciously flicking one of my ears.
"That means that you're one of the princes" Fredrick said, looking at my bear ears.
"If your name is Fred, that means you're the youngest, right?"

"You're right"
"I take your clothing style and tickets as a sign that you don't want anyone to know that you're royalty, am I right?"
"Heh, you're the first that gets it right away"
"Thanks. We're here by the way. The others are sitting in the middle, on row 4, 5 and 6" Fredrick said, pointing at the others.

"Have fun" He said, waving at me, Chica, TiChi and Plush.
"Thanks" We whispered back.
Luckily we were in time for the start of the show, but the lights were already out, so it was a close one.
Plush climbed on Spring's lap, even though there was a seat reserved for him.

"O, you still made it" Goldie said, looking over at us.
"Strawberry?" He asked, holding a box full of them in front of us.
"Shh, the show is about to start!" Freddy hissed at Goldie while taking a strawberry out of the box.
"Be quiet yourself" Goldie hissed back at Freddy, putting the box of strawberry's out of Freddy's reach.

That was the last we heard before the show started.

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