(36) Surprise!

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Springtrap POV

I was helping mom in the kitchen to prepare Christmas dinner, when the bell rang.
"Spring, sweety. Can you please get the door?" Mom asked me.
"Yeah, sure" I said as I put the spoon down.
I walked over to the door. It was probably Jeremy, he wouldn't miss out on Christmas, even if it was storming outside.

"Hey Jeremy. O, no, hello Mike" I said as I realised it was Mike.
"Come in" I said, quickly moving out of the way.
"Hey Spring. I hope that you don't mind having brought a friend? It's his first Christmas here, and I really wanted him to have a good Christmas"
"I'm sure no one would mind. The more the merrier, as mom always says" I said.

"But, who are you? If you don't mind me asking?" I asked the boy next to Mike.
"I'm Erik. I'm the new servant of the royal family. I would have gone home for Christmas if it wasn't storming this hard, but I'm very happy that you're fine with me celebrating Christmas with you guys" Erik said.
"You seem to fit right in with my family" I said with a giggle.
"Hey Spring? Do you have some spare clothes we could borrow? I forgot to take a set of extra clothes with me"

"O yeah, sure. Follow me, I'll lend you some dry clothes" I said as I walked through the living room.
"I don't think your clothes will fit them. They would be really oversized because you're way taller than them" William said.
"Why don't you go back to the kitchen to continue helping mom prepare dinner. I'm sure I have some old clothes in my closet that would fit them way better"
"If you say so..." I said, watching William drag Mike and Erik away.

"Hey mom, I'm back. What can I help you with?"
"If you can finish the salad, that would be great. I only need the cucumbers to be washed and chopped up"
"Of course, can you give me a cutting board? Then I'll chop them right up" I said as I took a knife from its holder.
Mom put the chicken she had peen preparing in the oven. After she did that, she turned back to me.

"Who actually was at the door sweety? It didn't sound like it was Jeremy" Mom asked as she gave me a cutting board.
"No, it was his older brother actually. And a friend that Mike brought with him" I said as I started to cut the cucumber.
"O, how sweet of him" Mom said.
"It is. And if you're done, you can go get some rest mom. I can finish it up in here"

"If you're sure sweety. Thank you" Mom said as she gave me a kiss at the end.
I quickly finished all the tasks that had to be done to prepare dinner. The only thing that I hadn't done yet was the chicken. But it still had an hour to go, so I went back to the living room too.
"The chicken is still in the oven, but the rest is done"
"Great! Then we can go unwrap presents!" Plush yelled.
"About that..." Mike started.

"I know it's not tradition, but may Springtrap please unwrap my present to him first?" Mike asked.
"Hey! It's a bit from me too!" Erik said.
"Okay fine, but can Springtrap please begin with our gift? It's quite important that it goes first" Mike asked again.
"If it's that important, I don't see why not" Mom said.

"Is it this one?" I asked as I walked over to the giant box that was in the middle of the room.
When I turned back to Mike and Erik, they were nodding vigorously.
"Okay then, here goes nothing" I said as I turned back to the present.
I lifted the lid off of the present, and what happened next scared me, but also made me extremely happy.

"Surprise!" Someone yelled as they jumped up from inside the present.
All I saw at first was a blur of brown, orange and green. Then it stopped moving, and I could see who it was.
"Fred!" I yelled as I tackle-hugged him with box and all.
"I'm so happy you're here" I said, not caring that we were laying on the ground.
He didn't seem to care that much either and hugged me back.

"Wait, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your own family?" I asked Fred once I realised that his own family was probably celebrating Christmas themselves.
"Mother let me join Mike, and we thought that he could give you the best Christmas present you could receive" He said as he wasn't letting me go.
"Well, Mike did a very good job indeed. But how are you wearing my clothes?" I asked, now seeing that that was what gave the greenish blur.
"Have you seen the weather outside? We had to lend them some old clothes. Not my fault your boyfriend really wanted your clothes" William said.

"I hope you don't mind. Yours fitted me best anyway" He said as he sat up.
"I saw how soaked Mike and Erik were when they arrived, I don't mind" I said as I stood up and helped Fred stand up too.
While I was helping Fred get up, I saw William pointing at something from the corner of my eye.
"Hey Trash-Rabbit! Look up!" Brian yelled at me, so I did.

"Hey Fred, look up" I said looking up myself.
"O-Oh" He said, blushing lightly.
"Well, I guess we can't back out from tradition..." He said.
"May I?" I asked as I put my hand behind his head.

"Please" He whispered before he connected hislips to mine.
O, how I had missed the feeling of them.
"I'm so happy that you're here" I whispered as I hugged him.
"I missed you too..." He said as he hugged me back.

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