(46) Proposel under the stars

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Shade POV

I was very conscious/aware of what Goldie had said earlier today, about a proposal. I was actually planning to do so, and had informed the king about it. But Goldie's reaction to it made me duck out of it. But now I have another shot.
"Come on Shade, you can do this. There's nothing to worry about" I said softly to myself, but Goldie seemed to notice I said something.

"Is there something wrong?" Goldie asked.
"O no. Not really" I said, waving it away.
"Are you sure? You seemed worried about something"
I knew I had to make up some sort of excuse.
"Eh, yeah. I was worried that you wouldn't like my surprise!" I said, ducking out of the way of a branch.
"We're nearly there!"

"If you say so..." Goldie said, sounding really sceptical of me.
I'm not that good of a on the spot liar, so I can't blame him for not believing me.
I sighed again, before holding a couple of branches out of the way so Goldie could get through.
"We're here!" I exclaimed once I followed him though the bushes.

"Wow! It looks really pretty here!" He said as he looked around.
"And you can see the stars so well here too!"
I giggled a bit from his response.
"Yeah, that's why I brought you here. I thought it would be a fun idea to go stargazing together"

"That's an amazing idea! Thank you" He said as he took my hand in his, and gave me a kiss on my cheek.
He sat down and took me with him. Not that I minded, I was about to sit down next to him anyway.
"Thank you for taking me here" Goldie said as he put his head on top of my shoulders.
"No problem" I said, calming down a bit.

Goldie laid down on the grass and looked up towards the stars.
"The stars are beautiful tonight..." I said, getting mesmerised by the stars above us.
"Not as pretty as you" Goldie said with a soft voice.
"Where did that confidence come from?" I asked, being taken off guard.

"Shadow tried to teach me some things"
"Well, you can tell him he did a good job teaching you. I did like the compliment"
We both went quiet for a moment. And that was the moment the nerves came back to me.
And like always, Goldie noticed my uneasiness.

"Shade please" Goldie said with a caring voice.
"There's more you're worried about then if I liked your surprise or not" He said, sitting up.
"Please tell me what's wrong, I hate to see you like this" He said, taking my hand in his again.
"Well... I suppose I could tell you now too"
I took a deep breath as I was thinking about a way to ask him.

"There's a wedding coming up in our family... And I was wondering if you wanted to be my date?" I asked, fumbling in my pockets for the family rings.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" He said, giving me a hug.
"Who's wedding is it though? I thought you were an only child" He asked, letting go of me.
"Well..." I started, getting the rings ready.

"I was thinking about ours" I finally said, showing him the family rings.
Goldie didn't give a response after that. No sound, no movement, nothing.
I was standing up to walk away. I should have taken his response this morning as a 'don't even ask'.
But before I was even a meter away from where I had been, I got tackled by Goldie grabbing my legs, and making me trip.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you trip!" Goldie said in a panic as he crawled more towards my head.
"I just didn't want you to walk away without my answer" He said, laying down in front of me, since I was laying on my stomach.
I didn't say anything. I was waiting for a 'no', or a 'not yet', But it never came.
Goldie took my hands in his, not caring that we were both still laying on the ground, and looked at me with a lovestruck look in his eyes.

"I would love to be your husband instead of your boyfriend"

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