(47) Campfire preparations

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Shadow POV

"So... What do you want to do?" Foxy asked me.
"I wanted to tell stories around a campfire, but with just the two of us it's not nearly as much fun" I answered.
"We could still prepare it" Foxy said.
"I'm sure that if we prepare everything, the others won't say no to it"

"You're right. Let's start with finding a place to build a campfire" I said as I took Foxy's hand and walked away from the others.
He waved towards the others before he followed me.
"Maybe near the edge of the forest? That's usually a good place for a campfire" He said as we walked besides me.
"Then let's go there first"

We were just talking while we were looking for a good place.
"So we need a good open place, but also slightly away from the world" I said as I saw the edge of the forest coming closer.
"And of course enough place for everyone to comfortably sit" He said, remembering that we were with quite a group.
"No really? I thought we would invite everyone, but wouldn't give them a place to sit" I said sarcastically.

Foxy elbowed me because of that comment. He didn't elbow me hard enough for me to fall over, but it hurt ever so slightly.
"O, now you're going to get it" I said before playfully pushing him.
He didn't expect me to push him, so he wobbled in place to gain his balance back.
"O, you're on" He said once he gained his balance, and he started chasing me.

We ran after each other, just having a bit of fun, when I tripped over the root of a tree.
"Ouch..." I said, rolling onto my back and rubbing my elbow.
Foxy came rushing over once he noticed that I had fallen.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I was a bit too rough" He said in a rushed tone while he kneeled down next to me.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong, I just wasn't looking to where I was going" I said, giving him a smile to show that everything was indeed fine.
But he wasn't getting away this easily. I put my arms around his neck, and pulled him down with me.
We rolled around for a moment, until we were both getting tired from all the roughhousing.
"That was fun" Foxy said with a giggle as he helped me get up again.

"Don't pull me down again" He said with a stern voice.
I slightly pulled his hand, but not enough to actually make him fall over.
"Hahaha, very funny" He said as I took his hand to actually get up this time.
"It seems like we don't even need to look further for a place for a campfire" I said as I looked around.
"This place is perfect! It's open, and yet hidden. And there are more than enough logs for everyone to sit on"

"So we have found a place to build a campfire, now we need wood to actually create one" Foxy said, looking at the place we had found.
"O, my. Where could we possibly find wood fit for a campfire. It's totally not if we're next to a forest or something" I said with the most sarcastic voice I could give him at the moment.
"Calm down edge lord" Foxy said to me, trying to contain his laughter.
I looked at Foxy unamused, but lost it after a couple of seconds. Apparently just looking at him was enough for me to start laughing too.

"Let's just go and find some wood for a fire" I said, still trying to contain my laugh.
I walked towards the forest, but I soon noticed that Foxy wasn't following me.
I turned around to see what Foxy was doing.
"What are you doing?" I asked, tilting my head ever so slightly.

"We have to have some wood, so why not collect the pieces of wood that are already here?"
"Fair enough" I said, shrugging.
Afterwards we went into the wood, because we didn't have enough wood yet for a good campfire
We had found a couple of good pieces of wood, but I got distracted by someone.

I softly elbowed Foxy so I would get his attention
"Is that Erik over there?" I asked him, pointing towards someone who I thought was Erik.
Foxy looked towards the place I was pointing at.
"I think so. I also see Jeremy there too" He said, squinting his eyes slightly as he looked at them.

At that moment Erik seemed to see us too. Both of us waved at him, and he waved back at us.
He then looked back at Jeremy, who was doing something I couldn't see.
He then looked back at us with a 'help me' look in his eyes. He has told me he really liked Jeremy, and that he wanted to confess to him.
I just gave him a thumbs up to try and give him a bit of confidence.

He smiled back at me with a ever so slightly calmer look. He then looked back at Jeremy.
"Maybe we should give them a bit of privacy" Foxy softly said as he dragged me away from them.
"Alright, alright. I'm coming, I'm coming" I said as I stumbled over a branch from the sudden force.
We silently walked away from the scene, giving Jeremy and Erik a bit of privacy.

We were only a few meters away from where we were standing, when we heard a loud thud, as if something heavy fell onto the floor.
"What was that?" I asked, turning back towards Foxy.
He gave a light shrug as he looked around for the source of the sound too.
"It looks like Jeremy has accepted Erik's feelings" He said as he pointed towards Jeremy and Erik, who now both were laying on the ground.

"That'd be great for both of them. But let's get back so we can get the campfire started. I'm sure that they'll find us eventually" I said, taking Foxy's hand in mine so we could walk back to the fireplace.

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