(4) The show must go on

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"When and how did you find this?" TiChi asked.
"Shadow and I found this when we were bored once, and even since then we go outside through this staircase"
Foxy's ears perked up when I said Shadow. I looked over at TiChi to see if she saw it too. She looked back at me with a small smile, letting me know that she saw it too.
"Let's go before my parents find us" I said, getting to the staircase.
"Are you sure that it's safe?" TiChi asked.

"Yeah, we use it all the time. Goldie only fell down once" I said, smiling at them.
"If you need help I can help you get down" Foxy said to TiChi.
"Thanks, but I think I will be fine, but if I fail, please catch me" She said.
"Of course I will" Foxy said, getting down the staircase.
When we were safely on the ground we started to walk towards the village.
We had to take a little sideway, just to be sure that no one saw us getting out of the castle.

"It's beautiful here! It's such a lovely village" TiChi said, who has never been here before.
"Yea, it's really nice down here" Foxy said, being able to finally relax for once.
"We can go to the theater right now, then we will be in time for their performance. After that we can go shopping"
"Sounds like a plan" TiChi and Foxy said.
I wanted to be in time for the theater, but both were looking around them, so I decided to get them to run after me.
"Last one at the theater is a rotten egg" I said, sprinting away.

"Hey! I don't even know where it is!" TiChi yelled, running after me.
"I'm not going to be a rotten egg" Foxy said, running after us.
But we didn't know how fast Foxy was, and he caught up with us with ease.
Eventually we all got to the theater, Foxy being the first to get there.
"How are you so fast?" TiChi asked after she regained her breath.
"I'm a fox, foxes are naturally fast" He said.
"Foxes are faster that bears and chickens, but they aren't as fast as you are"

"Then I don't know how I'm as fast as I am" he said shrugging.
"Let's get inside, we don't want to be late now, do we?" I asked.
They didn't say anything, but followed me instead.
I paid for the three of us. Something that Foxy was really happy for.
We were walking past the backstage, when we overheard some people talking.
"We're missing one person, Sofia is sick. We need one girl more in order to perform" A ginger haired boy said.
"We need someone that is good at acting and we need her in 5 minutes" A brown haired boy said.

"My friend here is really good at acting, maybe she can help?" I offered to the two boys.
"If she wants, that would be amazing" The ginger said.
"Yes, if I can help, I would love to" TiChi said.
"Amazing! Please follow me, then I'll tell you the most important stuff" The brown haired boy said, walking away.
TiChi looked at Foxy and me for a moment, before running after the brunette.
"You have no clue how much we needed someone to play that role" The ginger said, scratching the back of his head.

"No problem, she really likes the theater and wants to become an actress" I said.
"Well, it really helped us. So could I give you three a tour after the show?" He said, wanting to show his delight.
"That would be awesome!" Foxy said, before looking over at me.
"We would love to" I said.
"Well, if you would be here at the end of the show I can show you around. See you after the show!" he said.
"We'll be here!" Foxy and I shouted back, running towards the stage, since they were beginning.

We quickly got to our places, sitting down just in time, only a few seconds later the curtain opened.
"Thank you all for coming to our show. Thanks to one of our actresses calling in sick and needing to find an replacement for her, the show started a bit later than expected. But, without further ado, enjoy the show!"
The show was really good and before we knew, it was time for the break. Luckily I didn't need to move, because Foxy had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I didn't want to wake him. If he was this tired, he needed some sleep.
TiChi visited me and Foxy, since we were the only ones left in the room.

"Aww... He looks so adorable when he's sleeping like this" She said softly, not wanting to accidentally wake him.
"He is, I understand why Shadow likes him that much" I said, petting his head a little bit.
"By the way, we're getting a backstage tour when the show is done" I said.
"That's really nice of them. They're really happy that I could help them out" TiChi said.
"Good. But go back and get the lines in your head, the first half went so well, we don't want your second part to fail"

"Alright, alright. I'll go back in a minute, because you will never believe who works backstage!"
"Who? Santa Claus?" I said in a sarcastic tone.
"No Springtrap. The boy that you have a crush on. His name is Springtrap"
"Springtrap... Even his name sounds nice" I said dreamy.
"Thank you, I got it for my birthday" someone behind me said.
I turned my head towards the voice. It belonged to the greenish bunny. To Springtrap.
Even his voice was hypnotizing me. I was clearly in love, no doubt. I felt my cheeks get redder with the moment.

"O-o, h-hey m-my n-name is Fred" I said, falling over my words thanks to his presence.
"Fred, nice name for a nice looking boy" He said with a wink.
I hid my now burning face in my hands. But unfortunately, this movement woke Foxy.
"Hey, what's going on?" He said sleepy, rubbing one of his eyes.
"Fred's crush is flirting with him, and now he's embarrassed" TiChi said.
"O, so I'm your crush?" Springtrap asked.
I couldn't talk, so I just nodded instead.

"Well, I'm sorry, but my heart already belongs to someone else" He said dreamy, yet sounding sorry for me.
"But I hope we could be friends" He said when I didn't respond.
"Don't trust his Fred, he just wants to infiltrate the castle" Foxy said, getting defensive of me.
"Infiltrate the castle?" Springtrap asked.
"Yes dear, you're not just talking to some villagers, but to the youngest of the Fazbear princes, his 'bride' and one of his guards" TiChi said.

Now Springtrap was the one to be speechless.
"The princes wouldn't come down here without letting everyone know" He said, shaking his head.
"No, the king and queen would do it that way, all that my brothers and I want is to not get recognized" I said.
"Alright, if you're so sure that your one of the princes, say something only one of them would know"
"How? None of them have ever met you before" Foxy said.

"Earlier today we waved at each other, and soon after that I got knocked down by my older brother Freddy" I said.
Springtrap looked at me with big eyes, he realized that we were speaking the truth.
"O crap" He said to himself.
"What is it darling?" TiChi asked.
He just sat down in the chair that was right behind him.
He murmured something to himself again, but this time not audible for me.

But Foxy seemed to have heard what he said, and was now in shock himself.
"What is it?" I asked, wanting to know what was so shocking.
Springtrap spoke up again. This time clear enough for me to hear.
"My crush... Likes me back..." He said.
It was silent for a moment, before it was broken by TiChi fangirling.
"My ship is sailing!" She screamed.
"TiChi! Please! Not so loud!" I said, trying to calm her down.
Springtrap stood up in the meantime so he could go back backstage.

"I hope to speak you again your majesty, but I need to go, the show is starting again in a couple of minutes"
"Don't call me majesty, my name is Fred. So please, just call me Fred, no one is supposed to know"
Springtrap nodded and ran backstage, followed by TiChi.
"Well, we only have seem the first half of the show, and it already is more eventful that at the castle" Foxy said.
"Yeah, that's why I wanted to go into town, and not stay in that boring castle"
"And you finally had the chance to talk to your crush" Foxy said.
"Talking about crushes, do you like someone Foxy?" I asked, looking at him, to see what his reaction would be.

"Well... Um..." foxy stammered.
"It's Shadow, isn't it?" I asked him.
"Yes, it is. Please don't tell anyone" He said, rubbing his arm like Bon did.
"O no, I'm going to tell him. He deserves to know that his cruch likes him back"
"Wait, what?" Foxy asked, not expecting that Shadow liked him too.
"Why else do you think he wants you near? Why else would he place you in front of his door?"

"I don't know. I never questioned it" He said after taking some time to think about what I said.
"Well, I know a deal. If you help me with Springtrap, I'll help you with Shadow"
"Deal" Foxy said without second thought.
In the meantime all the people had came back from their break, and had sat down again.
"Thank you for wanting to help me Fred" Foxy whispered, laying his head back on my shoulder.
"You can go to sleep again, you need it. I'll wake you up when it's over" I said, petting his head.
When I said that the show started again.

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