(35) Can we go home for Christmas break?

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Quite some of the staff were busy packing their things to go home to celebrate Christmas. But it was storming outside, and it was said that it wouldn't get any better anytime soon. I was currently in the owlery with Goldie, trying to calm the birds down. What actually was going very well.
"I don't think they're able to go home this year. At least not on Christmas itself" I said, looking outside.
"I don't think so either. They said that at this point, it's dangerous to go outside if you're not on foot" Goldie responded, petting the owl he was holding, before placing it back on his stand.

"Maybe Mike can go home though. He lives in the village right outside the castle doors after all" I said, having hope for Mike to go see his family without needing to leave so soon.
"I sure hope so for him. Say, do you know where Erik and Foxy live?" Goldie asked me.
"I have... never seen Foxy leave to go home, ever. And Erik seemed to have some connection to Amy, so I guess he comes from her kingdom, high chance that his family's there too"
"The girls probably have to stay too then" Goldie said with a hint of realisation in his voice.

"Are you happy that you can spend more time with Shade then?" I asked with a smirk.
"You would be happy if you got to spend more time with Springtrap too" He retorted with a playful anger.
"I would" I said with a hint of sadness apparently.
"Hey, I'm sure you will get that special time too" He said as he came over to give me a hug.

"I hope so" I said as I hugged back.
"We should probably go back to the others. I'm sure mother is going to break the news to them"
"Yeah, I think they're calm enough for us to leave them" He said as he looked up at all the owls.
Together we walked towards the throne room. We met Mike and Erik while we were walking over there.

"Do any of you know why we were called?" Erik asked.
"Have you looked outside? It's storming. I think that dad doesn't want you guys to leave in order to keep all of you safe" Goldie said.
"But as always mother has to be the one to announce the news" I said.
"Daw, I was looking forward to Christmas" Erik said.

"Then I'm really glad that I got to see at least Jeremy when we were doing our Christmas shopping" Mike said.
"With a little bit of hope you'll be able to go home. You live in walking distance" I said.
"I would love that. Christmas is always really fun. Even though it's quite crowded, it's always a lot of fun"
"I thought it was only you, both of your parents and Jeremy? Or do you have more siblings?" Erik asked.

"No, I only have one little brother, and that's Jeremy. But we always celebrate Christmas with Springtrap's family"
"That sounds awesome" I said, getting a little dreamy.
Spending Christmas with Springtrap and his family sounds great.
"It is. I really wish I could bring you along. But I doubt that the queen would allow you to tag along with me"

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't respond, nor did I notice the look that Goldie gave.
"We're here" Goldies voice broke me out of my trance.
"Let's go see if it's really about being able to go home" Erik said as he opened the doors.
"We're here Ma'am, what do you need us for?" Mike said as he bowed for mother.

"Good to have you all here" She said as she talked to all of our staff.
"Al you may have noticed, it's storming outside. I have looked at our options in regards of letting all of you go home for Christmas. Normally you would have a special schedule who has which shift when during Christmas"
"I have unfortunate news for all of you. Regarding your safety when travelling, we have decided it would be best to keep you here for Christmas. Everyone who still want to go home once the storm is over, is allowed to indicate that they want to do so" Mother said.
"I do however have some good news for the ones whose home is nearby. You are allowed to go home during Christmas, seeing as if you live nearby enough to walk home, you are allowed to do so if you desire"

"That means I can still go home" I heard Mike whisper to himself.
"You are all dismissed" Mother announced.
At that moment there was a lot of noise. Everyone was discussing what they were going to do now. But thanks to that, a lot of people went back to unpack again too.
Mike walked over to mother.

"Does that mean that I can go home for Christmas Ma'am?" Mike asked.
"Yes, you're allowed to go home" She responded.
"May I ask for a favour?"
"That depends on it"
"May Erik come with me to celebrate Christmas? It's his first Christmas working in such a high place. It should be celebrated during Christmas"

"You're right. You're allowed to take Erik with you for Christmas" Dad answered before mother could.
"May I suggest something?" Goldie asked dad.
"Fred was talking about how he wanted to know more about the lives of the people under us. Would he be allowed to go with Mike and Erik? I mean, he goes with one of our best guards, so he's sure to be safe during that time"
"You have a very good point there Goldie. I'm sure that Mike and Erik can protect him. He has my permission to go with Mike and Erik. What about you darling?" Dad said, turning to mother at the last part.

"I promise to take good care of him and to protect him with my life" Mike said.
"He has to bring back a report on how it is between the low life. But then he may go if he so desires" Mother said.
I was flabbergasted that this just happened, and that I'm allowed to celebrate Christmas with Mike, Erik and (most importantly for me) Springtrap.
"Go pack some things so you're ready to go with them" Dad said to me.

"Yes sir!" I said as I sprinted towards my room to pack.
I was in the middle of packing some clothes and one of my stuffed animals, when Mike, Erik and Goldie came in.
"Are you alright Fred? You were gone so quick" Goldie said.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said as I tackle hugged him.

"Have fun" He said as he made no attempt to get me off, only returning the hug.
"When are we going?" I asked, getting off of Goldie and helping him get up.
"When you're finished packing. Erik and I are already packed" Mike said.
"Lemme just... I'm ready!" I said as I tried to close my bag and succeeded.

"Come on. I'm going to show you two what an awesome Christmas looks like" Mike said as he walked with me and Erik on his heels.

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