(17) Can you help me? (Chica and TiChi)

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"Where do you want to go?" Chica asked me.
"Shall we go to the market? They seemed to have a lot of fun things there" I responded.
"You noticed those stall too? I thought I was the only one"
"Let's go to the market then" I said, started to walk towards the market.

We talked about the boys we should be marry according to our parents. I knew that Fred and I became really good friends over the time we knew each other, but I didn't know what the relationship between Chica and Goldie was like.
"Say Chica, what's your relationship with Goldie like?"
"It's not bad. We're friends, just not as good of friends as you and Fred are. But we're close enough to be happy that the other found someone they love"

"Yeah, Goldie and Shade make a perfect couple"
"I do hope Shade will tell Goldie as soon as possible. And I hope Goldie will still love her" I said.
Chica gave me an obvious chough.
"He. I hope Goldie loves him just as much as he loved her"
"I'm sure he will. Goldie loves Shade, not his body"

We arrived at the market without much trouble. The market turned out to be much bigger than we expected.
"Alright... Let's not lose each other here" Chica said.
"Agreed. I would not be able to find you again" I said, taking Chica's hand in mine.
"This way I can't lose you" I said, smiling at her.

Chica looked at our intertwined hands and blushed a bit.
"Let's just go to the market" Chica said, pulling me along with her.
I giggled at her reaction, but followed her anyway.

We arrived at the market and looked around.
"Where do you want to go first?" I asked.
"Let's go find the place that that delicious smell is coming from"
"Fine by me" I said, letting Chica lead the way.

We soon arrived at a stall that had many sweet things. Chica paid for both of us. She was also the first to take a bite.
"Mmm, this is good" She said, taking another bite.
I took a bite too.
"You're right, this is really good"

We finished our meal pretty quickly and were ready to leave, when someone tugged at my skirt. I looked down to see a young boy standing there, tears in the corners of his eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong little one?" I asked, kneeling down so we were at the same eyelevel.
"I lost my older brother, but I can't find him anywhere"

"We'll help you find him, what does he look like?" I asked.
"He has red, kinda spiky hair, yellow eyes and wears a blue bandana around his neck" The little boy said.
I took his hand in mine and walked with him Chica away from the stall.
"Where did you last see your brother?" I asked the boy.

"I'm not sure which stall, but it was somewhere with a lot of books"
"Do you know which way you came from?" Chica asked.
The boy pointed to the left of us.
"Let's go that way first"

We walked in the direction the boy said he came from.
"Say, what's your name little one?" I asked, looking down at him.
"My name's Lance, and my brothers name's Alex"
"Well, my name is TiChi, and that's Chica" I responded.

We walked a bit further without saying much, until Lance stood still in front of one of the stalls.
"This is where I last saw my big brother" He said.
Chica and I started to look around for Lance's older brother Alex.
We were about to give up, until I heard someone yell out Lance's name.

Chica must have heard too, because she looked over at him.
"Hey Lance, could that be your older brother calling for you?"
Lance was silent for a moment, so he could hear what we heard.
"Yes, that sounds like Alex" He said, walking away from the stall and onto the road.

Alex soon saw Lance, and rushed over to him.
"Where were you, I was worried I lost you" He said, hugging his little brother.
"I was looking for you, but these kind ladies helped me find you again" Lance said, pointing at me and Chica.
Alex put Lance down and walked over to us.

"Thank you for helping my little brother. I'm forever thankful" He said.
"No problem. We're happy to help" I said for both me and Chica.
"Is there anything I can do to show how thankful I am?"
"Take care of your younger sibling" I said.

"Actually, answer my question" Chica said.
"Alright, what is it?" Alex replied.
"How are you and Lance brothers? You two don't really look alike"
"We're technically speaking half-brothers. Related through our father. But we feel like we're brothers through both parents, so we just say that we're brothers" Alex answered.

We talked for a couple of minutes before we had to said our goodbyes to Alex and Lance and went back to the rest of the market. We looked around for a long time, until I looked at the time, and noticed we needed to go immediately if we wanted to be back at the theatre in time for the show.

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