(43) A dinner to never forget

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Mike POV

Everyone was silent as we were all waiting for our dinner to be served. It was a it too quiet, and I'm not the only one who thought that. I tried to think of a conversation for us to have, and decided to ask the others about the play Springtrap had arranged for us.

"So... What did all of you think of the play?"
"I had the feeling it was done on purpose. I mean, Romeo and Julian? Come on" Shadow said.
"I had no clue which play they wanted to perform for you guys. But I have the feeling someone tipped them off" Spring said, looking at Jeremy from the corner of his eyes.
"Don't look at me, I didn't do anything. Maybe it was Plush? You know how much he adores your boyfriend" Jeremy said.
"I'm right here you know" Fred said with an indignant tone in his voice.

"Whoever made it happen, I think it was a good choice and a great execution" Shade said as he took a sip from his water.
"Yeah, it was really good. I'd love to see it again sometime" Goldie said with a bright smile.
"But change the names to Fred and Spring to add some extra spice" Erik said as he wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yeah, and then show mother" Shadow said, getting in on the joke.
"That would be the day that I die" Fred said, having laid his head as the joke went on and on.

"Fred, put your head up. Dinner's here" Fredbear said.
It still feels weird, using his actual name instead of 'the king'. But I'm glad I'm allowed to do so.
"It looks really good, thank you" Fred said as he thanked Monica, who gave him a smile in return.
She put the other plates in front of Jeremy, Erik and Shade.

"I'll be back with the other plates in a minute" She said before she walked away again.
"Smells really good" Shade said, getting a piece of meat onto his fork, and letting Goldie taste it too.
"Tastes good too" Goldie said as he got a bite from Shade's beef stew.
"So does the pancake! I'd almost say it's better than the cooks make at 'home'" Erik said as he took another bite of his pancake.

"Don't eat too fast, else you'll get sick" Fred said as he took one bite of his own pancake.
"Yes mom" Erik said mockingly, but slowed down a bit.
Fred and Erik both stook their tongues out at each other, right as Monica came back with another set of plates.
"I'm sorry for both of you, but the steaks are taking a bit longer than expected, I hope that this doesn't cause too much of a trouble"

"It's not a problem. Mike and I can wait"
I nodded in agreement with Fredbear.
"Can I bring you something else while you wait?" She asked as she took the empty glasses off of the table.
"No thank you, a refill of the drinks would be nice though"
"Then I'll do that" Monica said with a smile as she walked away again.

"You can have some of mine if you want to have something" Jeremy said as he suggested to his food.
"Eh, one bite might be a good idea" I said as I heard Fred do the same for his dad.
"I do want repayment once your food is here" He said as I took a bite from him.
"Alright, that seems fair" I said, laughing along with the others.
It indeed took a couple of minutes more than it did for the others to get their food, but once Fredbear and I got our food, it was just as good as the others.

Halfway through the main dish, we had somehow stumbled on the topic of protection and defence.
"Our protection is great" Shadow said.
"Yeah, thanks to my brother it is" Jeremy said in return.
"No, thanks to my boyfriend"

"Why not thanks to me?" Erik said, I think jokingly.
"Because you're a servant instead of a guard for a reason"
Erik looked over at Goldie and Fred for help.
"No offence, but shadow has a good point. Although it could have been worded a lot nicer" Fred said, looking over at his brother with a slightly angry look.

"What? It's true, you just said it yourself"
"I could very well protect you if needed!" Erik said, trying to get his point across.
I just gave him a sceptical look instead of saying something out loud.
"You have no idea of what I'm capable of!" Erik said as he tried to look intimidating towards me.
"Don't take this too personally, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake" I said, ruffling his hair.

"See it like this, because Mike and I protect the castle and its inhabitants so well, you have way more time to help all the inhabitants" Foxy said before he took the last bite of his food.
"He's definitely right about that. Just imagine if you had to go to battle so much, then you'd have no time looking as good as you usually do" Jeremy said with quite the confidence.
I looked over at Fred, who reciprocated my looks, and obviously agreed with me.
"Seems like someone has a crush on a certain servant" I said as I leaned towards Fred.
"Like you have for my older brother?" Spring said as he heard what I had said.

"I do not!" I yelled out, feeling that I'm blushing slightly.
"But why are you lushing then? If you truly didn't like him, you wouldn't have an outburst like this" Fred said, getting on Springtraps side.
"What was that all about?" Erik asked.
"About crushes, specifically Mike's crush on my brother William" Spring said with a malicious grin.

"I do not!" I tried to say, but I knew it was getting hopeless and just laid my head on the table.
"But don't worry, he likes you back" Spring said with a genuine smile this time.
"Wait, really?" I asked, not getting up, but just turning my head to look his way.
"Really. He was asking how you were doing nearly constantly during Christmas when you weren't there"

"O, well... Sorry?" I said, not really knowing how to respond to that.
"You better are. It was annoying"
"O, sorry then" I said as I turned my head back to the table again.
"But it was also really sweet. He really cares a lot about you. Besides, you'd make an amazing couple together"

"Are you a wingman for your brother, of for yourbest friend?" Shade asked all of a sudden.
"Yes" Spring said after a couple of seconds of thinking.
"And now give me a more clear answer"
"He was a wingman for me and Fred, so it would only be fair to do the samething for him, right?"
"Fair enough"

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