(10) Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

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I was sleeping peacefully, when all of a sudden someone was trying to wake me by jumping on my bed.
"Fred! Wake up!"
"Hmm? What is it?" I said sleepy, opening one eye to see who woke me.
"Shadow? Why are you jumping on my bed? Isn't that the job of the youngest sibling?"
"Yes, but since you weren't there to do that, the second youngest needs to do that and that's me"

"Fair enough. Just, let me get out of bed, alright?"
"Alright" Shadow said, getting off my bed.
Both of us were silent when I got out of bed and walked towards my closet.
"O, and can you help us after breakfast? We don't know what we should wear"
"Yeah, I can do that" I said, getting myself dressed in fancy clothes for now.

Once I was fully dressed, Shadow grabbed my wrist and basically dragged me towards the dining room.
"Shadow! Calm down! I'm not awake enough for this!"
"Sorry Fred. It's just that I'm so excited to go into the town" Shadow said, slowing down, but not letting go.
"I got that, but do you really think that dragging me to breakfast is going to get us there sooner?"
"Ehm, yes?" He said when we walked past Goldie, who also just had been woken up.

"We still need to wait for the girls" Goldie said with a sleepy voice.
"Someone woke you up too?" I asked with an equally sleepy voice.
Goldie opened his mouth to answer, but Freddy stepping out of Goldie's room was answer enough.
Goldie though so too and closed his mouth again.
"If you two are so excited, then go have breakfast. Goldie and I will come at our own pace" I said.

"And since when can the youngest command us?" Freddy teased, bowing a bit so he was on the same eyelevel.
"Just... Go! Before either of us do something you two don't like" Goldie practically growled.
Freddy and Shadow gulped before running away towards the dining area.
"Huh, I thought Freddy didn't take commands from someone who's younger than him" Goldie said, looking at our brothers run away.

It was true. Freddy didn't really take orders from a younger person. He used that excuse a lot against us.
"Maybe he does take them from you in fear of what might happen if he doesn't"
"Eh, it doesn't really matter anyway. They left us alone for now, but let's go get breakfast before they come back"
We silently walked towards the dining area, at our own pace this time.

"How did you sleep tonight?" Goldie asked after some silence between us.
"I slept quite well knowing I'll see Springtrap today. You?"
"Me too. Even the bit of seeing Springtrap, I need to know if he's worthy enough for your love"
"He is" I said dreamy.
Goldie snickered at the way I said it.

"If you're going to judge if Springtrap is good enough for my love, I may do the same thing with Shade"
"Deal" Goldie said without hesitation.
"O, and don't try to scare him off please?" I asked with big, pleading eyes.
"I promise that I won't. Besides, Freddy would try to scare him off"
"No, he'll be too busy with Bonnie and Bon"

"True" Goldie said, opening the doors to the dining room.
However, we did not expect to find an angry looking Freddy and Shadow there.
"There you are!" The sound mothers voice seemed to echo through the room.
"Good that you two are finally here, now we can all have breakfast together" Father said.
"Took you two long enough" Freddy and Shadow whispered, only loud enough for us to hear.

"Sorry that Fred and I have a sense of time that you two seem to lack" Goldie said.
"That's not very nice to say Goldie" Mother scolded.
"So rudely wakening your brothers to then drag them along is a nice thing to do?" I asked mother.
"Just let it slide for now sweetheart, they just want to go on those dates" Father said towards mother.

During breakfast no one really said anything. Apart from mother scolding Freddy and Shadow for trying to eat as fast as possible. It was like watching an eating contest. Goldie and I even tried to bet on who would be done the fastest. Eventually I won from Goldie, because Shadow was done 5 seconds faster then Freddy. Goldie and I took our time and were done 5 minutes after Freddy and Shadow.

It turned out that we were done at a perfect time, because about a minute later we had to go to the gate to welcome the girls.
"See? There was no need to rush" Goldie said to Freddy.
Freddy just grumbled in response.

It looked like Amy took the grumble personal, but Freddy seemed to explain that it wasn't towards her. I didn't really hear what they said because they were out of hearing range, but it seemed to be alright. But I was too caught up in trying to decipher what was going on between then, that I didn't notice TiChi running towards me until it was to late. She tried to surprise hug me, but because I noticed too late, we both fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry Fred. Normally you notice me" TiChi said with concern in her voice, helping me up.
"No problem, neither of us got hurt in the process" I said, making a shooing gesture with my hand.
"But it's good to see you again" TiChi said, giving me a hug.
"It's good to see you again too" I said, hugging her back.

I wanted to invite her inside, but Goldie was quicker.
"Let's all go inside and get ready" Goldie spoke loud enough for all of us to hear.
Everyone followed him and Chica inside.
Everyone could see that he'd rather walk next to Shade, but we also knew that we had to stick to our 'brides' as long as we were inside these castle walls.

But slowly, one pair by one pair, one of my brothers and his 'bride' took a different turn than the others so they could go to their room. Our rooms weren't placed right next to each other, so this was pretty normal for all of us.
When TiChi and I arrived at my room, we found Bon already waiting for us. He sat cross-legged on my bed, with a couple of outfits we could wear laying in front of him.

"I found a couple of outfits I thought would be nice for you two" he said pionting at the clothes in front of him.
TiChi and I looked at them. After a few seconds, I leaned down and took a set of clothes.
"I'll wear these, they look nice"

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