(20) Returning home

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"And there are voices in my head"
"So many voices in my head"
"And they can yell and hurt like hell but I know I'll be fine"
Plush, Bon and Jeremy were singing the last song from the show we just watched.

"Of the voices in my head, the loudest one is mine!" Jeremy sung.
"Jeremy..." Mike said in the beat of the song.
"Loudest one is mine!" Jeremy sung.
"You can't get rid of me that easily" Springtrap joined in.

"Loudest one is mine!!!" Jeremy yelled back at Springtrap.
"Jeremy..." Spring and Mike said at the same time.
And then it was Bon and Plush's turn again.
"Na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na, na, na-na, na" Plush, Bon and Jeremy sang, repeating it two more times.

And then, I decided to join in on the singing.
"Let's go!" I sang, starting to pick up pace back to the castle.
My brothers followed me in singing the absolute last part.
"C-c-c-come on, c-c-c-come on, let's go"

This verse got repeated 5 to 6 times, and at the end, everyone was singing.
I even hit the high note at the complete end of it.
I quickly covered my mouth in the hope that no one noticed that the high note came from me.
But everyone still looked at me once they realised that it was my voice that went that high.

"Since when can you sing a high note?" Shadow asked.
"I don't know..." I answered.
"I didn't know either that I could get that high with my voice" I said with slightly panicked voice, even though I wasn't panicked at all.
"It was pawsome!" Plush said.

"Don't you mean, awesome?" Mike asked.
"No pawsome. He's a bear, so it was pawsome"
Mike looked questioning at Plush before he shook his head and continued his conversation with Amy.
I was happy to see that they got along so well, which led be to believe that they had a fun day too.

"Say, at what time were we supposed to be back at the castle?" Foxy asked.
"Somewhere around... I don't know actually" Freddy started, but stopped once he realised that we didn't have a specific time he had to be back at.
"I thought I heard the king and queen say that we had to be back before dinner" Mike said.
"What time is it now?" Spring asked.

Shadow was about to answer, but TiChi was faster.
"I suggest that we'd head back to the castle, so we won't have to run to be back in time like we had to do last time" Foxy said, looking over to me and TiChi.
"Why are you looking at us?! You love running!" TiChi and I said, defending ourselves.

"Yeah, I do. But I'm pretty sure that the others don't"
"Alright, alright, we'll head back to the castle now"
"Do you guys want to split up here?" Jeremy asked.
"It's probably for the best. I'm not sure how the other guards would react to you guys" Goldie said.

"They would be mighty stupid if they tried to attack my little brother" Mike said.
"Not all of them would know that Jeremy is your little brother Mike"
"I'm not even sure if anyone besides you and Foxy would know" I said.
"Now that you guys say it, probably not. I never told anyone that I had a brother"

"Well, good that that mystery is solved, but we were heading back to the castle, remember?" Freddy said.
"We'll see you guys again" Shadow said.
"Hopefully very soon" TiChi finished.
"See you soon" Mike and I said, and waved at our friends from the village.

But before I even took the first step, Plush grabbed my leg and clung to it.
"Don't go" He said.
"But I have to go Plush. I need to go home too" I said, looking down at Plush.
"But I promise that the next time I can get out of the castle, I will visit you, alright?" I said, ruffling his hair a bit.

"Promise?" He asked, still clinging to my leg, but now making eye contact with me.
I looked at him and smiled.
"I promise" I said, lifting him up once he let go of my leg.
I gave him back to Springtrap.

"I wouldn't want to get into this town without visiting your brother anyway"
"Fair enough" I heard Mike say behind me.
Nearly everyone looked questioning at Mike.
"Maybe change the 'your' to 'my' in that sentence" He said, blushing a bit from shame.

"Don't worry Fred, I'm not going to steal your boy"
"You better not" I said, glaring playfully at Mike.
"You better not. Big brother belongs with Fred, not with you" Plush said, glaring at Mike too.
"I'm outnumbered, Jeremy help me" Mike said, hiding behind Jeremy with fake fear.

Mike and I wanted to continue this, but we both saw an impatient Freddy waiting for us.
"Bye Jeremy, I promise I'll visit you next time I'm here" Mike aid, hugging Jeremy.
"I can't wait" Jeremy said, letting Mike go.
"O, and tell mom and dad that I love them!" Mike yelled, having walked away from Jeremy by now.

"I do that every day!" Jeremy yelled back.
"I do that every day..." He said, looking up at the sky, with a light smile.
Springtrap put Plush on the ground at the sight of this.
"Go sheer him up. Ask him if he wants to come over tonight" Spring ordered Plush.

Spring watched Plush run to Jeremy, and turned back to me.
"So... Till next time I guess" Spring said, rubbing the back of his head.
I hugged him, and surprise, surprise, he hugged back, nothing new. But that wasn't the only thing I was going to do.
"Until next time" I said, giving Spring a kiss on his cheek before running towards the others.

He stood there, chocked, before realising what had happened.
He put his hand over the place where I kissed him and stood like that for a minute or so.
He eventually regained himself, and walked over to Jeremy, who looked quite happy.
I need to ask Mike what happened to their parents.

"Hey Mike, what happened to your parents?" I asked.
"O, nothing much. They're both still alive, if that's what you want to know"
"Why did Jeremy look up when he said that he tells your parents that you love them?"
"Because that's what they thought us. If we ever needed them, but they aren't nearby, that we talked to the sky"

"It doesn't help that they took us to go stargazing a lot, but still. It's something to always remember them"
"That's actually really sweet"
"It is. It's also one of the reasons I don't get homesick as fast as some others" Mike said.
We started to get deeper into our conversation, and before we knew, we were back home again.

This chapter came out way later then I intended for it to be, but school took a lot of my time the last couple of weeks. Unfortunatly, I don't think the next couple of weeks will be any different.
I don't want to put this book on hold, because that annoys me. Just know that I will try to upload a new chapter as soon as I can, but don't expect me to be back to my 'two chapter a week' very soon.
But to let this A/N end on something more positive...
Thank you for all the reads this story is getting. It can really cheer me up when I'm feeling low.

The Fazbear Kingdom (Fnaf AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora