(49) Shadow story time!

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Fred POV

"Now, who is ready for a horror story?" Shadow said suddenly, ruining the moment Springtrap and I had.
"Alright. You've clearly wanted to tell us one for quite some time now" I said, not letting go of the hug Springtrap and I were in.
"Alright, everyone get ready for some spooky stories" shadow said as he walked over to our stage-like area.
Everyone went quiet as we all waited for Shadow to start telling his story.

"There once was a young boy who was extremely fond of stuffed animals, and had a huge collection of all kind of plushies at home"
"One day, while he was at a toy store, he found the most huggable, and most adorable teddy bear he had ever seen. But when he brought it to the counter to buy the teddy bear, the store owner told him to not buy it"
"You don't want to buy this bear kid. It's far too dangerous for a little kid like you to have it, the store owner told the boy"
"Well, why can't I buy it? You put it here for someone to buy him, right?, the little boy responded, really wanting this stuffed bear"

"Well, yes. But a little kid like you wasn't the one who I should sell it to" Shadow told in a deeper voice, indicating that he was talking as the store owner.
"But why not? I don't see anything wrong with it" He said, this time with a much higher voice, indicating he spoke as the kid.
"This 'teddy' you're holding, is cursed. It's way too dangerous for a kid like you to have it"
"Yeah right. Cursed or not, I still want him. So, how much do you want for it?"
"The store owner sighed at that. He didn't want to sell the bear, especially not to a little kid. But it seemed like he had no other choice, and reluctantly sold the teddy bear to the kid" Shadow said in his narrator voice again.

"The kid went home after that, and walked into his room to put the new bought bear with the others he had"
"But when he walked into his room, his lights weren't on, and never went on either. So he started to wonder if this was because of the cursed bear he had bought"
"Suddenly the teddy bear started to move, and turned his head towards the kid, and looked the kid in the eyes with his black eyes, and said something" Shadow said with a creepy voice
"You forgot to turn on the lights, you silly fool" Shadow said with a normal voice.

"Thank you, thank you for listening to my story" He said, bowing towards the rest.
"That's it?" Mike asked.
"Yes. Is there something wrong?"
"No, no, no. It's just that the ending was kinda... anti-climactic?"
"Not every horror story has to have a bad ending. I mean, I saw multiple people having chills, so I think I did a good job"

"Boys, please stop bickering..." Dad said, gaining Mike and Shadow's attention.
"Besides, it's getting late. We should probably head back home"
"Yeah, I think mom and dad are questioning where I am" Jeremy said as he stood up.
"I'm getting tired anyway" Goldie said, rubbing his eyes to keep himself conscious.

"Then let's go home" Dad said, helping Goldie up and supporting him a bit.
Goldie was still awake, but also very clearly very tired by now, because his eyes kept closing over and over again.
"You should be too old for this, but I could give you a piggyback ride home if you'd like" Dad said.
"I's *Yawn* like that very much" Goldie said, and climbed on our dad's back.

No sooner said then done, and we went on our way back to the castle.
I was still walking next to Springtrap as long as he's still by my side. We didn't say anything though, our silence was enough. Besides, the conversation between dad and Shade was way more interesting anyway.
"So, how did it go? Was your second chance better than the first one?" Dad asked Shade.
"Much better, I actually got the guts to ask this time. Now that I look back at it, I don't even know why I was so tense about it in the first place" Shade answered.

"Because asking someone such a question isn't a simple, every day thing that you do. At least, I sure hope you don't ask someone to marry you every day"
"I don't, that's for sure" Shade said with a laugh.
"You asked Goldie to marry you?!" Basically all of the others asked.
Goldie groaned at the sudden commotion.

"You can go back to sleep, nothing to worry about" Shade told Goldie, who shifted and presumably went back to sleep right after.
"Still. You asked Goldie to marry you?" Shadow asked a lot quieter than before, so he wouldn't wake Goldie again.
"Yeah" Shade said, putting his hand at the back of his neck.
All of a sudden, Erik chimed in.

"Can I do the outfits for your wedding? Please?" He asked Shade.
"I was going to ask you to help us with that anyway, so please do. We really need your fashion sense"
"Wo-ho!" Erik exclaimed full of joy.
Goldie opened one eye to look at Erik, smiled because of his of his reaction, and closed his eyes again.

"Say, if Shade and Goldie are going to get married, aka the heir to the throne, shouldn't like, the whole kingdom know about it?" Mike asked.
"Yes, mother most likely would want that to happen" I said, knowing how much mother cared about something like this.
"I'll have Scott know about it. He'll go over spreading the news and helping Goldie prepare" Dad said.
"Brave of you to think that we wouldn't help them prepare" Shadow said.

"Of course you would help them, but you would help because you want to help, Scott would help because he knows what needs to happen"
"Scott would want to help, even if it wasn't his job already" Mike said.
"Who's Scott?" Jeremy asked.
"Scott is the royal adviser. He is supposed to help the king and queen with the making of decisions, and was supposed to help Freddy with becoming king one day. But now he's going to help Goldie do that" Mike answered his little brother.

"We have to split off here" Springtrap said, mentioning to Jeremy to follow him.
"Bye, I'll miss you" Mike and I said at the same time, mike hugging his little brother, and me hugging my boyfriend goodbye.
"I'll miss you too, but we'll see you back soon, right?" Springtrap and Jeremy asked us.
"Of course!" Shade and Erik answered for us.

We walked away from Springtrap and Jeremy, andwaved back at them one more time before continuing on our way to the castle. Itwas a good and fun day today.

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