(24) Please don't laugh

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I made the drawing above specially for this chapter. My mom saw it and thought it would be a good/better picture to use as the front isntead of the one that I use now. Should I change it into this one?

We were waiting at the spot Springtrap usually is when he's waiting for us, but it was half an hour past the time we agreed to be here.
"I'm going to look for him. It's very unlike him to be late, especially this late" I said.
"We'll help you look for him" TiChi and Foxy said.
Together we walked towards the theater we first met him. O, the memories. But once we were there we couldn't find him anywhere.

We wanted to give up and go back to the castle, until Foxy spotted his mom.
"Hey miss, could we ask you a question?" TiChi asked her.
"Why of course, you three can always ask me a question" She said, smiling upon seeing it was us.
"Do you know where Springtrap is? We were supposed to meet 40 minutes ago, but he didn't show up" Foxy said.
"I started to worry that something has happened to him" I said.

"Something indeed happened sweetheart. He was in a car accident yesterday, and is now bandaged up at home"
"Could we come see him? Please?"
"He's still very weak, and not looking too well, but if you promise to not make fun of him... You can come"
"Why would we make fun of him? He's our friend" All three of us said.
"I see why he calls you his best friends. You truly care about him. Follow me, I'll bring you to him"

"Don't his other friends care about him then?" TiChi asked.
"They weren't really supportive when they came to visit him yesterday"
"Then they don't deserve to be his friends" Foxy said with a huff.
The walk towards Springtraps house wasn't that long. And in a couple of minutes we were there.
"I'll wake him up, he might be sleeping" The mom of Springtrap said.

We waited outside of his door, so his mom could wake him up.
"Springy, sweety, your friends are here to see you"
"Why would I want to see them? So they could laugh at me more?" Springtrap asked sarcastically.
"Now why would we do that?" I asked him, stepping into his room.
He was laying with his back towards us, looking out of his window.

"F-Fred, w-what are you doing here?!" Springtrap asked, having turned his head to see his mom, and now seeing me.
"Visiting our friend after he got us worried by not showing up" Foxy said, leaning against the doorpost.
"Sorry for not showing up, but I really couldn't. As you can see" He said, the last part softer than the rest.
"You worried us by not showing up, and we were right about having to worry about you" TiChi said.

"I'm sorry for letting you three down" He said, looking even more broken and bruised now that his ears were hanging low.
"Hey, we never said that you let us down" I said, sitting on his bed and taking his hand in mine.
I heard TiChi whisper to Foxy to leave us alone for a moment. I think Springtrap heard too, but both of us decided to not comment on that.
"You could never let me down" I said, giving him a hug before letting go again.
I noticed now that he was hiding beneath his bedsheets. I tried to take them away a bit, but he pulled them back in a defensive manner.

"Why are you hiding? You know I don't care about looks right?" I asked, tilting my head a bit.
"But I wasn't really pretty before, and right now it's even worse" He said.
"And do I honestly look like I care about the looks of someone?" I asked again.
"Maybe? I just thought that when you saw me like this, you wouldn't like me anymore"

"I never liked you for your looks anyway. I liked you for your personality"
"But you liked me before we ever met. Back when we had only seen each other"
"Alright... Maybe I cared a bit about looks. But not because you're so beautiful, even though I still think you are right now, I like you because you looked nice, as in friendly. And I was right about that"
"I guess so... I'm sorry about overreacting. I'm just so used to being told that I'm ugly, that I started to believe it"

"You're not ugly, and you'll never be in my eyes. I even have a way to prove that I'm right" I said before standing up from where I sat.
He looked at me like I was leaving him, but in reality, I just stood up so I could walk over to his head.
"You'll never be ugly in my eyes, no matter what other people may tell you" I said, before kissing him.
It took him a second to respond, because I took him by surprise, but he kissed back anyway.
It was like the time stood still. This was our first kiss, but for sure not the last. But unfortunately we had to part again for something called air.

"I think you proved all my so called 'friends' wrong. You indeed love me for the way I am, not for my looks" Springtrap said, hugging my waist.
"Could you please let go for one moment? I want to be able to hug you back and right now I'm losing my balance" I said, doing my best to keep standing up.
He let me go and shuffled to the side of his bed so I could lay next to him. I laid down on his bed and took him in my arms.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked, not believing that I was doing this.

"Sure, what is it?" Spring asked with a tired voice.
"Even though my parents may never know about us... Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked.
"I would love to" Spring trap said, before kissing me again.
I kissed back, of course. And this time. It felt like fireworks went off. It was a wonderful feeling.
"Now, try to get some sleep. You need some rest if you want to be able to get out of bed again"

"But why would I sleep when I got a boyfriend that I need to hug?" He asked, looking up at me.
"Because your boyfriend wants you to be better, so he can take you on dates" I said, looking down into his grey, almost silver eyes.
"You have beautiful light blue eyes, you know that?" He said, slowly letting the sleep taking him over.
"I bet that they're not nearly as pretty as yours" I said, pulling the blanket over both of us.

"I love you" Springtrap mumbled before letting the sleep take him over completely this time.
"I love you too" I said, snuggling into his chest before falling asleep myself.

The Fazbear Kingdom (Fnaf AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora