(18) Wait, who's your brother? (Mike and Amy)

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Mike POV

There was an awkward silence between us, so I decided to break it.
"So... Where do you want to go?" I asked, turning towards Amy.
"I don't know. I don't know my way in his town"
"Well, I do know my way in this town, so if you have a place you'd like to go, I can get us there"

"But, aren't you supposed to not leave the castle? How do you know this town so well?"
"I grew up in this town, and technically, still live here"
"O, what does your family do then?"
"They own a jewellery store, they wanted me to take the business over, but I didn't want to, so my little brother runs it now"

"Would you mind showing me your family's store?"
"No, not at all. Gives me an excuse to see my little brother again" I said, turning around to walk away.
"Can we take a touristic route to your family's store? I want to see more of this city"
I turned back around and smiled.
"Sure, we can do that. We have more than enough time for a more touristic route"

"Then, let's start"
"Well, we're standing in front of the theatre"
"Yeah, I can see that" Amy said, rolling her eyes.
"If you want a tour you'll get the full tour of the village"
"Fine" She said and listened to the tour I gave her.

"And the last this that we'll see at this tour is the swimming pool" I said, having reached the end of the tour.
"Thank you for the tour Mike. It was really nice to see more of this village"
"No problem, it was nice to go around town again"
"But let's go to your family's shop before we have to go back to the theatre"

So we went on our way to my family's shop.
"Say, who runs your family's shop anyway?" Amy asked me.
"Well, the original plan was that I would be the next one. But once my parents heard that I would be a royal guard, they trained my younger brother to be the next manager of the store. And I think he nowadays is"

We walked past Freddy, Bonnie and Bon on our way to my family's store. None of them said anything, while Bonnie only smiled at me. I don't think Freddy or Bon noticed us.
"Lady's first" I said, holding the door open for Amy.
"Thank you" She said, walking inside.
Jeremy was putting something away behind the counter, so he didn't immediately notice us.

I coughed as a sign that there were people waiting for him.
"Mike!" Jeremy yelled, and came running towards me, giving me a hug that nearly knocked us to the floor.
"Morning Jere" I said, hugging my little brother back.
"I missed you so much" Jeremy said, still not letting me go.

"I missed you too, but we're not alone" I said, looking over Jeremy's shoulder to Amy.
"I don't mind. I'd have the same reaction if I was reunited with my brother after a long time" She said.
"You have a brother? I thought you were an only child" I said, thinking of what Freddy told me about Amy.
"I do. I have an older brother, but he ran away with one of the staff of your castle, and I never saw him again" She said, the last part softer than the rest.

"I'm sure you'll see them again" Jeremy said, still hugging me.
"I hope I'll see my brother again one day. And I hope he and Fritz are happy together"
"Wait, Kevin's your older brother?" I said, letting Jeremy go.
"Yes. Wait, how do you know him?" Amy asked, confusement written over her face.

"It was hard to not know who Kevin was. Everyone knew him thanks to Fritz"
"O, how so?" Jeremy asked.
"Well, Fritz could befriend everyone he crossed paths with, so he was on good terms with basically everyone"
"Sounds a bit like Fred if you ask me" Amy said.

"Well, I suppose they did act alike, they even looked similar to each other"
"What do they look like then?" Jeremy asked.
I then realised he had never seen either Fred, nor Fritz, while Amy had seen both.
I explained how Fritz and Fred were similar in personality and had a similar colour orange in their hair and same body type.

We ended up talking for the remaining time. Me catching up with my little brother, while Amy and Jeremy got to know a bit about each other. But suddenly Jeremy cut our conversation off.
"O, I have to go now" He said, looking at the clock that was hanging behind me.
"Why? What are you going to do?" I asked my little brother.

"You two know the theatre? I have a ticket to see the show" He said, holding a ticket up.
"I would have bought two if I knew you were in town today"
"Don't worry, we're going to see that show too, would you like it to sit next to us and a couple of friends of ours?" Amy asked Jeremy.
"I would like to, but don't you guys sit on the royalty places?"

"No, we're sitting between all the other people, we don't want anyone to know who we actually are"
"O, in that case, sure. I'd like to meet your friends" Jeremy said with a smile.
"Come on, let's go" Amy said, already at the door and holding it open for me and Jeremy.
Jeremy walked back to the desk and took keys for behind it.

"I need to close the shop, it will only take about a minute or two" Jeremy said, holding up the keys.
Jeremy was quick at closing the store and speed walked over to me and Amy.
"So, how many of you are there?" Jeremy asked halfway to the theatre.
"A lot. I don't know exactly with how many we are" Amy said.

"About 14? Counting you too" I said, trying to count how many there are of us.
"Geez, you do know how to make friends"
"They're mainly couples. Or well, soon to be couples. I don't think any of them have asked the other yet" Amy said.
"We're the only ones that are not in love"

"You poor things" Jeremy said in a mocking tone, being single himself too.
We arrived at the theatre, only Fred, Springtrap and Plush being there already.
"Hey Mike, who's with you?" Fred asked.
"Fred, meet my little brother Jeremy. Jeremy, meet one of my bosses, Fred"

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