(31) What to get? (Shadow and Fredbear)

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Shopping List: Get something that's not too girly

Shadow POV

I walked out of the throne room. I had to get to Fred before he was too far. You see, I had gotten TiChi. And if anyone would know something for her, it would be Fred. Luckily he wasn't too far yet.
"Hey Fred. Wait up" I yelled at him.
He stopped once he heard me and turned towards me.

"What is it Shadow?"
"I need your help for an idea for my person" I said as I held up my piece of paper.
"Who is it?" He said as he waited until the others were out of hearing range.
"It's TiChi, and I thought that you could help me get some ideas for her present"

"Couldn't you have asked Chica?" Fred asked.
"I could... But you came up in my head before her. And it's a little less obvious who it is now"
"Fair enough. I don't really know what you should get her, but she likes the things that may not be for a stereotypical girl. If that helps you get an idea for her"
"Yeah... That should give me a direction to think of for a present for her. Thank you" I said.
"No problem. Good luck" Fred said as he gave me a hug and walked away.

I decided to go to my room first to brainstorm for ideas for TiChi, but I stopped when I heard the distressed voice of my dad.
"What should I get her? Where should I even start? I just started to get to know my sons better, let alone that I know what one of the princesses would like" He said as he was walking circles.
I softly knocked on the already open door.
"Dad? Are you alright?" I asked as he noticed me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, not knowing what to get my receiver" He said as he scratched the back of his head.
"What about you? Do you know what to get yours?" He asked.
"No, not really. Fred said she'd like something that's not stereotypical girly" I said, not realising that would make it obvious who I got, until it was to late.
"So you have TiChi?" Dad asked.

"Yeah... I still don't know what to get her though"
"Maybe we can work together. You know, give her and her girlfriend a attuned gift" Dad implied.
"You have Chica? Is that why you got so worked up?" I asked.
"Yeah, but if we work together, I'm sure we can come up with something"

"I mean, we know who the other has, might as well do something with that information"
"I'm down for some bonding with my dad" I said.
"Then let's go. We don't actually have all day." Dad said.
"We probably should change if we don't want to attract too much attention"

"That's a very good idea. I think I might have something to wear for us" Dad said.
"O, I actually have my own clothes for this, but if you have clothes for yourself, that's great"
We decided to meet up right outside the gates, so mother wouldn't catch us in 'low life' type of clothes.
When I was done I was walking towards it, when Mike stopped me.

"Hey Shadow, could I tag along with you?" He asked.
"Dad's already going with me, but I'm sure he won't mind. Why do you need me anyway"
"I got the queen, and I was hoping one of her kids could help me. You know? Be second opinion for me. But her husband is a bit too much of an second opinion to me"
"I understand. Maybe you could ask Fred? I don't think he's already going with someone"

"Yeah. Good idea Shadow, thanks. Have fun Christmas shopping" He said as he went over to Fred.
"Have fun too!" I yelled back.
"Are you ready to go?" Dad asked me from behind.
He was wearing something that looked really similar to what Goldie likes to wear when we go into town. It looked really good on him, and it made him look ordinary. Mother would hate it. It was the perfect outfit.

We were walking though town, looking at the displays of the store. We had a few times that we looked at something a bit better, but they ended up not being something we could picture the girls with.
"What would that want anyway? I was personally thinking about a couple's necklace, but I think that should be someone one of them would give the other. Not as a Secret Santa gift from someone else" Dad said.
"I agree with that. I don't think they're that into jewellery anyway. Fred said that TiChi would want something that's not stereotypical girly"

"Maybe some badass clothes?" Dad opted.
"No, that would more be something for Shade" I said.
"Tickets to one of the shows of the theatre?" Dad said, probably as a joke.
"Meh. We can get in thanks to Fred's boyfriend" I said, turning this idea down too.

"I'm not sure if we can get a good present for them. I don't know what would be a good gift for either of them, let alone both of them" Dad said, losing hope of finding a good gift for them.
And at that moment I saw it. The thing that would fit them so good, we had to get it.
"Hey dad, don't give up hope yet. I think this would be perfect for them"
Dad came over and looked at it too.

"It's perfect indeed. Let's go buy it" Dad said as he walked over to the entrance of the shop.

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