(37) Amazing day

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Fred POV

It had been an amazing day. Dinner was really good and the atmosphere there was very cozy. I had seen how happy they all were with the board games that Mike and I had given them. Jeremy and his and Mike's parents had arrived about an hour before dinner and they were very happy to see Mike again and to meet me and Erik. But now, it was time to go to bed. But because they hadn't counted on me and Erik, we had to sleep in someone's room, because there were only two room for two guests each. We had decided that Erik could share the guest room with Jeremy, I would go with Springtrap, and Mike went with William.

"Did you have fun today?" Spring asked as he hugged me from behind.
"I did. Thanks for the fun day" I said as I gave him a kiss.
"And thank you for the present. It's so much better than what I had hoped for" He said.
"Talking about presents, I have one for you too" Spring said as he let go of me and took something from under his bed.

"I saw it, and couldn't resist buying it for you" He said as he gave me a little bag.
I opened the bag to find a green, stuffed bunny that reminded me a lot of Springtrap.
"Aww. I love it. Thank you" I said, hugging the stuffed bunny.
"Good. A lovely plushie for a lovely bear"

"Let's just go to bed, alright?" I said as I laughed at how sappy Spring was at the moment.
"Alright. I guess you're going to sleep in my shirt?" He asked as he got in his bed.
"It's not my fault your clothes are so comfortable" I said as I got in with him.
"You're lucky you're too sweet to say no to" Springtrap said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I smiled as I slowly fell asleep in Spring's arms.

The next morning William was the one to wake us up.
"Wake up, mom's made us breakfast" He said as he softly shook Spring little bit.
He did his best to let us wake up in peace. Unfortunately, this didn't last long.
"William! Springtrap! It's snowing outside! Can you come and play with me? Please?" Plush yelled as he ran into Spring's room.

"I just woke Spring up sweetie. But if you really want to I guess I can come play with you" William said as he ruffled Plushtrap's hair.
"Even though I haven't had the chance to eat anything yet" He whispered, more to himself then to anyone else.
"I can come play with Plush so you can get some breakfast if you want" I said as I was already sitting up.
"Don't you need to eat too?" He asked.

"I usually don't eat anything the first hour I'm awake. You can go eat something while I'll play with Plush"
"Well... If you insist... Thank you. Have fun you two" He said as he went back downstairs.
"Just let me get dressed in something warmer and then I'll come play with you okay?"
"Okay. I'll go look for some mittens and a scarf for you" Plush said as he dashed away.

"Thank you for entertaining Plush for us. I'm *Yawn* not awake enough yet" Spring said as he still had his eyes closed.
"No problem. Honestly, the moment he said it was snowing I wanted to go outside. It has been a really long time ago that I was able to play with snow, so I'm happy I get to do it again. And hey, making plush happy is a good bonus" I said as I looked through my bag.
Luckily I did have some spare clothes I could wear that would keep me warm now that they're dry again.

"Have fun" Springtrap said as he turned around.
"You too" I said as I walked out of his room to go play with Plush.
"Fred! Here, I found these for you" Plush said as he ran up to me and handed me a pair of gloves and a scarf.
"What are you two going to do sweethearts?" Spring's mom asked.

"We're going to play outside with the snow" Plush answered.
"Plush really wanted someone to play with, and I was the one who's excitement matched Plush's" I said.
"Have fun, I'll join you two when I'm done with breakfast" William said.
"Me too" Mike said as he took a bite from his pancake.

"Alright, see you" I said as Plush and I stepped outside.
"What do you want to do?" I asked Plush.
"Let's build a snowman!"
I agreed on that, and Plush and I went to build a snowman in their backyard.

After about half an hour we had finished the snowman.
"We just need an carrot for the nose" Plushtrap said.
"I got one for you" Mike said as he walked over to us and gave the carrot to Plush.
Or at least... Mike tried to, when he got hit in the back of his head with a snowball.

"Who threw that?!" He demanded as he turned back around.
William and Brian stood in the doorway as Brian pointed towards William.
"Come here and feel my revenge!" Mike yelled as he started chasing William around.
"O-oh" William said as he saw Mike rushing towards him and ran away for his own safety.

At that moment Erik and Springtrap came outside.
"Morning Erik" I said as they approached me and Plushtrap.
Springtrap clearly wasn't fully awake yet.
"Morning sleeping beauty" I said as Springtrap put his head on top of mine.

"I'm ready to go back to the castle, what about you Fred?" Erik asked.
"I didn't pack yet, but I don't have that much to pack back so I'll be done in a few minutes, no rush" I said.
Springtrap yawned again, and sneaked his arms around my torso.
"Is he always like this?" Erik asked Brian, who had come up to us.

"He normally is very sleepy in the morning, yes. But normally he's not this clingy"
"Because now I have a boyfriend to hug, instead of a little shit who rudely wakes me up like you" Springtrap said.
Brian got offended at that and went back inside.
"Was that really necessary?" I asked Spring.

Before Springtrap could give and answer, William and Mike got back. William was shivering a bit, while Mike looked really proud of himself.
"What happened?" Erik and I asked both of them.
"Mike shoved snow down my shirt" William answered with one big shiver.
"That's what you get for hitting me with a snowball!" Mike said.

"I already told you. It wasn't me. It was Brian"
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that"
"They're fighting like an old married couple" Erik said.
That made both me and Spring laugh really loud.

Mike wanted to get angry at us too, but retained himself before he actually did.
"Let's just get packed, we probably need to go back to the castle by now" He said, shaking his head and walking back inside.
Spring, Erik and I shoot each other once last glance before we followed Mike back inside.
We went our separate ways once we were near the bedrooms.

"It was amazing to have you here for Christmas" Spring said as he, once again, hugged me from behind.
But this time, I wouldn't let it pass like that, and I turned myself around to hug Spring back.
"It was amazing to spend Christmas with you too" I said as I nuzzled myself into Spring's chest.
"When will we see each other again?" Spring asked.
"It's kinda lonely when you're not here"

"I don't know, but I promise it won't be long" I said, missing Springtrap too when we're not near each other.
"Are you coming Fred? Some of us have a shift we have to be back in time for" Mike said as he was getting impatient.
"Says the one who chased someone around the entire farm for something he didn't even do" Erik said.
"I'm coming! I'm coming! Sheesh, some of us have a boyfriend to say goodbye to okay?" I said as I let go of Spring and got over to Mike and Erik.

I gave Springtrap one last kiss before we went on our way back to the castle.

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