(9) Letter from a lover

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"We, all of my brothers, our brides, some other staff of this castle, you and me are going to the theatre tomorrow"
"Really!?" Bon practically yelled.
"Yes, really" I said, laughing at his reaction.
"You're the best!" Bon said, hugging me.

"Bon, air, please" I said, tapping his shoulder.
"Sorry, didn't mean to hug you that hard" He apologised.
"It's alright. I know you didn't meant to hurt me"
"It's just, I finally can get to get out of the castle and actually be with Freddy" He said with joy.

I walked over to my desk so I could write a letter to Springtrap.
I took a piece of paper, something to write with and started to write.
"Who are you wringing a letter to?" Bon asked.
"I'm going to ask if Springtrap is free tomorrow, so he can join us"

"Well, I hope he's free tomorrow. It would be fun to have him sit with us in the audience instead of backstage"
"I hope so too" I said, daydreaming about him sitting next to me.
But apparently I zoned out a bit too much.
"Fred? Are you alright?" I heard Bon say.

I shook my head to get out of the trance I was in.
"O, yeah, I'm fine, I was just daydreaming"
"Springtrap chose the best to crush on" Bon said between giggles.
"O yeah, because Freddy, Goldie and Shadow made the absolute worst decision" I said sarcastically.

"I'm not daydreaming over him every time I think of him"
"Aha... Say that to the Bon from this morning"
"Alright... Maybe I'm not the best example for this"
"No, you're not"

"Well, that was straight to the point there"
"Yeah, but should I do that in this letter too?" I asked, staring at the empty piece of paper.
"Let him know that you'll be coming tomorrow, and ask him if he's free. Make him turn the page if his answer is yes"
"You know what? I'm going to do just that"

Hey Springtrap,

TiChi is coming over tomorrow, and so are all the other brides.
My brothers and I had the idea to go to the theatre together.
I was wondering if you're free tomorrow to join us.

If no : I hope to still see you. Even if it's for a short moment.
If yes : would you like it to join me to this giant double-date thing my brothers and I set up?

I hope you'll get to meet my brothers so they finally know who I'm talking about when I talk about 'Springtrap'.

Lots Of Love,

I read it to Bon once I was done with writing it.
"It sounds really good Fred. I would send it if I were you"
"Yeah, I should send it like this. Now where are my envelopes?" I asked, looking around me.
Bon looked too but couldn't find any either.

"O well, I guess you should go ask if Freddy has a spare one" I said.
"O no, what a horrible, horrible task you give me sir" Bon said as dramatic as he could.
"You can take your time if you want, I have all day to send this letter to Springtrap"
"In that case, don't expect me to come back the next hour"

"I know, have fun" I said when Bon walked to the door.
"Thanks!" He said before closing the door behind him.
It took me a few seconds before I turned back around again.

"Now, where do I need to send it to?" I said, taking an envelope from the drawer of my desk.
"Hoot!" The snow-owl said when I gave her the letter.
I looked at her, before looking back over the village. Luckily for me, Springtrap was quite easy to find.
He was standing on the dock by the lake.

"See that greenish bunny over there? Go bring him this letter" I said, letting the snow-owl go.
It took her a few minutes to fly over to Springtrap, but I don't blame her.
It is a pretty big village after all. It's a wonder it's not called a city yet.
I saw the owl land next to Springtrap, who got spooked by it at first, but relaxed soon after.

I saw him take the letter from her, and opening it.
Once he read it he looked at the castle. I doubt he could actually see me from there, but I waved nonetheless.
I realised he might have seen it when he actually waved back, before turning around again.
About two minutes later, he gave the snow-owl a letter and let her go.

I was too busy looking over the village, that I didn't see that the owl was back again.
She dropped the letter on my desk, and went to sit on my head.
"Did you have a nice fly?" I asked the owl.
"Hoot!" She said, actually sounding happy for an owl.

She didn't move when I picked up the letter Springtrap had send me back.
But she wasn't annoying, so I didn't try to get her off.
I opened the letter, and read what it said.

Dear Fred,

Luckily for you, I'm free tomorrow. And I would love to meet your brothers.
You didn't say anything about a time or a place however, so I'll be waiting at the theatre for you.

Lots Of Love for you too,

I looked at the letter, just to let it sink in.
Tomorrow I will have my first real date with Springtrap!
I know we had lunch together too, but this was different.
This would be a real date!

I can't wait for tomorrow.


With who should Mike and Amy end up with?
There are quite some characters that I haven't used yet, so you're free to suggest about nearly anyone from Fnaf.
I have ideas for what the other 'night guards' are, but don't know who they should end up with.
So ships that don't include Mike or Amy are welcome too!

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