(44) Sunset from a hill

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Fred POV

The rest of dinner went really well. The desserts were good and the conversation was fun, but there wasn't really anything that was worth mentioning. The only thing that was worth some mention, was what happened after dinner.

"So... It's not that late yet, is there anything you'd like to do before we return home?"
"We could go watch the sunset..." Jeremy opted.
"And afterwards we could go stargazing" Shade said, liking Jeremy's idea.
"Or we could go to the forest! That's always fun in the dark!" Shadow said with a grin.

"Not everyone has a good night vision. We, and Foxy, may have a good one, but I doubt bunny's or humans have a good enough night vision to do so" Goldie said.
"Yeah... There are many creatures that have way better night vision than we do" Spring said
"Alright, no midnight forest games then" Shadow said slightly disappointed.
"We could also do our own thing for an hour or so, and look how we're feeling when we get back, to see if we're up to play a midnight forest game" Erik opted.

"Fine by me" Springtrap, Shade, Mike and I said.
"Then it's settled. You kids go have some fun, we'll see each other in about an hour or two near the beginning of the forest" Dad said as he paid for our dinner.
"We'll see you there then" Shade said before he took Goldie's hand and walked away together.
Erik took Jeremy's hand in his and dragged him along towards the park, but Jeremy didn't seem to mind as he ran along with Erik towards it.

Shadow and Foxy walked away together too. Shadow was talking, rambling about something he liked most likely, but once again, Foxy didn't seem to mind. He seemed to enjoy Shadow's rambling actually. Good to see both found someone that loves them as much as they do.
The only one I didn't see leaving, were Mike and my dad, so I looked around, and found both of them a few meters away from were I stood.
I couldn't help but listen in on their conversation.

"Why are you still here Mike? Don't you want to go do something fun?"
"I do, I was just thinking about what I can do on my own"
"Why alone? No one minds having you tag along with them"
"I know, but I don't want to ruin their alone time. Quite some of them don't really get that, so I don't want to take it away from them"
"That's very kind of you..." Dad was saying as Springtrap got my attention again.

"What ch'a looking at?"
"Dad and Mike interacting. Mike is alone because he doesn't want to ruin the alone time of the others"
"I wouldn't mind Mike tagging along with us" Spring said after a couple of seconds of silence.
"Nor do I, but it seems like he is tagging along with my dad. So it's just the two of us this evening" I said as I saw Mike and dad laughing together, taking it as a sign that we didn't need to worry about them.

Even though it was Spring, it was still getting dark fairly early. Spring noticed too as I was watching the colours of the sky change from a light blue, to an orange-yellowish look.
"Follow me" Springtrap said as he beckoned me to follow him.
I did as told, and followed him towards the park.

But instead of going inside, he lead me towards a hill a couple meters away from the side of the park.
I tilted my head as I looked over at him, as I did not understand why he brought me to this place.
"Why are we here? I like it, it's really nice, but I'm curious as to why this is the spot you wanted to take me to"
"During the play you said that you were interested in the more romantic things, and I can't really think of a more romantic time than at sunset" Spring said as he mentioned at the sun that was standing pretty low by now.
"Fair enough" I said as I sat down on top of the hill.

Springtrap sat down next to me.
"So... How has your life been?" He said as he laid his head on my shoulder.
"Fairly good. I mean, I wasn't able to see you, but otherwise I don't have anything I can really complain about" I said with a shrug.
"That sounds like there is still something you could complain about, just not something massive. You can tell me if you want to" Spring told me as he sneaked his arms around me for a hug.

"Eh, just mother being a herself really... And Shadow being a typical older brother" I said, thinking about how Shadow likes to irritate me and Goldie.
"But Goldie and I both know he does it because he loves us. He's just trying to annoy us, we're kinda used to it by now"
"Annoying your siblings is part of being them. Just look at Brian, he loves to annoy all of us"
"Yeah, I remember that" I said with a laugh, thinking back at the time we fell asleep together and Brian waking us up.

We both fell silent as we watched the sun go down. During it, I put my arms around Springtrap and pulled him a bit closer to me.
"It's beautiful here during sunset. Thank you for bringing me here" I said as I laid my head on his chest because of the height difference.
"No problem, I'm happy you like it" He said as he laid his head on top of mine, making me feel more secure that before.
We once again fell silent as we were just watching the sunset, and enjoying each other's presence.

"I love you, you know that?" Springtrap asked suddenly.
"I sure hope so. I'm not looking forward to a one-sided love story" I said with a small laugh.
"Nor do I" He said with a yawn at the end.
"Is someone sleepy?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"What? Me? Sleepy? Never" He said, letting go of me.
"It's okay to be. I know it's not exactly relaxing to meet your boyfriends parents. I've been there too"
"But my mom is really sweet. There was nothing to worry about with her. She loved you before you two even met"
"So my dad isn't nice? Well, you're lucky I won't tell him that"

"No, your dad is really nice and kind too. It's just..." Springtrap said as he was looking for words.
"You're royalty, one of the princes of this kingdom" He said with great hand gestures about how great I am.
"And me? I'm just a simple farmers boy. Basically a nobody" He said as he huddled in on himself.
"You're not a nobody!" I yelled out, scaring some nearby birds.

"Yes, you may not be of a higher class as I am, but you should have known that I really don't care about that" I said, trying to cheer Springtrap up a bit.
"Besides, if you're really a nobody, then why did Mike tell me so much about you? Even long before I knew you. I don't think he'd talk so high about you if you're really as much of a nobody as you think you are"
"Alright, I'm not a nobody then. I'm still not nearly as pretty as everyone else"
"So? Foxy ain't the prettiest either after all the battles he's been to. But Shadow still loves him the same as the day he first laid eyes upon Foxy. Same goes from me to you, whether you have both ears, or one and a half" I said as I softly petted Springtraps broken ear.

He was laying down to let all my compliments sink in. I decided to join him, and laid down next to him.
It was getting colder now that the sun was gone, so I curled into Springtraps arms.
"I love you, a lot" Springtrap said as he hugged me, and pulled me closer to him.
"I love you a lot too" I said, meaning every last word.

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