(56) Preparations

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Shade POV

The wedding and coronation was about to start in a few hours, and Goldie was really worried about how well all would go.
"Calm down Goldie, everything will be alright" I said, laying my hand on his shoulder, but it didn't seem to help him calm down.
"But what if mom doesn't accept and she blows the whole thing off?" Goldie asked in a panicked voice.
"Didn't she make a rule that the moment the crown prince gets married he'll automatically will be king?"

"She did. Neither of you have something to fear" Fredbear said.
"The moment the wedding official will let on that two males are getting married, you'll be king already" He said, giving Goldie a reassuring hug.
"But still..."
"Do I need to get your brothers to give you the speech again of why you would make for a great king?" I asked Goldie.

"No. That's not the part I'm worried about. Not anymore" Goldie answered.
"I'm just worried about mother and her reaction to us"
"We'll be here for you, no matter how she responds" Fredbear said, waving over to me to join the hugs.
"Yeah. And I'm sure the same goes for your brothers" I said, giving Goldie a hug too.

At that moment Mike came into the throne room.
"Shade. Your parents have arrived, and the princesses are here to help you get into your dress" Mike told me.
"Alright. Could you please tell them I'll come in a few minutes? I need to calm Goldie down a bit" I said, still hugging Goldie.
"Do I need to get his brothers?" He seemed to ask both me and Fredbear.
"No thank you Mike. I'll be fine in a moment" Goldie responded.

"Alright, good luck" Mike said before he closed the door behind him as he went to help the others with setting the wedding.
Goldie and I stayed in a silent hug for a few more minutes, until I noticed that his breathing and heartbeat was back to normal again.
"Thanks, I'm fine now" Goldie said as he let go from the hug.
"Then I'll be off to get ready, see you later" I said before I gave him a quick kiss, and walked towards 'my' room for the dress.

They had turned one of the guest rooms into one for me to stay in for the time being. How and where we would be staying was still up in the air, but it wasn't like there's not enough room for me to be here too. After a bit of walking, I finally arrived at my room, and saw Fred and TiChi chatting outside of it. But they soon noticed me.
"Shade! You're here!" TiChi said excitedly.
"Come! Come! We gotta get you ready!" She said, taking my wrist and practically dragging me inside.

"Welp, that's my que to leave I guess" Fred said with a smile.
"Good luck! I'll see you all later!" He yelled as he walked away, probably to go help the others.
Once inside the room, I saw Chica and Amy too. They already had the dress laying on the bed, but were confused over some of the other parts.
"Hey Shade!" They welcomed, holding up the skirt part of my dress.

"Good that you're here, we were getting a bit clueless about your dress. If you can even call it that..."
I laughed a bit at that.
"Because I don't really feel comfortable in a dress, I got a jumpsuit" I said, holding the large part up.
"But... We still have to deal with the queen, so we had to get something that gives the idea of a dress. So our consultant had the great idea of also having an overskirt to go along with it" I said, now holding up the skirt.

"And, why do you need our help with this?" Amy asked.
"Because one, we have to create the idea of it being an actual one piece dress. And two, I would really like some help anyway"
"Yeah, the back is really extravagant, so I get why you wouldn't be able to do that by yourself" Chica said, holding it up.
"It is really pretty though" TiChi said, wowing at the sight.
"Thanks, I think so too" I responded with a smile.

"Girls! We gotta get Shade ready, let's do this!" Amy yelled, getting everyone's attention.
"TiChi, you start on his make-up. Chica, you know how to do his hair, so that's going to be your task"
"What about you then?" TiChi asked.
"I have bought some jewellery that would fit him very well, and make him the prettiest bride ever seen!"

"Yeah, I'd doubt that..." I said, now becoming more and more nervous now that it was really going to happen.
"Yes you will!" The girls yelled towards me, making me smile a bit.
"There's no backing down now, everyone is getting the last few things ready" Chica told me.
"Yeah, and right now that we got everyone in a good colour palette" Amy joined.
"Especially Shadow. He did not want to wear Orange..." Chica finished.

"But most importantly, you love the guy you're marrying! And he loved you a goddamn lot too" TiChi said, reminding me why I did want to do this.
"Yeah, you're right. Thanks" I said, giving her a hug.
"But Amy is right, we should probably get started"

And as planned out, they started their tasks. Chica quickly put my hair in a bun, so TiChi could do all the make-up without my hair accidentally getting in the way.
Now that there was some time to chat during the task, I had to know about Shadow.
"So, you said that you guys actually got Shadow to wear the Orange suits we had thought of for the guys?" I asked, knowing how against anything other than a dark colour, Shadow could be.

"Yeah! We actually got him to agree on wearing it!" TiChi chirped as she was applying some eyeshadow.
"Keep your eyes closed" She hissed in between.
"It was hard to get him to agree, but we somehow managed"
"And what payment did you guys promise him? I know he wouldn't agree just like that"

"You'd have to ask Foxy that. He talked with Shadow, and afterwards Shadow agreed to wear it"
"Ah" I said, knowing enough.
"And... I'm done! You can open your eyes again" TiChi said, standing proudly with the make-up brush in her hand.
"My turn now!" Chica said as she grabbed the brush and came over.

And it was over sooner than expected. She has brushed my hair until it was completely untangled, and made a small braid from the sides of my head, that joined at the back of it.
"Alright, let's get this thing on before we put on your jewellery" Amy said as she took the jumpsuit from the bed.
And this too, was done very fast. There were a few hiccups when it came to the back, because they all wanted to help, but three was a bit too much. But we got in on me eventually.

"Alright! Let's make the finishing touches!" Amy said when it was on, holding out all kinds of jewellery.

Sorry for the long wait, my inspiration is not working that well.
Hopefully it'll start up again, but keep in mind that updates might not go as fast as they once were.

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