(50) Way back home

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Fred POV

"So... How's it going between you and Jeremy, hmm?" Mike asked Erik once Jeremy and Springtrap left.
"O-oh well, you know..." Erik said, having lost his usual confidence for a moment.
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you"
"It's going quite good between us?..."

"O, it's going good between those two" Shadow said.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I think that that is something Erik should tell you himself"
Mike turned to look at Erik, who was stammering on what to say to Mike.

"Well... You see... Jeremy and I are... dating, please don't kill me" Erik said hesitantly, but was talking fast at the end.
"Why would I hurt you? You're one of my friends. Besides, if you and Jeremy are happy together, I don't see why I should interfere with relationship" Mike said, shrugging a bit as he explained.
"But if you hurt Jeremy, I will have a reason to hurt you" He said, suddenly a lot scarier than a second ago.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt him. Or at least, not on purpose. You know that I can be a little rough sometimes"

"Yeah, I know. But Jeremy can have that, it's more the emotional pain I'm worried for with him"
"I'll do my best to not hurt him emotionally"
"Good, cause if you break his heart emotionally, I will break yours physically"
"Mike, I know you're just protecting your little brother, but please don't threaten your colleague" Dad told him.

"Yes sir. But as an older sibling, you have to make it clear to the partner of the younger one that they should not play around with them"
"I don't think any of my children did that. Did any of you?"
"I didn't threaten anyone. Heck, I was the wingman of one of them. I don't think Goldie did either"
"Shadow did though" Shade said.

Shadow whipped his head towards Shade once he said that.
"Nothing too bad, but still. And yes, he has done that to both me and Springtrap"
"God dammit" I whispered, putting my hand of my face.
"Like he wasn't insecure about his relationship with Fred anyway..." Mike said.

"O? How so?" Foxy asked.
"He loved Fred deeply, he really does. But he is really insecure about his own appearance, and thinks that Fred could very easily get someone better looking"
"He could, but knowing Fred he doesn't want anyone else" Erik said.
"I don't want anyone else than him. So even if I could get someone else, doesn't mean I will or am going to" I said.

"And the fact that Fred is a prince, the prince of his kingdom non the less, isn't helping that view at all" Mike told us.
"Fair points. But all I get from it, is that Fred just has to show Spring how much he loves him, and wants only him" Shade said.
"I'm not going to ask him to marry me. Or well, at least not yet. It would be a bit too soon for that"
"Good. Two weddings are a bit too much anyway" Dad said.

"Damnit. Then our wedding has to wait, doesn't it Foxy?" Shadow said.
"Wait what? You asked Foxy to be your husband?" Both Shade and Erik asked.
"He asked me with a ring pop. He only tried to embarrass me" Foxy said as he was facepalming from shame.
"Again?" I asked.

"Ho, wait what? He has done this before?" Shade asked.
"He did, a couple of times even" I said.
"And he's not going to stop anytime soon" Shadow said proudly.
"I'm so sorry Foxy, but I can't really stop him from doing that" Dad said, apologising to Foxy.
"It's not that big of a deal. I still love him anyway" foxy said as he opened the gates of the castle for us.

"But if you ever hurt him" Goldie said sleepily, pointing a finger at Foxy.
"I won't. I'm a guard, I'll protect him, and all of his loved ones too" Foxy said as he reacted to Goldie.
"Good" Goldie said as he got of off dad's back.
"I don't know if any of you had other plans for the rest of this evening, but I'm going to bed" He said as he walked over to his room.

"Before you go, I need you and Shade to inform Scott about the wedding, so he can do part of his job"
"I suppose I can do that before I collapse from sleep" Goldie said as he turned back around and walked over to Shade.
At that moment Scott came into the room.
"O, You're all back again, good. How was your evening?"

"Good. I got to know a bit more about my in laws, and one of them even proposed" Dad told Scott.
"O? Who are the happy couple?" Scott asked, looking over at us.
"That would be us" Shade said, keeping Goldie up at this point.
"About that, would you be so kind to make sure that the whole kingdom will know about the new wedding. With you know, them automatically becoming the new rulers of the kingdom and all" Dad asked Scott.

"Alright, I'll make things ready to do that" Scott answered dad.
"May I remind you that tomorrow we're also going to start your preparations to become king one day?" Scott reminded Goldie.
"O-oh, yeah, I knew that. I guess I'll see you tomorrow for that then"
"I'll see you tomorrow indeed. Goodnight sir. To all of you a good night too" Scott said as he bowed to all of us.

"Same to you" Goldie said as he waved at Scott.
"Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to bed" He said, turning towards his room.
"Good night" I said
"Sleep tight" Mike
"Don't let the bed bugs bite" Shadow said.

"Thanks for the mental image. I'll see you tomorrow"
"If you turn around right now, you'll still be able to see me today"
"Shadow... Just let Goldie go to bed" I said, barely containing my laughter.
"Alright. Good night Goldie, see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" Goldie said as he walked intohis room, with Shade following him while them both waved at us.

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