(28) A new servant

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Back to Fred POV

It was now 2 weeks since Freddy left with Bonnie and Bon. I had gotten a new personal servant because Bon was now gone. Or well... He would arrive today. Goldie, Shadow and I had insisted on being able to take care of ourselves, but mother wasn't having any of it. She insisted on us having our own personal servant because 'that's how it's supposed to be'. And wanted us to use him to his full potential. But dad knew about the way we had treated Bonnie and Bon, and was encouraging us to treat the new servant the same way as we treated the Bunny's.

"I hope he's nice and not homophobic" Goldie said as we were walking around in the castle.
"I sure hope so. What would we do anyway if he turns out to be homophobic?" I asked.
"Probably get him executed" Shadow answered.
"We're not going to do that!" Goldie yelled.

"Why not? If he turns out to be homophobic, I don't want him near me"
"That's still no reason to get him killed!"
"I don't mean like that, I meant as in getting him out of the castle, not dead. Necessarily..."
"We're not killing anyone, let's just agree on that, alright?" I said.

"No one's getting killed" Goldie agreed.
"Alright... We're not killing anyone..." Shadow replied reluctantly.
"Eh, it's the best I'm going to get from you right now" I said as I turned a corner.
"O, there you are darlings! You're right on time, your new servant has just arrived" Mother said, shooing us towards the throne room.

All three of us walked behind her to the throne room. Once we were inside, we were instructed to sit down on our own throne. It was still a weird view. Seeing two big thrones next to each other, and tree smaller ones next to it, instead of four like they were supposed to be. Mother insisted on Freddy's throne to be removed as fast as possible. In the time span of one week, it was hard to find evidence of Freddy ever having lived inside these castle walls.

Someone knocked at the doors of the room.
"Come in" Mother responded.
Mike came in, followed by a boy, who could only be a few years older that we were.
"The new servant has arrived" Mike said as he bowed for mother.

"Darlings, meet your new servant, Erik" Mother said, waving off at the boy in front of us.
He had a genuine smile that he showed us when we looked at him.
"It will be a pleasure to work for you my majesties" Erik said and he bowed for us.
"What a gentlemen" Mother said, clearly pleased by Erik's good manners.

"He's the only one that passed all the tests, so he is your shared personal servant. I trust you three to use him to his full potential" Mother said.
I slightly winced at what she said. How could she say something like that while he's standing in front of us? He's just a human, not a machine that works on battery's.
"You may all be excused" Mother said to all of us.
We stood up and walked over to Erik and told him to follow us.

Erik followed us, looking up at the walls and it's decorations.
"Enjoying the view?" Shadow asked with a slight seductive voice.
"Enjoying which view? The beautiful decorations of this castle or the cute couple that's walking in front of me?" He fired back.
"Finally someone who gets it" Mike muttered.

"To who's room are we walking anyway?"
"Mine" I said in a 'I call dibs' kind of tone.
"Is there something I need to help with?" Erik asked.
"No, or at least not yet. We just got to teach you some of our rules, but we like to teach you in private" Shadow said.

Erik stood still once Shadow said that. I turned around and saw him with a scared expression. Mike saw it too.
"There's nothing to worry about, all of the princes are pretty chill to the staff" Mike said.
"He's right. I mean, I'm the boyfriend of one" Shadow said.
"And you're here because our oldest brother ran away with our last personal servants" Goldie said.

"Servants?" Erik asked.
"Yeah, Freddy seduced two servants instead of one" I said.
"Oh, so it's normal for the royals to seduce the staff?" Erik asked in a joking tone.
"No, only Freddy and Shadow are like that. Goldie fell for another royal, and Fred fell for someone in the village" Mike said.

"We're here" I said, stopping in front of my room.
I opened the door and let everyone in.
"Go sit wherever you want" I said to Erik.
He went to sit on the side of my bed.

"So... What did you want to talk about with me?" Erik asked.
"What did mother teach you?" Shadow asked.
"You call any of you either sir, or your majesty"
"Well, when you're around any of us and mother isn't near, you can call us by our names"

"And we go into town quite regularly, so if you want to join, you're more than welcome"
"That would be amazing!" Erik said with bright eyes.
"And for the rest, you can just act normal around us. We're not so keen on being royal, but you probably already knew that"
"What? No, I didn't notice that at all" Erik said with an over-dramatic voice.

Everyone stayed in my room for a couple of hours in order to get to know the others.

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