(2) Who do you like?

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"Well, I suspect that Shadow is in love with one of the guards, particular the one that guards his door"
"Which one of them?" TiChi asked, rolling over so she was laying on her stomach, still looking at me.
"The one with red hair and fox ears, his name is Foxy"
"He's good looking not gonna lie"
"He's taken. If Shadow ever has the courage" I said, laughing a bit.
"O no need to worry, I like girls. Yay, I'm gay" She said giggling.
"Me too, high-five!" I said. Luckily she high-fived back.

"But who do the others have an eye on?" She asked, getting back to the subject that we were discussing.
"I think that Goldie is our only hope on getting the throne"
"He doesn't like Chica that much, but he seems to like Shade quite a lot"
"I ship it. They would be a cute couple. And better than the ones that are here now"
"And I think Freddy likes two boys. Both being our servants"

"O, really?" TiChi asked, full of non-believe.
"Yes, I think he likes Bonnie and Bon"
"Isn't Bon your personal servant?"
"Yes, but he works better when he's happy, and he's happy when he has visited Freddy. Same goes for Freddy. And in order to keep both of them out of trouble, I make Bon retrieve or bring stuff from or to Freddy"
"That's really nice of you. But have you ever asked Bon if he likes Freddy?"

"I haven't" I said, realizing that I never had this confirmed.
"Then go ask him!" TiChi said, poking my side.
"Alright, alright, I'll ask him" I said, getting up to call Bon.
In less that a minute Bon knocked at my door.
"That was fast Bon. New record maybe?" I said, closing the door behind him.
"O, it was nothing sir" He said, his heavy breathing was audible, but I didn't go against him about that.

"How many times have I asked you to call me Fred, instead of sir. And please sit down"
He just eyed me and looked at TiChi next.
"I don't mind sweetheart, please sit down, Fred just wants to take care of you as much as he can"
"But I'm supposed to take care of him miss"
"Bon, sit. And don't call us sir and miss. Our names are Fred and TiChi" I said, more a an order than an request.
He finally sat down, even if it was on the little stool, instead on the bed, where we both wanted him to sit.

"You can come sit on the bed with us" TiChi said, patting next to her on the bed.
"R-really?" Bon asked, full of disbelieve. TiChi and I both nodded.
"My parents asked you to do a couple of things for them, didn't they?" I asked Bon when he sat down on the bed.
"Yes, they did. I'm sorry" He said, his bunny ears hanging on the side of his head.
"Hey, no need to be sad. If you answer my next question honestly, you can go see Freddy, alright?"
His ears perked up by the mention of Freddy's name.

"Do you like Freddy? As in, do you love Freddy?"
His eyes showed fear, and his ears immediately went back down.
"Please, answer honestly, I won't tell my parents" I said, hoping to give him courage to answer me honestly.
He gulped before speaking again.
"Y-yes, I do like him that way" He said softly, rubbing his arm.

"I'll go grab my things so I'll be gone as soon as possible" He said, getting up.
But we weren't letting him go like that. So he got pulled back onto the bed again.
"You're not going anywhere" I said.
His eyes showed real fear now. He probably thought that I would get him banned right now.

"I'm not going to report you. You're going to deliver something for me instead" I said, getting over to my table, picking up a black sheet and a pencil and writing something down.
"Here, I need you to deliver this to Freddy, I need an answer back and I need you to bring it back to me"
I said formally, giving him the piece of paper.
Bon was nearly in tears from my kindness and did something I didn't expect, but didn't mind at all. He hugged me.

"Thank you" He said softly.
"Hey, someone has to make sure that a ship happens. It's a hard task, but somebody has to do it" I said.
"I do need you to bring Bonnie back too, he needs to answer this question too"
"He would have the same answer as me, I talked to him about Freddy"
"Give me back the paper, I need to correct something"
"What do you need to correct?" TiChi asked.

"That not one, but both of his cruches like him back" I said smiling.
"Here, go deliver this. I do need you and Bonnie to act like nothing happened, since my parents may not know"
"Of course. And again, thanks Fred" He said, before opening the door and walking towards Freddy's room.
"Now, back to our topic. We know about the cruches of your brothers, but what about yours?" TiChi asked.
I walked to the window and looked outside. I had an amazing view over the city that our castle was in.
"Come stand next to me, I'll show you. If he's outside, at least" I said, looking for the boy that I liked.
Luckily I spotted him.

"Over there. A greenish bunny. Working in the carrot fields" I said, pointing at the boy.
TiChi followed my finger, and saw him too.
"He's adorably. I hope you get to speak to him sometime"
"I hope so too. I have seen him many times now. I have to resist the urge to just run out of the castle and visit him"
I was looking at him, not focusing on what TiChi said, because one way or another, he was looking back at me.
This was the first time we locked eyes. I kindly waved at him, and he waved back.
The moment I realized he waved back, I began to blush.

"Hey, what's wrong?" TiChi asked me.
"H-he waved back" I said, turning back to her.
I heard her giggle because of my actions.
I wanted to say something, but someone knocked at my door.
"Yes? You can come in" I said to the person at the other side of the door.
When the door opened Freddy stormed in.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He repeated, giving me one of his bearhugs, nocking me over in the process.
"Hey, no problem big bro. That's what brothers are for" I said, returning the hug.

"O, and lunch is ready" He said, letting me go.
"We'll be coming, I need to talk to Fred first" TiChi said, shoeing Freddy away.
"Alright, I'll tell mother and father that you two will arrive in a couple of minutes" Freddy said, and walked away.
"What did you want to talk about with me?" I said, standing up and turning towards TiChi.
"About the cruches of your brothers. I want to help you to get them together"
"Really? That would be amazing!"
"Yes, really. I want those ships to happen" She said, jumping up and down.

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