(22) A royal secret

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The bear in this picture is the king, not Goldie

Goldie POV

"How dare you! We searched all nearby kingdoms for the perfect brides for you! How dare you say that we didn't do a good job!" Our mother yelled.
"I never said you didn't do a good job. I just don't think of Chica as my future bride" I said, backing away a little.
Mother started to get mad. But father stopped her from lashing out at me.
"I don't think this is all he has to say dear. Please calm down and let him tell the rest of his story" Father said.

"Please continue, Goldie"
"Like I said... I don't like Chica the way you wanted me to. But she already knows, and she felt the same. But you did do a good job with picking out brides for us, because I fell for Shade instead" I said, getting nervous.
"And I love him too" Shade said, taking my hand in his.
Or better said, her. Because my parents didn't know, and shouldn't know right now either.

"See darling? This isn't so bad now, is it?" Father said.
"What about Shadow?" Mother asked, clearly unhappy.
This caused my father to let out an irritatable sigh. But mother didn't notice.
"He knew that I loved Shade more than he does, and is happy that we love each other" I said, getting confidence from having Shade next to me.
"Well, I suppose that this is indeed not as bad as I thought at first" Mother said, calming down a bit.

"You may be dismissed. I'll be in the kings and queens suite if you need me. I need some time to let this sink in" Mother said, and stood up.
Mother walked out of the room, and I wanted to do the same, but father called me back.
"Hey kid, what you just did was very brave of you" He said, giving me a pat on the back.
"Um, thanks?" I said, not knowing how else to respond.

"And I agree with the choice of not telling your mother that Shade is transgender" He said.
"How do you know? Ehm, sir" Shade asked in shock.
"Your parents told me, but not my wife, which I asked them to not tell her either" Father answered Shades question.
"So, if you know... Do you accept us to be together?" I asked, hoping he would be fine with us.

"All I ever wanted when you were born was for you to be happy. And that's still all I want for you. So to answer your question, yes I accept and approve of your relationship" He said, giving me and Shade a hug.
"I'm not as homophobic as your mother is. Heck, if I was I would be quite the hypocrite" He said, laughing to himself a bit.
"Wait. What?" I asked, breaking out of the hug.
"I'm bisexual. And had quite the cruch on a boy when I was younger. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to date him"

"Was there more to the story than just both of you having the same gender?" Shade asked.
"He was a simple boy from the town near my old castle. Forbidden love on two different sides"
Shade and I looked at each other, and probably had the same thought.
Father's story sounded a lot like the one of Spring and Fred.

"But please. Let's keep this a secret that's between the three of us, alright?"
Shade and I nodded.
"We'll keep this our little secret" I promised.
"Even though I really want to tell the others. I will keep it a secret too" Shade said.

"O, and I have one more thing Goldie"
"When your mother is not around, you can call me dad instead of father" He said, ruffling my hair.
"Hey, Freddy already did that today!" I said, getting out of his range.
He just laughed and gave me an apology.

"I just have to say one thing about all of this to you about this, dad" I said, trying to call him dad instead of father.
"That is?"
"Just be sure to accept all you kids the way you accepted us. Because I'm not the only one that likes someone from the same gender"
"How many?" He asked, getting a little suspicious.

"All four of them" Shade answered and walked out of the room with me.
"Geez. All four of you have inherited my genes" Dad said before we were out of the room.
"Sexuality is not inherited, sir" Mike said, which made my dad look at him with shock.
"You keep this a secret too, alright" Dad said with a stern voice to Mike.

"Of course sir. I will keep your secret the same way I kept, and will keep their secret"
"Wait. He knew about you?"
"He knows about my brothers as well. He's one of the most trustworthy guards around"
"Damn, then you won't tell me about my kids crushes either" Dad said.

Now he was getting to Mike. Mike looked at me for permission.
"I'm sure Fred won't mind when you give dad a little hint"
Now it was dads turn to be confused. He looked form Mike to me, and back to Mike again.
"Let's just say... Your story is very similar to Fred's right now" Mike said.

"Then I'm going to do my best to make sure he can marry the boy he likes, and not end up in a forced marriage like I did" Dad said.

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