(5) Going to town? Can I join?

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When the show was over, Foxy and I received a compliment from an old lady.
"You two are so cute together" She said.
"Thanks, but we aren't a couple, we're just good friends and he was really tired" I said, not wanting people to think that Foxy was my boyfriend.
"O, I'm sorry" She said.

"Don't be ma'am. It's good to know that we have some support from someone" I said, being thankful that she at least supports gay people.
"O, so you're both gay, but not together?" She asked.
"No, Foxy here is in love with my brother. So I wouldn't dare to date him. I like to stay alive"
She giggled from my response. Good to know I made someone laugh today, so I smiled back to her.
Foxy had left to go to the toilet and came back.

"Fred, what's going on?" He asked.
"This nice lady had complimented us. But I told her that we indeed are gay, but not a couple"
"Hey, at least it's some support" He said, shrugging a bit.
"Would you two be so kind to meet my son? He's gay too, but doesn't feel accepted by his friends. I think it would be nice for him to know that he isn't the only one"

"Erm, we're waiting for a friend, so we can't leave this room" I said, looking at the stage.
"But if you could bring him here, that would be great" I said, turning back to the lady.
"O, but of course dear, in fact, he's coming right now" she said, looking over my shoulder.
I looked behind me to see Springtrap and TiChi walking over to us.
"Hi mom. What is it? They wanted me to give a tour of the place to some kids" Springtrap said to the lady.

"Are they talking about us?" Foxy softly asked me.
I just shrugged in response.
"O great, you already found the people you need to show around" the brown haired male from before said.
He walked across the stage, looking at all of us, but disappeared as quick as he had appeared.
Springtrap just looked at us, slightly embarrassed. Probably for calling us a bunch of kids.

"Non taken, I'm used to being called a kid" I said, not even lying about it, my brothers love to call me a little kid.
"O, how so dear?" Springtraps mother asked.
"I have three older brothers and they call me a little kid quite a lot. Another name is little brother, but I am"
"It's better that being one of the oldest. They have to take all the responsibilities" Springtrap said.
"Like being the only child is any better" TiChi said.

"What about having a sibling, but not knowing where she is?" foxy said, a hint of sadness in his voice.
"You have a sister? I never knew you had any siblings" I said.
"Yes, I have, I just don't know where she is. I'll tell what happened to us another time" He said with his ears drooping on the side of his head and on the edge of crying.
Apparently TiChi, Springtrap and I had the same idea. To give foxy a hug.

"Heh, thank you guys" He said, hugging us back.
After a minute or so we let go of each other.
"Now, where is this promised tour?" Foxy said, standing up.
"Follow me and I will give you a tour of this place"

~After the tour~

"We should be going now, if we still want to look around the town" Foxy said.
"Yeah, we should. Bye!" I said, waving at Springtrap and the other actors.
"thank you so much for letting me perform with you guys" TiChi said.
"No problem. And if you ever want to start an acting career, or just want to act again, you'll know where to find us" The brown haired boy from before said.
"O, I will come back" TiChi said, before turning around towards me and Foxy so we could leave.

We were walking down the road from the theater to the rest of the town, when we hear someone running towards us. Foxy was the first to notice, and pulled his sword out from, I don't even know where, and stood protectively in front of me and TiChi. But just as soon as he pulled his sword, he let it down again.
It came to a halt once it saw Foxy's sword, and revealed itself to be Springtrap.

"O, it's just you Springtrap, I'm sorry, I thought you were a threat to Fred and TiChi"
"None taken, you were just doing your job. I was running towards you three with quite some speed" Springtrap chuckled.
God, I love that boy. Even though I don't know him that well... I do hope that that can change soon.

"I just wanted to know... Will I see you again Fred?" Springtrap said, looking directly into my eyes.
"And the two of you too of course" He said once he realized he was forgetting that we weren't alone.
"You will definitely see me again. I just don't know when, my parent can be quite the strict type of parents"
"Quite? Mate, you and your brothers aren't even allowed outside the castle without at least one guard. And then I'm still talking about the castle grounds" Foxy said.
"Yeah, alright. They are about as strict as they can be. We aren't even supposed to be here without letting everyone know"

"Sounds like you're locked up in that giant castle of yours" Springtrap said.
"Pretty much. That's why we wanted to come to the town, without my parents for once"
"If you're not heading back to the castle yet... Would it be alright if I showed you around town?"
"We would like to. And Fred here would love to" Foxy said, elbowing me.
"Of course he would love that. Would you just like it if Shadow wanted to show you the castle and its secrets?" TiChi asked Foxy.
"No... I would love that" He said embarrassed.
Springtrap and I giggled at the little 'fight' Foxy and TiChi had, but were silent again once they noticed.

"So... Where do you want to go first?" Springtrap asked.
At that moment Foxy's stomach began to growl. It wasn't unusual for him to not eat breakfast, so I guess he didn't eat breakfast today.
"A place to eat it is" Springtrap said.
"Anything you like to eat? There are some good restaurants nearby... Or I could bring you to a café where they make really good sandwiches"

"Well... It is supposed to be a date, so why not arestaurant?" TiChi proposed.
"Follow me, there is a really good restaurant down this street. It is quite expansive though, so I don't know if it's really as good as they say it is" Springtrap said.
"Well let's find out, shall we?" I said, already walking down the road we were standing on.
Springtrap powerwalked towards me, so he could walk beside me, while Foxy and TiChi walked behind us.

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