(29) Secret Santa

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I was sleeping peacefully, when Erik decided to wake me up. But not by yelling, by softy shaking me to wake up.
"Fred, wake up. We need your help with decorating"
"Give me a few more minutes" I said as I turned around.
"Fred, get out of bed if you want to decorate the tree with us" Shadow said.

"I'm coming. Just let me get dressed" I said as I got out of bed.
"Alright, I'll be decorating near my room if you need me"
"Good luck decorating" Shadow and I said as Erik walked away.
"Are we decorating first? Or does mother want to do the secret Santa first?" I asked.

"I think that mother wants to do the secret Santa before we're allowed to decorate"
"That way she can go shopping while we are decorating. It's not like she has ever done it otherwise"
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go" I said as I finished dressing myself.
Shadow grabbed my hand as he dragged me along until we were at the throne room. Once we there, we saw our parents and Goldie ready to start. But we had slightly different plans than mother had.

"Yes dear?"
"Don't you think that 5 people is a little small for an activity like this?"
"You are right dear. That's why your brides are joining us this year too"

"We were more thinking about some of the staff..." I said.
"And why would we do that?"
"To show them how much we appreciate them" Goldie said.
"I like both of your ideas" Dad said.

"Why don't we celebrate Christmas this year with the brides and some of the staff?"
"And who were you thinking of when you say 'some of the staff'?" Mother asked.
"Mike, Foxy and Erik" I said.
"They did do a good job this year. I agree with showing them how much we appreciate all them did for us" Dad said.

"Alright. If this is what you really want, I guess we can let them join us this year"
"But, you three are in charge of letting them know"
"We will!" I yelled as were we basically already out of the room.
"Come on! I last saw hem near their rooms" Shadow said as he ran through the halls of the castle.

We arrived a few minutes later, me and Goldie walking while Shadow was already talking to Foxy.
"Good morning Fred. Good morning Goldie" Erik said as he walked towards us while holding a box with decorations.
"What are you doing here? Is there something?" He asked.
At that moment Mike walked out of his room, clearly just woken up.

"Erik. What are you doing?" A sleepy Mike asked.
"Decorating for Christmas" Erik replied.
"Why are you decorating at..." Mike said as he leaned backwards to look at the time.
"10 AM... Never mind, keep doing what you're doing. I'll come and help you once I'm dressed" He said and went back into his room.

"Do you need help with something?" I asked.
"If you could hand me the fairy lights, that would be great"
I grabbed the fairy lights and gave them to Erik, who hung them above Mike's door.
After making the corridor look more Christmas-like, Mike came out of his room.

"Wow, you did a good job Erik. I can't remember it being so beautiful since... Well, that doesn't matter. It's amazing"
"Yeah, he made the castle look absolutely stunning each and every year" Goldie said with a smile.
"Who are you talking about?"
"Fritz. He was a cook when he worked here, but a few years ago he ran away with a royalty from a different place"

Erik wanted to say something, but Shadow didn't notice, and told them why we were here in the first place.
"But that wasn't what we came for. We actually want to ask you guys to join us with our secret Santa"
"That sounds amazing!" Erik said.
"Wait, for real? What did the queen say about this?" Mike asked.

"She said she was fine with it. Although I think she agreed more to make us shut up then because she agreed"
"Hey Erik, you wanted to say something before Shadow asked if you wanted to join us?" Goldie asked Erik.
"Yeah, but it's no big deal" Erik said, waving it off.
"But shouldn't we get to the other so we can get started?"

We came back with the staff and to our surprise, all of the brides were here now too.
"Thank you all for coming. It seems that we are doing our secret Santa with all of you this year" Mother told us.
"I already made a piece of paper with your name, so all we got to do now is pick a name" Dad said, holding a box with a couple of pieces of paper in them.
We all took a piece of paper out of the box. Both Mike and Goldie had to get a differ one, because they had themselves the first time, but eventually everyone had someone for secret Santa.

"Now, scatter off and go get something for your person" Dad said as he dismissed all of us.

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