(32) Perfect presents (the others)

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A/N I didn't have enough idea's to give them their own chapters, but I really wanted to give them their own moment in the spotlight. So here, have this chapter of how Christmas shopping went with all the others.


I had gotten Erik. It was one of the ones I hoped I would get. You see, he's the son of one of the staff of my castle, so Kevin and I knew him very well. I was thinking of something with a lot of rainbows, but I decided to tone it down a bit. I don't want the queen to be mad at him for having that. So I decided to go get him a pair of slim fitted jeans. Preferably with a hint of glitter in them if I could find it. I was currently walking with Chica and TiChi, because Chica said she had to go to the clothing store too.

"So, who do you have Amy?" TiChi asked me.
"Why should I tell you? Shouldn't it be secret?" I asked with a sly smirk that was evident in my voice.
"Because you shouldn't know who has you. But you wanted to go with us, so it obviously isn't for one of us"
"Fair enough. I have Erik, who have you?" I said, Chica having a point.

"I have Shade. I was thinking about a set of ripped jeans for him, because that would give him that bad boy look, you know?"
"That does sound like Shade could appreciate the thought. Who do you have TiChi?" I asked.
"I have Fred, but I'm not sure what to get him"
"Maybe we can find something for him inside the clothing store too. It surely wouldn't hurt to look" Chica opted.

"That's a good idea. And if I don't find something, we can always look inside another store, right?"
"Sure, we're going Christmas shopping together. If you're joining us on our hunt for a present, we'll join you in yours" I said.
"Aww! Thanks" She said, wanting to give me a hug, but stopping herself.
"Can I give you a hug? I've never seen someone give you a hug, I'm not sure if you'd like one"
"You can hug me if you want. I won't bite" I said, opening my arms to let her get a hug.

We ended up being inside the clothing store for over an hour. But, Chica and I finally found what we were looking for.
"What do you think?" Chica said, holding up a set of black, slightly ripped jeans.
"I like it!" TiChi said.
"Me too. I think this is just enough for Shade to feel masculine, but not too much for Goldie" I said.

"Now look at what I have found for Erik" I said, showing them the set of slim fit jeans I had found.
"Wow. It's pretty..." They said in sync.
"You think it's something he'd like?" I asked, wanting reassurance
"I'm for sure he'd like it. It wouldn't surprise me if he ended up wearing it on the job" TiChi said.

"Did you find something for Fred?" Chica and I asked.
"No. I think we should look inside another place" She said.
"We'll do that"
Chica and I went to pay for the clothes. We were walking down the road, looking into some of the stores when I saw, what I thought was Foxy and Erik inside one of the stores.

Once I looked better, I saw that it was indeed them, and that Shade was there too.
"O hey, some of the boys are over here" I said.
"O, which ones?"
"Foxy, Erik and shade" I answered.

"Can you see what they're buying? Could it be something for one of us?"
At that moment I saw Foxy with an bow and arrow
"I don't think so... At least not for either of you" I said, whispering the last part.
Maybe Erik said that Foxy should get me an bow and arrow. But now that I think about it, I don't think it's for one of us. Maybe for one of the other boys.

I ended up in my own world, and didn't notice that Erik saw me looking through the window. Up until I heard his voice next to me.
"Hey Amy, how are you doing?" He asked, holding a package in his arms.
He was clearly already done with his part of the shopping.
"I'm alright. How are you? Got something for you person?" I asked, pointing at the package.

"I'm good too. You know how happy I get around Christmas. And yes, I'm done with my part of the shopping, so is Shade but Foxy had to get something very specific for his person, so we tagged along with him"
"That's very kind of you two" I said.
Erik and I ended up in such a deep conversation, that we didn't notice that our friends were finally finished too.
"We're back. I finally got something too" TiChi said with excitement.

"O, did we disturb a beginning romance?" TiChi asked once she saw me and Erik.
"No, Amy and I were just catching up" Erik said.
He was right though. I didn't feel any romantic feeling towards him. And even if I did, he's too gay to reproduce them back to me. Which I respect, you shouldn't do something you're not okay with yourself.
"What he said. Just two friends catching up over random things" I said towards the rest.

"Does everyone have a present?" Shade asked.
He was answered by a couple of "Check" and "Sure do" And "Yep"s.
"That I say we head back to the castle? I'm not sure how much time has passed, but better be early that late right?"
"Yeah, sounds like a good idea" I said.

We walked back towards the castle in one big group. But I couldn't help myself, and really wanted to know what TiChi came up with for Fred.
"Hey TiChi. What did you find for Fred?" I asked her, not audible for the others.
"I got him a pair of binoculars, that way he can look at Spring's ass from his own window" She said as it made both of us laugh.
"When the queen asks, say it's for bird watching" I said through my laughter.

"O, I thought I'd say it for looking at the bunny's in the garden. That should be enough of a hint for Fred too"
That made me wheeze really loud.
"What are you girls laughing at?" Foxy asked as he turned towards us and started walking backwards.
"Not much. You'll get why we're laughing right now once everyone has opened their presents" I said, having calmed down more than TiChi.

"Genius present idea. I'm sure he'll love it" I said to TiChi.

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