(15) Gaining courage (Goldie and Shade)

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Shade POV

"What do you want to do?" I asked once everyone else had walked away.
"I don't know, there's so much to do, so much to see" Goldie said, still taking in the theatre we stood in front of.
"I mean, I'm already amazed by this theatre, and I haven't even been inside of it"
"Do you want to just walk around and look at everything?" I asked, noticing I was becoming more and more nervous by the moment.

"Ehm, that's fine by me, but do you want to do that? You're looking a bit uncomfortable" Goldie said, looking concerned.
"I'm fine, let's just start walking, I might relax thanks to a walk" I said a bit panicked.
"Alright, but if you're still this anxious after half an hour I want to know what's really going on"

We walked in silence for a bit, until Goldie noticed I was fidgeting with my dress. O, how I hated that thing.
"I want to know what's wrong. I care about you Shade, I want you to be happy" Goldie said.
"I understand that you won't tell me plainly, no one does. But does a picnic near the lake sound good enough to tell me what's wrong?" He asked, taking my hands in his.

"It might comfort me enough" I said softly.
"Then let's go get something to eat and drink, otherwise it wouldn't be a good picnic" He said, pointing to a supermarket.
I followed him into the supermarket. It wasn't something special there, just a plain normal supermarket, but it was good enough for us.

We bought a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of ice tea.
Goldie noticed that I was looking at the fruit section, so he bought a box of strawberry's too.
"I think this is enough, don't you?" Goldie asked me, looking into our shopping cart.
"Yeah, let's go to the cash register to pay for it" I said.

Goldie walked towards one with me walking behind him. It was really calm in the supermarket, so paying and taking our stuff didn't take long at all. Luckily for Goldie I was smart enough to get a bag, so we didn't have to carry it in our hands. But because I got the bag, he insisted on carrying it. I was fine with him doing this. But near the end of our walk I started carrying it.

"What do you think of this place?" Goldie said, standing still on a place where we could see the lake, and the playground nearby.
"The view is beautiful" I said, looking out over the lake.
"Say, is that Fred and Springtrap on that swing there?" Goldie asked me, looking over at the playground.

I looked over to the playground Goldie pionted to.
"It is" I said, looking towards the playground too.
Goldie smiled at that view.
"I'm happy Fred found someone that makes him so happy"

My nervousness came back once he said that. Goldie noticed this too and once again asked me what was wrong.
I took a sandwich from the bag and took a bite before talking again. Goldie did the same with a strawberry
"How much do you like me?" I asked, still not really knowing how to tell him.
"A whole lot. Wait, no. Scrap that. I don't like you, I love you" Goldie said, looking over at me.

Well, that was something at least.
"Would you still love me if I changed?" I asked, uncertain of how he would react.
"That depends... Change how?" He asked a bit skeptical.
"If I changed... Gender..." I said, rubbing my arm and looking away from him.

"So you're asking me if I would still love you if you were a boy?" Goldie asked.
"Yes..." I said, letting my head down which caused my hair to fall in front of my face.
It was silent for a moment. I started to panic. I noticed that I started to cry a bit.
'He didn't say anything, he doesn't like me anymore'

"Hey, hey, hey, don't panic. I still love you" Goldie said, putting the strands of hair away from my face.
"I love you because of you. Not because of your gender, not because of you looks, but because of you"
Goldie noticed my tears and wiped them away with his thumbs.
I sniffled, trying to stop my tears, but it was hard, because they were happy tears now instead of sad ones.

"You don't believe me, do you?" Goldie asked, not knowing that I was crying happy tears now.
I wanted to say that I did believe he still loved me, but my voice didn't allow it.
"I will have to show you that I will love you no matter what" Goldie said before moving a bit closer to me.
He took my cheeks in his hand and kissed me. It took a few second for me to respond, but kissed him back.

"Do you believe me now?" He asked, not letting go of my face yet.
"I do. I believe you still love me" I said with a slightly raspy voice.
"Good. Now, let's go get you something more comfortable that this dress you're wearing right now" Goldie said, standing up.

He held his hand out for me to take, so I did.
"I know a clothing store that has good clothes for you"
"Lead the way"
Goldie took my hand and made me follow him a few streets before we stopped in front of a nice small clothing store.

Well, it wasn't small once we were inside. But that didn't matter, now there were even more things to choose from.
"Where do you want to look first?" Goldie asked, looking around.
"Well, my clothing style is similar to Shadows, so let's look at the darker clothes"

"On it" Goldie said, walking away towards the black clothes.
I walked over to the grey clothes, liking those colours too.
I took a light grey shirt from one of the racks and a darker grey vest from a different one.
Goldie walked up from behind, and held up a black pair of pants.

I took them and walked over to the changing rooms where I had seen Shadow and Foxy.
I thanked Shadow for supporting me, and helping me tell Goldie that I'm transgender.
I walked out of the changing rooms and went to stand next to Foxy, when both of our attention went to Shadow.
"Shit" Goldie said, looking down at his younger brother.

"What happened?" Foxy asked, walking over to a Shadow that was now laying on the ground.
"Nothing too bad, he just fainted. Good job foxy, you're too good looking" Goldie said with a hint of laughter in his voice.
"It not my fault, he wanted to buy me clothes, and he picked them out"
"He knew what would look good on you then" I said.

At that moment Shadow started to wake up again.
"What happened?" He said, slowly sitting up.
"You fainted because I was looking too good" Foxy said, taking Shadows hand to pull him up.
"You do, but I think I won't faint when I'm looking at you again" Shadow said, looking at Foxy for proof.

Shadow and Goldie went to pay for our clothes. They made a deal with the people of the store that we could walk outside with these clothes on. Once we were outside Foxy and I hugged Shadow and Goldie for being amazing.

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