(51) Enemy? Or loved one?

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Quite some time has passed between this chapter and the last one, but this chapter includes things quite some have asked me about.

Goldie is still training to become king, but is in the final stages, and the preperations for the wedding are also almost done too.

Goldie POV

It was a fairly normal day. Or well, it would have been, if dad and mother hadn't gone away for a day as a preparation for when I'd be king. I was in the throne room with Scott, Mike and Fred, who were helping me with the preparations for marrying Shade, and taking over the position of the throne at the same time. I wasn't sure of it all, and the anxiety was taking over me.
"What if something goes wrong? What if I'm not good enough as a king? What if...?" I said panicked, but stopped once Fred laid his hand on my shoulder.
"Everything will be fine Goldie. We'll make sure that nothing goes wrong" Fred told me.
"And you'll always have us to help you with any royal duties" Scott said reassuringly.

"Thanks, you're right. I won't be alone once I'm king" I said wiping away the few tears on my cheeks.
"No you won't. The kingdom will have two lovely kings to rule over them all" Mike said.
"He, thank you guys. But what if mother doesn't accept the fact that the kingdom will be ruled by two kings instead of one king and one queen?"
"Then she should be happy that they're both at least of royal blood. Just imagine what she would do if Shadow or I would take over the throne with Foxy or Springtrap by our side" Fred pointed out.

"I think they would provide a very unique perspective on everything" Scott said.
"How so?" I asked.
"Well, Foxy is one of the guards, so he would be able to tell Shadow what the guards really need. Either in their trainings, or in their equipment"
"And what about Springtrap?" Mike asked right as I was about to do the same.
"Well, Springtrap is a farmer. He could tell Fred what everyone in town really need. Or what Fred could do to improve the living conditions in the kingdom"

"That's actually a really good idea. And who says that they could only help their boyfriends that way?" I said, being a lot calmer than a minute ago.
"I'm sure Spring and Foxy would be happy to help you those ways" Mike and Fred said.
All three were helping me calm down a bit when Shadow and Erik came back.
"O hey, how was the dress fitting?" I asked them.
"Amazing! Shade has found something that completely fits him, without it being too 'untraditional' for the queen" Erik said with a lot of excitement.

"Sheesh, you sound more exited for this then the grooms combined" Mike said.
"It's not that hard to be when both grooms are worried about everything that could go wrong" Shadow said.
"Shade's worried too?" I asked them.
"Yeah, but mainly about mother, and her reaction to two kings" Shadow said.
"Eh, she won't be able to say much about it after the wedding/coronation. She won't be in charge anymore" Fred said.

We were getting on with our conversation when one of the other guards came in.
"Ehm, sir? We need you guidance with something" The guard said, bowing for me.
"What is it?" I asked the guard.
I didn't know him by name. That's something I want to be able to do once I become king. To know the castle staff by their name.

"We have captured some pirates that were on in our territory. They said they had a reason to be in our kingdom" The guard said, still bowing for me.
"Please stand up. You're going to hurt your back if you keep standing like that"
"O, of course sir" He said, doing what was told.
"Do you know what those pirates you captured wanted?"

"They said they wanted to speak to you. Both you and your brothers, but mainly you"
"And where are they now?"
"They're in the dungeons, being interrogated by my fellow guards"
"Please bring them here once you're done with the interrogation. I'd like to hear what they wanted from me"
"Of course sir. I'll bring them over in a few minutes" The guard said, nodding his head before he went to the dungeons.

The others that were in the throne room with me were silent for a moment. Until Fred broke that silence.
"I wonder what a bunch of pirates want from us"
"I don't know. But it's weird that they specifically were looking for us"
At that moment there was a knock on the doors, alerting us that the guard came back.

"I took the captains with me. Someone else is bringing the ones who wanted to speak to you in a moment"
Everyone fell silent once eye contact was made. This time it was Mike who was the first to speak up, and move too.
"Fritz? Is that really you?" Mike asked the ginger, taking a step forwards.
"Hey Mike" Fritz said, waving at Mike.
That was also the moment most of the tension was broken.

Mike rushed over to Fritz, who had somehow broken out of the guards grip, and ran towards Mike too. They ended up in a hug, and spined each other around.
"I've missed you so much!" Mike said once they stood still.
"I've missed you too" Fritz said in return.

"Who wanted to speak to me Fritz? I can't imagine anyone else besides you or Kevin to want to speak to me" I asked both Fritz and Kevin, who stood besides Fritz, watching this all unfold.
"Why, your brother of course" Kevin said at a perfect time, because right as he said that, another guard came in with Freddy by his side.
Now it was my time to be excited.
"Freddy!" I yelled and ran over to him.
But Freddy wasn't as prepared as Fritz was, and got knocked over by me in the process.

"I missed you too" Freddy said as he returned the hug, neither of us bothering to get back up.
We didn't have to get back up, because Shadow and Fred joined our hug, creating one big doggy pile.

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