(11) What's taking you so long?

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I was quick to choose an outfit. I chose a white, long sleeved shirt with orange stripes on the sleeves and brown vest with missing sleeves to go with it. Both Bon and TiChi said that I needed to wear the scarf and black fingerless gloves that went with it so I did just that. But unfortunately for me, TiChi and Bon weren't as fast to pick something. After 10 minutes of hearing TiChi and Bon talk about the clothes they wanted to wear, someone knocked at my door. Knowing that our parents would be away, I assumed it would be one of my brothers.

"Come in!" I yelled from where I hang upside down on the edge of my bed.
My assumption turned out to be right. It indeed was one of my brothers. Unfortunately for Bon and TiChi it was an impatient Freddy.
"All of us are ready! What is taking you so long?" He practically yelled.
"Don't blame me, I was done after a minute or so" I said, getting up from where I was.

"We can't decide what to wear" TiChi and Bon whined.
"Go to the others, I'll help you two pick an outfit" Freddy said, giving me an excuse to get away.
I quickly got out and walked into the hallway where everyone else was waiting for us.
Before anyone could say or do something, I spoke.

"I was done after a minute, it's not my fault TiChi and Bon can't make up their minds"
"O, we know" Goldie said.
"What we didn't know is that you could look this, well, kinda badass" Shadow said, eyeing my clothes.
"Didn't know you could be even more of an emo that you already were" I countered him.

Shadow was wearing a dark purple shirt with a black vest over it, and a headphone around his neck.
It really showed the purple streak he had in his hair.
"Isn't it amazing?" Foxy said, who was wearing the reddish shirt he had last time.
'We need to buy some nice clothes for them too while we're in town' I thought to myself.

At that moment, Freddy came out of my room, followed by TiChi and Bon. TiChi was wearing a pink crop top, a yellow skirt and had her hair in a high, sideways ponytail. Bon was wearing a white blouse with a light blue jacket that had blue stripes on it. I noticed that it looked almost identical to Bonnies outfit, apart from the fact that Bonnies outfit was purple instead of light blue.

Same went for Freddy and Goldie. Both had identical looking clothes, only in their own favourite colours. Freddy had a shirt that looked to be like mine, only with brown details instead of orange. But I couldn't really see that because his vest had its sleeves. Freddy's outfit was coloured brown and black, while Goldie's was gold and purple. The only difference I noticed between their outfits was that Goldie was wearing fingerless gloves like me, but Freddy wasn't.

"Everyone ready? Let's go" Freddy said without waiting for an answer from the rest.
"Which way out are we going to use?" Foxy asked.
That made Freddy stop dead in his tracks. He clearly didn't think about that.
"I don't think it's efficient to go through the secret exit with so much people" Shadow said.

"There is a different exit than the secret one and the big entrance, you know?" Goldie and Mike said at the same time.
"There is? Why don't I know about it?" Freddy asked.
Like any of us would know the answer to that. But Goldie apparently did.
"Because I actually payed attention whenever mother or father told us something about the castle or the kingdom"

"Yeah... I never really payed attention to that. It didn't really interest me"
"Yeah, the castle never peaked your interest, but some of its staff did, didn't it?" Shadow asked.
"Yeah, it did" Freddy said with a dreamy voice, looking at Bonnie and Bon.
"Just follow me. I'll show you where the other exit is" Goldie said and walked away with Freddy next to him.

"Maybe you should be the heir to the throne Goldie. You know a lot more about how to handle and even directing things than I do" Freddy said.
"Father wouldn't have that much problems with it. But mother would only let me if you were somehow out of the picture. And I get what you mean, but do you really think I could rule an entire kingdom?"

"Yes, you would be great at it! You were always the one to help any of us out when we had a problem" Shadow said.
"Yeah, and you show to really care about the staff of this castle. You would make a great king!" Mike pitched in.
"I don't know... I really don't think I could do that alone"
"You don't have to do it all alone. You would have Shade on your side. Besides, we would help you if you needed us" I said, thinking that Goldie really would make an excellent king.

"Well maybe when there isn't another possibility, but I don't want to hurt Freddy just to be king. I think Freddy would be a good king too" Goldie said, his shy personality showing more and more.
"Yeah... A king with two servants as his 'queen'. Do you see that happening around mother?" Shadow said.
"I'm not seeing that happening, and that's saying something" Freddy said.

"I don't see me ruling a kingdom alongside Freddy either" Bonnie said.
"Then where do you see yourself?" Shade asked.
Bonnie stayed quiet for a moment.
"I don't know. I really don't know. Heck, I never even though I would make it to a point to have a date with Freddy"

"I understand. I never thought I would be able to get out of the castle without a mission from the king or queen, but Fred made that happen. I never even dared to think I would be able to confess my love. Yet here I am, going on a date with Shadow" Foxy said, perfectly knowing what Bonnie was struggling with.
"Me too. I thought I would get kicked out of the castle the moment someone found out. And yet, ever since I confessed to Fred, he has been helping me getting closer to Freddy" Bon said, sharing his story.

"Yeah, all of you should be damn happy that Fred is so kind hearted to help all of you" TiChi said.
"We are!" Foxy, Bonnie and Bon said.
"They truly are. I've been hugged to near death multiple times by all of them individually" I said, rubbing my side where Foxy had hugged me a bit too tight.
"Sorry about that again" Foxy said, noticing I was rubbing my side.

I wanted to say that I don't mind hugs at all, but had to focus on stopping myself from bumping into Goldie, who stood still in front of me.
"Alright, I took everyone out of the castle, now it's Fred's turn to get everyone to the theatre" Goldie said, letting me get in front in order to lead everyone.
I hadn't even realised we were outside already.

I got in front and started to walk towards the theatre. I was to zoned out to really tribute something to the conversation that was going on behind me. We got to the theatre quite fast. I saw that Springtrap was waiting for us, but fell asleep while doing so. Foxy seemed to notice too.
"I'm gonna wake him" Foxy said, getting ready to pounce onto Springtrap.
"Don't you dare!" I said, holding Foxy's arm so he couldn't pounce.

I was wrong, because he was still able to pounce, and he did.
"Foxy! Watch out!" Was all I could yell before I collided with Springtrap.

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