(54) Dress Shopping

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A/N Once again, I'm sorry for the long wait, but I got something written down (finally).
I fear that I'm in the middle of a writers block, and school is going to start soon again too, so I'm afraid my update scedule won't get better anytime soon. I'm sorry, but I'm doing my best at the moment.

And I know the last chapter ended with the idea of Freddy and Spring meeting each other, but I couldn't come up with a good plot for that, so have the jouney Shade had to go through to find his outfit for his and Goldie's wedding.
Let's just keep it at that Freddy and Spring got along pretty well, and that Spring got approved by Freddy alright? Alright, then let's continue.

No/3rd POV

"So, who is going to take who with them?" Goldie asked.
"I'd say that you take your dad with you" Shade replied
"That was the planning anyway"
"Can I go with Shade to help him get a dress? Please?" Erik asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, I think you're made for that job. And maybe you should take Shadow with you too" Goldie told Erik and Shade.
"Yeah, that's an amazing idea actually"
"I mean, I do know you for quite some years now, and I have the most fashion sense out of all four of us" Shadow said.
"And dad and I go with you then?" Fred asked Goldie.

"Yeah, unless you really want to go with Shade, then I won't force you to go with me"
"Nah, I want to help you"
"Can I help you too?" Freddy asked.
"Oh! And we can help Shade!" Bon yelled as he was holding Bonnie's hand.

"I think it's settled then. Shadow, Bonnie, Bon and Erik are going to help me find a dress, while Fredbear, Freddy and Fred are going to help Goldie find a good suit" Shade said.
"Let's go!" Erik yelled as he was nearing the doors.
"Hey! Don't forget us!" Bon yelled as he ran after Erik.
"We need to go before we lose them. See you tonight, bye!" Shade said as he had a smile from the silliness of Bon and Erik.

Time skip to Kleinfeld the bridal shop + Shade POV

"How about this one?" Erik said as he held a dress with a lot of sparkles.
"It's pretty, and I do want to try it on, but I don't think that many sparkles will fit me well"
"How about this one then? This has a lot less sparkles on it" Bon said as he pulled a dress from the rackets.
"That's more what I would imagine for myself, but not quite yet. But I'm willing to try it on too"
"Why though? If you don't think it fits you, why would you try it?" Bonnie asked.

"Because then we will know what actually looks good on me, and what does not"
"Good point" Erik said as he was not looking up from all the dresses he was looking at.
"Are you enjoying this trip?" I asked him with satisfaction.
"Yes! Very much. Just look at all the beautiful dresses they have here! I'm sure were going to find the one that fits you just right" He said as he took a dress of the hanger to take a better look of it.

At that moment a guy with white hair walked over to us.
"Excuse me, are you princess Shade?" He asked once he was near us.
"Yes, that's me" I responded.
"It's nice to meet you, I'll be your bridal gown consultant for today"

"I do need to say, it's an honour to help you find a dress Ma'am" The bridal gown consultant said as he bowed to me.
"Call me Shade, please. None of us are all that keen on the royal treatment"
"O well, thank you for allowing me to call you Shade. I'm David" David said as he help his hand out for me to shake.
"Nice to meet you too David" I said as I shook his hand.

"Who do you have with you today?" He asked as he looked at the others.
"My best friend, used to be groom, and my fiancé's brother, Shadow" I said as I pointed at Shadow.
"No need for the royal treatment for me either, you're more than allowed to call me Shadow"
"And for the rest we have the kind and fashionable gays that used to, or is, the servants of me and my family" Shadow said as he showed Erik, Bon and Bonnie.

"Like you're not here for the last two reasons either" Erik said.
"Well, the gays do have a better fashion sense, that's why I work here" David joked.
"And I have my best friends here with me too. The tall one is TiChi, and the shorter one is Chica"
"Hey" Chica and TiChi said in union as they waved at David.

"Well, do you know what kind of dress you're looking for for your wedding?" David asked.
"I'm not sure yet. I was planning to try some different type of dresses to see which one feels the best for me"
"We can do that. Does anyone in the entourage have something they want to see Shade in?" David asked the others.
"Not yet" Shadow said.
"Are we allowed to help find some dresses?!" Erik asked.

"I don't see why not. As long as you keep everything neat that is" David told Erik.
"I have some dresses right here for you to get an idea of what shape or what type of details you want" David said as he took a rack with a couple of different dresses.
"I'll try these on while you find some more?" I asked my entourage as I took the dresses from David.
Erik and Bon immediately ran away and disappeared between the dresses.

"I think I have an idea of what fits you" Shadow told me.
"I feel like I need to be scared"
"Nah, don't be. I think you might actually like my picks the best"
"We'll see about that" Bonnie told him.
"Just be back in time to see how these fit me, alright?" I said before I walked over to the dressing room with David, who took the dresses with him, trailing behind me.

"So how about the princess dress first?" David proposed as he took a dress with a lot of bling and a big poofy skirt from the hangers.
I looked shocked at it, not being that big of a fan of all the bling and the big skirt. But I'm willing to try it on.
"I mean, we have to start somewhere, don't we?" Chica said as I took the dress from him.
"Do you need help getting in it, or do you want me to get your entourage here?"
"I can do it with the help of these two, thanks." I said as I pionted at the two girls next to me.
But it might be a good idea to get the rest my entourage back before they make a mess of this beautiful store"

"That's a good idea. Exuse me as I'm going to find them then" David said with a smile before he turned around to find the others.
"Come in! I want to see you in some dresses!" TiChi yelled from the clothing room.
"We're coming, we're coming" Chica yelled back as we ran towards TiChi.
They helped me get into the dress, and immediately agreed with me that this was not something for me, but I had agreed to show the rest.

So I walked out from the dressing room, and into the part where the rest my entourage were supposed to be seated.
And surprisingly, they all were there.
"So, what do you all think?" I asked as I stood on the platform so they could see me better.
"Not your thing" Erik and Bonnie said.
"So not you. Please take it off, I can see how unhappy you are in this one" Shadow said as he got some surprised glances from Bon and David.

"What? I'm his best friend and was supposed to be his boyfriend. I know when he's unhappy in something" Shadow said with a shrug.
"Well, at least everyone agrees that this is not the dress" David said with an uncomfortable giggle.
"Yeah, let's go to the next one. What did all of you find?"
"We weren't able to find something for you yet" Erik and Bon said with their heads bowed.

"Hey, no need to be sad, both of us were able to find something" Bonnie said as he look at them.
"I thought that, while it may be less traditional, it would suit you much better that the traditional white gown" He continued as he showed some black dresses on the rack.
"While I had your clothing style in my head, and I thought that you'd probably feel much better in a jumpsuit" Shadow said as he showed the jumpsuits he had found.
"Both sound much more like something I would wear indeed. I'll go try them on"

"Do the black dress first!" Erik yelled at me right before I turned the corner.

The Fazbear Kingdom (Fnaf AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora