(23) Favorite child

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"And? How did it go?" Freddy asked Goldie, who just returned to my room.
"Surprisingly well" He said.
"O? I really expected for mother to yell at you" Shadow said.
"She did, but your dad calmed her down and let Goldie explain" Shade said.

"O that's great- Wait, did you just say 'dad'?" I asked, realising Shade said 'your dad' instead of 'your father'.
"Yes. He said I could call him dad when mother is not around" Goldie answered for Shade.
"O, that's nice of him" I said.
"Maybe we do have a cool parent!" Shadow said full of excitement.

"Maybe we do..." Goldie said in a soft whisper.
"What did you say?" Freddy asked.
"Nothing!" Goldie said with a panicked voice.
"O, I thought you said something"

Shadow started to look at Goldie with suspicion.
"You're hiding something..." Shadow said, getting his face really close to Goldie's.
"Shadow! Let your brother be!" Shade yelled at Shadow.
"I just want to know what Goldie is hiding, because it clearly has something to do with our parents"

"If that's true, I'm sure that they'll tell the rest of you when the time is right" Mike said.
"But why can't that be right now?" Shadow whined.
"I think I can see why he wouldn't tell you" I said, looking down on Shadow.
"I have no clue why he wouldn't tell Shadow" Mike said with a sarcastic voice.

"But why wouldn't he? I'm the most beloved child" Shadow said with the most dramatic acting skills that could even top TiChi's.
"No" Freddy started.
"You're" Goldie said.
"Not" I finished.

"And how are you so sure about that?" Foxy asked, putting his face close to mine.
"Maybe, because he would like the kid that has his name, or that looks like him more than some shadow kiddo" Mike countered Foxy, pushing him away from me.
"No way! Everyone knows that his favourite is the oldest one" Bonnie said.
"Then why would he have giving the fourth one his name instead of any of the others?" Mike said.

"Wait, one of you has the same name as the king?" Amy asked.
"You don't know?" Mike and Foxy asked, standing still in the middle of a fighting pose.
"No. I genuinely don't know the kings name"
"The only thing I knew was who Freddy was. No one even bothered to tell me any other names besides his"

"O, that's why we had to introduce ourselves" Goldie said in a moment of realisation.
"Should we have expected anything more than that? No, this shouldn't come as such a surprise" Freddy said, completely forgetting that Amy still didn't know the king's name.
"The kings name is Fredbear. Or Fred for short" I said to Amy.

"Making Fred the favourite child" Mike said.
"Why only based off a name when he has a child that looks like him?" Shade said jokingly, half-hearted joining in on the 'favourite kid' conversation.
It soon looked like everyone had their favourite prince chosen and were shouting why he would be the favourite kid.
Shadow was the only prince that joined in in this 'conversation'. But Freddy, Goldie and I stayed out of it.

Freddy stood up unnoticed and walked over to me and Goldie. He started a normal conversation with us, and we talked until the others had calmed down a bit. It seemed to end when Mike and Foxy hit each other with a pillow and both fell backwards.
"Finally done?" I asked Mike.

"For today..." He said, getting up a bit to look Foxy in his eyes.
"Eh. I'll take that" I said, shrugging a bit.
"Anyway... Freddy thought that since the thing between Goldie and our parents didn't take as long as we expected, we could go into town for the remaining time"
Chica looked at the boys that have been fighting for the last minutes.

"I think it's a much better idea then having them bicker" She said, standing up.
"Then let's go" TiChi said, sneaking her arms around Chica's waist.
"You two are adorable" Amy said, looking at Chica and TiChi.
They smiled as a thank you, and walked out of my room.

Remember when I said that we weren't going into town today?
Yeah, I lied. I had expected for it to not take too long, so I asked if Springwas free today, and he said he was!
I can't wait to see him again.

I had chapters that went way better than this one, but sometimes you just need a chapter that is not as good as the others to push the storyline onwards a bit.
I promise that the next chapter will be better.

The Fazbear Kingdom (Fnaf AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt