(40) Kind stranger, or acquaintance?

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Goldie POV

After all of us changed in more casual clothes, we went into town. Mike excused himself to go to the jewellery, Erik went with him.
"I bet you ten bucks he's going to get his brother" Foxy said to Fred.
Fred didn't respond. He only took something out of his wallet.
"Here you go" He said as he handed Foxy ten dollars.

"I meant it as a joke..." Foxy said.
"I have seen Mike interact with Jeremy. There is no way he goes into town without seeing his little brother" Fred said, putting his wallet away again.
"Besides. I can miss those ten dollars"

"Mike has a little brother? I never knew that" Dad said.
"He does. His name is Jeremy and he is the owner of the jewellery store" Fred explained to dad.
"Hey, is it okay if Goldie and I split off the group too?" Shade asked.
"Of course. Just make sure you're at the theatre on time" Dad said with a smile.
"We will" Shade said, grabbing my wrist and taking me away.

"Why the rush all of a sudden?" I asked Shade.
"I got the idea to go on a picknick, to celebrate Spring. The season, not Fred's boyfriend" Shade said, saying the last part before I would ask questions.
"Why? Is there something you need to tell me? It's a bit soon to ask me to marry you, you know?" I asked jokingly.
"No, I just want to do something fun with you before we're going to do stuff with the whole group. Besides, would you reject me if I asked you?" Shade asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
"Probably not..." I said, realising I wouldn't be able to say no if Shade asked me to marry him.

"Then let's go!" Shade said excited.
Together we went to the mall to buy food for the picnic, and went over to the park.
"Say, isn't this the place we first had a picnic with each other?" I asked, standing still on a very familiar place.
"Yeah, I think it is. You want to sit here?" Shade asked me.
Together we sat down and started to begin our picnic.

After half an hour, we had finished eating. We didn't have much food to eat, so it didn't take too long.
We didn't even notice we were just talking until we had to leave to the theatre again.
"Maybe we should head to the theatre" I said, looking at the time.
"Yeah, good idea" shade said.
Together we tried to find a way to the theatre, but we got lost on our way there.
I was walking backwards while trying do decipher were we should go from where we were.

"Goldie! Watch out!" Shade tried to yell at me, but it was too late.
I had already bumped into someone. I quickly turned around to apologise.
"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I asked the person in front of me.
"Yeah, don't worry, I'm used to people bumping into me" He said.
And now that I had a better look of him, he did look like that. He also looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place where I'd know him from.

"If you're really okay, may I ask you something?" Shade asked him as I helped him up.
"Yeah, what do you need to know?"
"Do you know how to get to the theatre? We're supposed to meet up there, but we got lost"
"I need to go there too, you can follow me if you want"
"That would be great" I said.

We walked in silence for a couple of minutes, until the boy spoke up and asked us something.
"Say, you don't recognise me, do you?"
"You seemed familiar to me, but I don't know where I knew you from. Sorry" I said with a little bit of shame because I should have recognised him.
"I'm sure Fred would know who Shade is. Kind of a shame it's not the same for him"
"You're Fred's boyfriend? Springtrap?" Shade asked.

"Bingo. But no worries, I'm not mad. We barely saw each other, I don't blame you for not placing where you knew me from" Springtrap said.
I hid my face in my hands from embarrassment.
"Please don't tell Fred? I'm not going to hear the end of it if he finds out I didn't recognise his boyfriend"
"Don't worry, I won't. We're almost there by the way" Springtrap said as he turned a corner.

And he was right. I could see my brothers and dad waiting for us to return.
"Spring!" Fred yelled as he came running towards Springtrap.
He didn't stop in time and caused both of them to fall onto the ground.
"Told you I'm used to getting knocked over" Spring said as he now looked up to me.
"Yeah, you did" I said, extending my hands for both of them to use to get up again.

"Hm? What happened while we were waiting for you three?" Fred asked.
"He accidentally bumped into Spring when he wasn't looking where he was going, then Spring said that he was used to it. That's basically what happened" Shade answered for us.
"O, okay" Fred said, laughing a bit.
"Say, aren't we missing people? Or are Mike and Erik at the castle" Springtrap asked.

"Yeah, Mike and Erik should come soon. Fred thought they would go visit Jeremy" Shadow said.
"He'll probably let Jeremy tag along. He has a membership, and I don't think any of you would mind making Mike happy, right?" Spring asked, mainly towards the others.
"If it makes Mike happy to have his brother here, I don't see why we shouldn't let him join" Dad said.
"That wonderful to hear sir. Thank you" Mike said from behind dad.

"O, Mike! Erik! When did you get here?" Dad asked, turning around to face Mike.
"Just a second ago" Erik answered.
"O, well. I guess we can go inside if we're all here. Springtrap, could you please show us the way?" Dad asked.
"Of course sir. If everyone would follow me please" Springtrap said, opening the doors for all of us to go into the theatre.

We all followed Springtrap as he told us different things about the theatre.
"This is the hall specially reserved for all of us, so if you would find a good spot, then I'll go inform the rest that you have arrived"
We all sat down spread over three rows. In between Fred and Jeremy, there was an empty seat where Springtrap could sit.
"The show will begin in a couple of minutes!" Someone said as the curtains closed.
At that moment Springtrap came back, and sat down between Fred and Jeremy.

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