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Fredbear (King) POV

"Here we are" Mike said, stopping in front of a restaurant.
"Because we couldn't agree on something we all wanted, I decided to bring us to a restaurant that has it all"
"I think that was a very good idea of you Mike" I said as I looked at the restaurant.
"Thank you sir. The only thing is that it's a bit expensive for us folk" He said as he pointed at the people around him.

"That's not a problem. I thought you knew that by now" Fred said.
"Besides, isn't it a much more gentleman thing to pay for the guests instead of letting them pay themselves?" Goldie pointed out.
"They're right. Tonight none of you have to worry about the prices, we'll pay for everything" I said as I listened to what my kids were telling them.
"Why thank you sir!" Mike, Erik and Foxy said in union, clearly used to Fred's generosity.
"Thank you very much" Springtrap and Jeremy said in a much softer voice, clearly not used to others paying for them.

"Let's get inside already! I'm hungry!" Shadow said quite loudly all of a sudden.
"Then go inside and go get us a table" Fred said with a slight laugh in his voice.
"Alright, I will. Foxy?" Shadow said, getting Foxy to come with him.
"Why did we send them inside? Couldn't we have gone with them?" Erik asked after a bit of silence.

"Yeah, we could have. Let's go" Mike said as he took his little brother with him.
We all followed them inside, and saw that Shadow and Foxy had actually gotten us a table that could fit all ten of us.
"Hello, and welcome to The Copper Cauldron. How can I help you? Would you like to drink something?" A girl asked us a minute after we sat down.
"Yes, I would like a glass of red wine please" I said to the waitress.
"I'd like a water please" Goldie said.

"I would want some Fanta" Shadow said.
"For me too" Fred said.
"Hot chocolate milk!" Foxy and Erik said at the same time and laughed because of it.
"I want some hot chocolate too" Jeremy and Shade said, much calmer than Foxy and Erik did.
"Some tea for us please. One Green tea, and one Raspberry tea" Mike said, apparently ordering for himself and Springtrap.

"Alright. I'll get you the menu in a minute" The girl said before walking away.
"What? You like Raspberry tea, right? I remember it was your favourite when we were younger" Mike said when Springtrap looked at him questionable.
"Yeah, you're right. I just didn't expect you to remember that" Spring said, looking a lot calmer then he did at the start of this evening.

"But seriously guys? Hot chocolate? It's begin Spring! Not you, the season. How can you drink any hot beverage? Especially hot chocolate?" Shadow asked the boys that had ordered hot chocolate.
"Foxy really loves hot chocolate. He did the same thing last... What was it, begin of summer or something?" Fred said, looking at Shadow at the start, but ended up looking at Springtrap for clearness.
"I think that that was the start of summer yes. I only know that that was a really fun day" Springtrap said with a smile.
"It was the start of summer" Foxy said before taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
They must be talking about the first day they actually met each other.

"But that's all I know. No clue why the others ordered hot chocolate" Fred said, getting back on topic again.
Erik wanted to explain, but the waitress was back with our drinks, and the menu's.
"Thank you very much" Erik and Fred said when she had put down their drinks.
And it went on like this, until she only had the glass of water left. That's when it went wrong.
Shadow and Erik were messing around a bit, dropping hints from who we actually were, and I think that that's when she realised who were in front of her.

The tray she was holding started to vibrate and the content of the last glass fell all over Erik's shirt and lap.
"O my god, I'm so sorry" She said in a panicked voice as she picked the now empty glass back up.
"Don't worry, luckily it was just water. It could have been the wine. Or worse, the hot chocolate" Erik said to calm her down.
"I'm still sorry. I'll get some towels for you to dry yourself" She said as she speed-walked over to the kitchen.

"Well... I'm going to try and dry myself a bit" Erik said as he stood up.
"If I'm not back when they're getting the orders, I would like a cheese bacon pancake" Erik said towards Mike and Jeremy.
"Will do" They both responded.
All of us became silent once Erik had left towards the restrooms. That was until Shadow spoke up.

"Anyone any idea how that could've happened? She seemed to steady when balancing those glasses"
"Erik told me it can be quite hard to balance thing like that" Jeremy said.
"But usually the last glass on it is the easiest to balance" Mike said, finishing Jeremy's sentence.
"I think she knows who we are and panicked at the sudden realisation" I said, absentmindedly looking over at where Erik had turned the corner.

"I actually think I know her from somewhere. I just don't know where from" Mike said as he looked at her while she went to help Erik.
"She does seem familiar. Someone from school or something?" Jeremy asked Mike.
"Probably, we should ask her name, maybe one of us knows where we know her from"
"Hm? What are we talking about?" Erik asked as he sat down, still trying to dry his shirt.
"That Jeremy and I recognise her from somewhere, but we just don't know what from" Mike said right as the girl came back.
None of us said anything, except for Erik, who apparently wanted to find out if Mike and Jeremy actually knew her.

"What's your name? My friend here think he might know you" Erik asked the girl.
"My name is Monica. What are yours?" She answered and asked.
"My name is Erik, this is Mike and Jeremy" He said as he pointed at the two man next to him.
She seemed to recognise Mike and Jeremy now too and waved at them with a small smile.
"And over there are Springtrap, Shade, Foxy, and... I think you figured out who the other four are" He said with a small laugh.

"Yeah, I do. I'm really sorry for spilling the water over you, it was a sudden realisation, and I panicked in that moment" She said, explaining what had happened a couple of minutes ago.
"It's just that it's not every day that the royals decide to have dinner over at the restaurant you work in. Let alone that I had the honour to serve them"
"I probably screwed that one up, didn't I? I'll go ask if someone else could serve you the rest of the night" She said, getting ready to get someone else.
"I think that would cause quite a problem actually. The honour has to stay yours, can't let someone untrustworthy trumpet around that we're here, now can we?" I told her.
"N-no, of course not sir" She said, slowly getting her smile back.

"Then that's settled. You'll be our waitress for the rest of the evening. We actually have made our choices already..."

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