(3) Lets go on a date

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“I can ask Shade later today about her thoughts on Goldie. And I will come up with something for Foxy and Shadow” She said, opening the door so we could go to the dining room.
“I heard that there’s a theater in your town” She said, knowing that the guards were listening to us.
“What about going there together? Wouldn’t that be a delightful date?”
“I would love to Fred” She said, leaning on my shoulder and holding my arm.
I should be good enough to fool my parents. Finally we arrived and I opened the doors and held them for her.

“I’m sorry that we’re a bit later than the rest, mother, father, but we were discussing where to go to for our date”
“O, where do you want to go to then?” My mother replied.
“The theater in this town. I love the theater and I would love to go there with Fred” TiChi answered for me.
“Well… You can have permission to go there. But you do need to bring a guard with you, you can’t get hurt”
“We will mother. Thank you for letting us have our date at the theater” I said, both bowing to show our appreciation.
We sat down and started to eat our lunch.

When we were finished, TiChi and I excused ourselves to get ready for our ‘date’.
“I can’t believe how easy it is to trick your parents” TiChi said, putting on some normal clothing, since we didn’t want to get recognized.
“It’s years of practice that I used and you’re a really good actress” I said, putting on some normal clothes myself.
“Now how do I look?” She asked, turning around to show me.
“Very boring and plain, and as normal as you could possibly be” I said, looking at her normal, plain yellow T-shirt.
“Good. So do you” She said, looking at my brown shirt with some black pants.

We were both looking very different as we normally looked. It was really toned down compared to us usually.
“Now, shall we get Foxy to join us to the theater?” TiChi asked.
“Yes, I know he has some normal clothing too, so he would fit in with us” I said.
At that moment Bon walked in, having some clean clothes in his hands.
“O, hey Bon. What do you think of the new style of TiChi and me?”
“It’s very normal and plain. Especially for someone of your status” He said with a voice that was mocking my mother.
“Are you going into town?” He asked, opening my closet to put the clothing away.

“Yes, we are. Do you know where Foxy is? We need to take a guard with us, and we wanted to ask him”
“You’re not trying to steal him away from Shadow, are you?” Bon asked, eyeing me suspiciously.
“No, but Foxy is the most trustworthy out of the guards in this castle. And he deserves some fun”
“Very wise choice Fred. He does seem like he needs some fun, and maybe a little bit of sleep too”
“Can you send Foxy to me? And a set of his normal clothes?”

“I will, bye!” Bon said, running away towards Shadows room, because that was Foxy’s spot.
Half a minute later Foxy knocked at my door.
“Come in Foxy”
“What did you need me for sir?” Foxy asked very formally.
“One, don’t call me sir, call me Fred. And two, we’re going into town, and we want you to join us”
“But of course, I shall join you”

“Hey Fred, here are the clothing for Foxy. O, hi Foxy, have fun!” Bon cheered, walking in, and out of the room.
“And three, I want you to put these on, we’re going in disguise” I said, handing Foxy his clothes.
After five minutes he came out of the dressing room.
“This is so much more comfortable than that armor” He said, moving his arms freely.
“Good, are you ready to go into town with us?”
“Yeah, but where are going anyway?” Foxy asked, not knowing where we wanted to go.

“We’re going to the theater” TiChi said, already showing joy.
“Let’s go then” I said, walking out of my room, but walking the opposite way of the grand doors, Foxy following me.
“Erm, aren’t you two going the wrong way?” TiChi asked, pointing at the ‘right’ way.
“No, there’s a secret passage way over here” I said, pointing at a window.
“That’s a window” She said in an ‘matter of fact’ voice.
“It’s not an ordinary window” I said, opening it, and showing a secret staircase.

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