(57) Wedding

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Soo... This chapter has been laying here for a long time, appearantly not published. Sorry for that.
I'm trying to get back into this AU, hopefully making more chapters, not leaving you guys hanging for months.

Fred POV

"You may now kiss the groom" The wedding official said.
"Groom!?" Mother yelled out.
"Yes, groom. They're both male, didn't you know this" Shade's mom calmly told mother.
"No one told me! I thought she was normal"

"Shade is a he!" Goldie yelled at mother.
"And I love him! And you can't do anything about it!" Goldie yelled again.
"What happened to my sweet and shy little brother?" Freddy asked as he looked at me and Shadow for an answer.
"Ehm... Someone insulted his loved ones and he got mad about it?" I tried, not knowing where this was coming from either.
"I don't blame him. I would get mad too if someone said shit about Foxy" Shadow said.

"Let's all calm down. We still have a coronation to do" Scott said as he quickly stepped in between Goldie and mother.
"I'm not going to let someone like Shade rule my kingdom. So the coronation is off!"
"Ma'am, please calm down. You wouldn't want to cause a scene now, would you?" Scott said as he tried to, harshly, calm her down with the only way he knew worked on her, her reputation.
Mother didn't have anything to say to that.

"Darling, Scott is right, you should try to calm down"
"Who's side are you on? A king and queen have to stick together"
"Goldie and Shade are now the rulers of this kingdom, not us. It's stated in the rules that from the moment the heir is married, they become the new rulers of this kingdom. It's a rule you pushed through to be made" Dad said as he stood beside Scott, shielding Goldie and mother out of each other's view.
"And to answer your question, I'm on the side that will guarantee my children's happiness. And right now this is how Goldie will be happy"
"And I'm sure that he and his lovely husband will do what they have to do to create this happiness" Dad said as he turned to Goldie and shade, who gave him a thankful smile.

"I have to ask to calm down ma'am, or I'm afraid I have to forcefully send you out" Goldie said, having retained the somewhat more calmer demeanour we're used to from him.
"You wouldn't dare send your own mother out" She said as she snarled at Goldie.
"Watch me" He hissed at her.
"Mike, Foxy, please escort this women to the outhouse" Goldie said as he asked Mike to bring mother away.
It wasn't to the dungeons, but it still was something none of us expected him to do. That was clear from everyone's facial expressions.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I have to do this" Mike said as he took mothers wrists, and held them together behind her back.
"This is outrageous. Do you know who I am?!" She said, trying whatever at this point.
"Yes. You're the women who ruined king Goldie and king Shade's wedding" Foxy told her.
"Now please come with us. It would be a shame if we had to use more painful force"
Mother finally quietly obliged as she stood up and follow Foxy while Mike held her wrists in place.

After that whole fiasco, Freddy looked at me and Shadow for answers.
"Don't look at us. This is the first time he ever raised his voice, let alone tell mother off like that" I quietly told Freddy.

For a while it was quiet. Everyone seemed to be in shock over what just happened. That was until Fritz and Erik started to whistle.
"That was amazing! You sure told her off" Erik said as he still had wide eyes from shock.
But that was also the moment it dawned on Goldie what he had done.
"O my god. I didn't just raise my voice, I actually yelled at mother and got her escorted. She's going to disown or kill me" Goldie said in his own, soft, voice.
"I don't think any of that is going to happen. Did you see her face when you told her off?" Fritz said.

"I know it better said" Dad said as he walked over to Goldie, put a hand on his shoulder, and kneeled so they were at the same height.
"We won't let it happen, alright?" Dad said as he looked at Goldie.
"A-alright" Goldie said as small tears were visible in the corner of his eyes.
They shared a loving hug before they got up again and turned back towards the rest of the guests.
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and the rude behaviour of my wife. But it may be best for everyone if we postpone the coronation for a while. At least until our news kings have calmed down from this new experience" Dad said to all of the guests, who luckily agreed to take a break.

"Well... That certainly was something..." Shade said.
"Yeah, you can say that again..." Erik said, still looking at the door mother had been escorted through.
At that moment I saw Scott walk over to the newly wed couple, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I only saw the two smile and nod once Scott was finished. Shade cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Well, now that that's all out of the way..." Shade said.
"May I have this dance?" He asked Goldie as he bowed a bit and held out his hand for my brother to take.
Goldie didn't respond with words, he just took shade's hand and together the two went over to the dancefloor.
"O! they're going to take their first dance as a wed couple!" Erik said as he noticed the two too.

There wasn't much special about their dance, it was mostly just sweet.
Soon after came the parent – child dances, but those were rather uneventful too.
But after that, everyone got to go on the dancefloor, and kicked it off with a sweet slow dance for all the couples that were attending.
Shadow asked Foxy, and Freddy took Bon's hand and just dragged him to the dancefloor. Bonnie was still sitting, not wanting to hurt his knee even more with all the twists and turns one takes while dancing.
Soon we were the only two left at the tables, all the others were out dancing.

But while I watching my brothers dance with their partners, Mike finally returned.
"O no, did I miss their first dance as a newlywed couple?" He asked me with a slightly concerned voice.
"Yeah, but it wasn't that spectacular, just sweet"
"Those two are always sweet when they're together" Mike responded with a laugh.

"But em, aren't you going to dance?"
"Nah, everyone that I know well enough to dance with already has a partner to do so with"
"What about Bon? Or Bonnie?"
"Bon is dancing with Freddy, and Bonnie did something with his knee, what caused pain if he danced with it"

"And we weren't able to get Springtrap over..." Mike mumbled, thinking of our attempts and plans to get him over for the wedding, but all to no avail.
"Well... Since neither of our loves are here, and we don't have anyone else... May I have this dance?" Mike asked, ending in the same position Shade had taken earlier.
I smiled before taking his hand.
"I suppose so" I said right before I dragged him to the dancefloor.

Mike took my hand in his, and laid the other on him shoulder.
"Is it okay if I?..." He asked, hovering his hand over my side.
"Yeah, go ahead"
And so we started dancing together, both smiling at the nice experience we were sharing together.
We soon came near the newlywed couple, who surprisingly were still dancing.

"You're not cheating on Spring, are you?" Shade asked me as he playfully stuck his tongue out at me.
"It's not my fault my boyfriend didn't get invited"
"And hey, the best friend of your partner is practically the same right?" I said as Mike and I twirled further from the two.
"Heh, yeah, like I'd get the same vibe from dancing with Mike" Shadow said as he and Foxy got closer to us.
"No, I'd say Fred is right. I'd probably have the same experience dancing with Bonnie" Foxy said as he dipped Shadow, who came back up with a very indignant look on his face.
"Too bad he's out because of his knee"
"How dare you!" Shadow said, pushing Foxy away from him.
But both were very clearly laughing about it, so there wasn't anything too bad going on between them.

Mike and I just danced further until we got near Bonnie, who was standing at the side, initially looking at Freddy and Bon, but had apparently heard Shadow and Foxy.
"Are those two always like that?" Bonnie asked before taking a sip from his drink.
As if it was on que, both me and Mike sighed and told him yes.

The music ended soon afterwards, and so did all the people that were dancing, who were slowly going back to their tables.
I put down my hand that was laying on Mike's shoulder.
"Thank you, I enjoyed it" I said as we let go of each other's hand too.
"Good, so did I"

"But are you sure Spring nor William would get mad?" I asked, not wanting to break the trust either one had in us.
"Nah, they're not the easily jealous type" Mike said, waving it off like it's nothing.
"Besides, we can always say that we did this to ensure no one else would dance with the other" He said with a small grin.
"Yeah, I guess" I said with a smile in return, taking a sip from my own drink.

"You could also say that you were making sure the other knew how to before your boyfriends have to dance like this with you too" Fritz said with a huge grin.
"Very smart idea" Shade said as he agreed with Fritz.
"If they're good boyfriends, they won't mind" Goldie said with his kind smile.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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