(34) Opening gifts (2/2)

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"Damn. Erik did a good job getting this outfit together. You look awesome" Foxy said, barely holding himself together.
Shadow was wearing a Dark purple shirt, with a black leather jacket on top. He had a set of dark sunglasses on too.
"Let's continue before someone is going to faint from blood loss" Amy said.
"Who was so kind to get me a present?" She asked, looking over at everyone.
"I got you a present Amy" Mother said, walking over to Amy, holding a little box wrapped in Christmas themed paper.

Mike and I shot each other a knowing look. Amy carefully, and may I add gracefully unwrapped her present and looked at the bracelet.
"O my. It's really pretty" She said, trying it on.
"Thank you very much. And are those diamonds?" Amy asked.
I couldn't identify if she was acting to please mother, or if she was genuinely this happy with her present.

"It is. And I am very pleased to see that it makes you this happy" Mother said before she went back to her own place.
"I guess it's my turn now. I can't believe that I didn't stumble into you Ma'am" Mike said as he presented mother his gift.
It was wrapped in exactly the same paper and with the same ribbon as Amy's present was wrapped in. Definitely wasn't done on purpose by us.
Mother looked shocked at the bracelet once she had opened it.
"How did you know I wanted this one?" She asked.

"My little brother runs that jewellery. You got into the shop before I did. I told him what I came for, and he said I should get this one" Mike said.
"That's very kind and thoughtful of him" Mother said.
"You should thank him from me when you're going home for Christmas this year"
Goldie, Shadow and I exchanged glances. We all had the same thought. Who was this woman? This is not the mother we grew up with.

"Well, thank you for this present. Now, who has something for Mike?" Mother asked.
"I do" Foxy answered, looking for his resent behind his chair.
"I remembered all the times that we had a shift together, and what you told me. You I got you this, I hope you like it"
Mike opened his gift to find a bow, and a sack full of arrows to go with it.

"You remembered. Thank you so much, It's exactly the one I was always talking about" Mike said.
Meanwhile, Shade had left his gift on Foxy's chair.
"O, who's this one from?" foxy said, picking it up and looking around.
"Me" Shade said, holding his hand up.

"I thought that this would be something for you. It's not ordinary, but not over the top either. It reminded me of you" Shade said.
Foxy opened his gift to find a belt, and a nice gold, with rubies imbedded belt buckle.
"Oh, it's really pretty. Thank you Shade, I really like it" Foxy said.
"That's certainly good to hear" Shade said as Chica dropped her gift for him on his lap.

"Here, I was your Secret Santa. I hope you like it" Chica said.
Shade opened his gift to find a pair of dark grey jeans.
"O, thank you Chica" Shade said, happy with the jeans.
"You should take it out of the box when the queen's not looking. They're actually ripped jeans" Chica said softly, as to not let mother hear.

"I will do" Shade said, keeping the jeans in the bag.
"Who's the last one?" Shade asked.
"I think father's the last one" Goldie said.
"That is right. And TiChi can now unwrap her present too" Shadow said.

Dad, Chica, Shadow and TiChi came back a couple of minutes later.
"The table is ready for you to have dinner on" Erik said.
"We thank you for the amazing time we had, but we'll retreat back to our rooms" Mike said.
"What do you mean? Are you not joining us at dinner?" Shadow said, trying to talk some guilt into mother.

"Well, it was great having you tree with us today" Shade said, picking up on Shadow's act.
"I guess it couldn't hurt to let them join" Mother said.
In the corner of my eye I saw Shadow and Shade give each other a low five.
"Thank you so much your majesty. Would you be more pleased if we brought out the food for all of you?" Mike asked.

"If you want to, that would be great" Dad said.
"We will. It's the least we could do" Erik said.
Mike, Foxy and Erik went towards the kitchen to get the food.
"Thank you for letting them have dinner with us Ma'am" Amy said.

"Dinner's ready!" Erik yelled, walking inside with plates filled with food.
They put all the plates on the table, and sat down with the rest of us.
After mother was done with praying, we started to eat.
"Enjoy your meal!" Erik said before we started to eat.
"Enjoy your meal too!" Basically everyone responded.

There was a lot of happy chatter during dinner. I heard Shadow and Erik thank their gift givers for their new clothes, mother had put her new bracelet away, because she was afraid she'd accidentally break it.
"Hey Fred?" Goldie asked me.
"Yeah?" I turned over to Goldie, who actually sat next to me.
"Thank you for the books. I read the first chapter, it sounds really fun to read"

"That's good to hear. I still can't believe that TiChi actually got away with the gift she gave me" I said.
"Well, she wasn't lying when she said it was for watching bunny's from your room, now is she?" Shade asked me.
"No..." I said, blushing again.
"It's not your fault that you have a boyfriend outside of this castle" Foxy said.

"Yeah... I just wish I could wish him a Merry Christmas myself" I said.
"You could always send him a self-made Christmas card" Goldie said.
"That would be a good idea. Can you help me though? You make prettier cards than me"
"Alright, I'll help you" Goldie said, looking way better than a few hours ago.

"I'm glad you're feeling better" I said.
"Yeah, me too" Goldie said with a small smile.
"Thank you" He said as he leaned over to me to give a hug.
I waved for Shade to join the hug.

It was a nice ending to a fun day.

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