(14) New clothes (Shadow and Foxy)

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Shadow POV

"Alright, Fred gave me a task to complete, so we're going to start with that" I said.
"And that task is?..." Foxy asked, unsure of what I wanted.
"Getting you new/more clothes. These are the only clothes you have, so we're going to get you new ones" I said, walking away to where I had seen a clothing store.
Foxy didn't move, instead, he was looking a bit guilty towards me.

"Don't worry about money, I'll pay" I said, thinking that that was the reason Foxy looked at me like that.
"O, in that case, sure!" Foxy said, speed walking until he was walking next to me.
"I thought I saw a clothing store a few streets back, so I want to look there first"
"Fine by me, I wouldn't even have a single clue of where one could be"

"Haven't you been in town before?"
"I have, but I never had the chance to look around much, so I have no clue where what would be"
I was silent for a moment.
"That's fair, luckily I do know where to find an clothing store, so let's go there"

Foxy didn't respond, he just followed me to where I had seen a clothing store. The store wasn't that far from where we were, so we were there in no time. Foxy's eyes went wide once we were inside, and honestly, mine went wide too. Not because of the clothing they sold, I was used to that kind of stuff. No, my eyes went wide from how big the store actually was, compared to how small it looked from the outside.

"Well, what clothing style or colors do you like?" I asked when I had overcome my shock.
"Well, I don't need something complex, so just something simple will do for me" Foxy said, slowly calming down from the shock.
"And what colors do you like?"
"I like tints of red and orange" Foxy said, looking at me again.

"Then we're starting at the section with red clothes" I said, taking his hand and walking to the place I had seen a lot of red colored clothes.
Foxy looked at the shirts, and I looked at the vests they had. I held one up to show Foxy.
"What do you think of this one?" I said, holding a red vest up.

"I like it, I think it will go well with this shirt" He said, holding up an more orange coloured shirt.
We looked for pants to go with it, but couldn't find any we liked, or they had in Foxy's size.
"I don't think red pants would be good with these anyway" Foxy said, having found a set of pants, but not liking the way it looked.

"I think I might know something that would look good with the red, give me a minute while you look for more clothes" I said, walking away towards a different section of the store.
I took a set of brown, mid-length pants from one of the racks.
"These would look nice with the rest of the outfit" I said softly to myself.

"With what outfit?" Someone asked.
I yelped a bit from the unexpected question. But I calmed down once I saw it was Goldie.
"O it's just you Goldie. Wait, what are you doing here?" I asked, realizing he and Shade went to the lake.
"Reasons" He said, walking past me towards the black clothes.

"I would like to see those reasons" I said, taking a different pair of pants from a rack.
"You probably will" He said, taking a grayish-black shirt from one of the racks he stood in front of.
I shrugged and walked back to Foxy. There I saw him talking to Shade.
"Hi Shade, how are you?" I asked once I was near them.

"I'm doing great" Shade answered with the biggest smile I had seen.
"You told him, didn't you?" I asked, the reason Shade and Goldie being here suddenly clicking in my head.
"Yeah, I did. He doesn't mind. You were right, thank you" Shade said, giving me a hug.
"I told you that you could do it. Now, go back to Goldie and have some fun together" I said, returning the hug before softly pushing Shade to where I had last seen Goldie.

I turned back to Foxy and held both pair of pants up for him to see.
"What do you think of these? I thought that brown would go well with what we had already picked out"
"I think they will go well too, let's find out" Foxy said, dragging me to the changing rooms.
Foxy told me to wait, and help him judge how it looked on him.

After about three minutes he came out of the dressing room.
I quickly thanked whoever created me for not letting me have a bloody nose as easy as others have.
Because, DAMN! He looked good. He had a pair of light brown pants that came a little over his knees, combined with a dark orange shirt, with a blood red vest on top of it. He had a set of yellow socks on, but those were his own already.

He looked at himself in the reflection of the mirror.
"I need shoes to go with this" He said, clearly liking the outfit, but missing the shoes.
"I'mma go find some" I said in a daze from how good he looked.
I noticed it was a bit harder to stand up, probably from the daze I was in.

Foxy noticed this, and decided to make me lose it even more.
"Like what you see?" He asked, looking at me through the mirror.
"You're looking amazing" I said, turning around to go find some shoes before I would faint thanks to Foxy.
"But Jesus, you know how to look good" I said, still not looking at him so I could recover a bit.

I looked through the footwear section. Mainly looking at the normal shoes, like sneakers and things alike, when I saw a pair of boots standing there. I didn't need to think twice about taking them with me. These are the ones to make Foxy's outfit complete. I grabbed them and ran back to Foxy, who took them and put them on.
I was right, it finished the outfit. But F*ck! He looked good. I might even faint.

It certainly didn't help when someone else walked over to us and stood next to Foxy.

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