(26) Worries and Panic attacks

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"What do you mean?" I asked, shock written all over my face.
"Just like I said, Freddy's gone" Goldie explained with a worried and panicking tone.
"I went to wake him up this morning, and then... Then he was gone, nowhere to be found" He said, tears forming.
"Hey, hey. Don't panic, I'm sure he's fine" I said, crawling towards Goldie.

I made him sit on my bed and did some breathing exercises with me.
"You good to go again?" I asked once his breathing matched mine for long enough.
Goldie nodded.
"Do any of the others know?" I asked with a calm tone.
"I'm not sure" Goldie said, but at that moment Mike knocked on the door.

"O, you probably already knew" He said once he saw both of us.
"That Freddy is gone? Yeah, Goldie just told me" I said.
A moment of realisation dawned on Mike. I looked at him for an explanation.
"We need to find Shadow and Foxy, they want to know this too" He said, and walked back out again.

Goldie and I just looked at each other and shrugged.
"I'll go change and come out in a few minutes" I said, getting off of my bed.
Goldie didn't really listen and was laying on top of my pile of stuffed animals. Hugging a plushie of a brown bear.
I let him, and went to change. When I was done, Goldie hadn't moved.

"You coming?" I asked, laying my hand upon his shoulder.
Goldie shot up at that and looked at me with eyes that were slowly turning a bit red.
"Come on, let's go to the others" I said, helping Goldie stand up.
We walked out of my room and turned a corner, only for me to walk into Foxy.

We fell backwards, but were caught by Goldie and Shadow.
"Good, we were just about to get you" Shadow said.
"The others are in my room" He said, and walked back to his room.
"What's up with him?" I asked, kind of sarcastically.

"Freddy left, and he was the one to receive to goodbye note of Freddy" Foxy explained.
the three of us quickly ran towards Shadow's room and got in.
"So, what's the matter beside that Freddy's gone?" I asked, closing the door behind me.
"The good news is, is that he's not kidnapped, nor alone" Shadow started.
"And what's the bad news?" Goldie asked, not knowing if he was ready to hear the answer to his question.

"He ran away with Bonnie and Bon to be happy, but none of them knew where to go, and are still in chance of getting caught" Shadow said, holding Freddy's letter.
"And I'm sure that Goldie was supposed to have gotten the letter instead of me, I'd read it if I were you, Goldie" Shadow said, handing the letter to Goldie.
Goldie read the letter carefully, and with each new sentence, he seemed to relax more and more.
"At least he'll be happy like this..." Goldie said as he gave the letter back to Shadow.

Shadow didn't take the letter, pushing it onto Goldie's chest instead.
"You need this the most" Shadow said, me, Foxy and Mike nodding along to what Shadow said.
"Thanks" Goldie choked out, tears falling from his eyes again.
He clutched the letter, not holding his tears back anymore. All of us immediately went to give him a group hug.

And that's when I felt a bit of the pain that Goldie was probably feeling right now. Even though the hug was nice, it was missing something. It was clearly missing Freddy, and all of us knew that. And when we parted, the feeling stayed.
"Thanks" Goldie managed to choke out again.
"I really needed that" He said wiping his remaining tears away.

It was silent for a moment, no one knowing what to say or do now. Until Mike coughed, getting our attention.
"If Freddy's gone, does that mean that Goldie is now the heir to the throne?" He asked.
That made us go silent again. Shadow and I looked at each other in shock.
"Freddy knew what he was doing" Foxy said indignant.

Everyone started to talk through each other, no one realising that Goldie was having a panic attack.
I quickly took him out of the room and into the hall, and repeated what I did this morning.
"Goldie, look at me, breath with me" I said, looking into his eyes.
He started to breath alongside me, and calmed down at least a bit.

He wasn't as calm as I'd like for him to be, but at least he was going that way.
"What are you two doing here?" Father asked.
"Freddy is gone, and since Goldie's the one closest to Freddy, it's taking quite the toll on Goldie" I told him.
"If it helps, I know that he, Bonnie and Bon went to the port, and are probably safe right now" He said, laying a hand on Goldie's shoulder.

"Really?" Goldie asked with bright, sparkling eyes, it probably being form his tears.
"Yes, really. I've helped them get away last night, and they wanted me to give you this" He said as he got down and gave us a typical Freddy bearhug.
"Thanks dad" Goldie said, whipping his tears away once again, but truly seeming calmed down right now.
"I needed that" He said with a sigh.

"Now, where's your last brother?" Dad asked.
"Probably in his room, talking with Foxy and Mike" We said.
"Let's get them, and then I'll tell what happened last night" He said, letting us take the lead to Shadow's room.

We got to Shadows room, only to find Mike standing outside of it.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"I think you know..." Mike said, looking at our father.
"He's going to find out anyway, better let it be now" I said, kicking the door open.

There stood Shadow and Foxy, kissing each other, but nothing more than that.
"What have I told you about opening my door without nocking? O, hello father..." Shadow started, but got scared once he saw father.
"Please, call me dad. And it's fine, I kinda guessed that you two would become something anyway" He said, walking inside.
"Why are you here sir? Is there more news about Freddy, Bonnie and Bon?" Foxy asked.

"No, not yet and maybe that's for the best. But I came here to tell you guys about last night" Dad said, sitting down on Shadow's bed.
Everyone else got a place to sit too, despite there being much less good places to sit then there are in my room.
Foxy had sit on Shadows lap thanks to this, but neither of them seemed to mind that. When everyone sat down, we al gave a nod, and dad started to explain.
"It was somewhere around midnight. I woke up thanks to a sound, and went to inspect it..."

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