(33) Opening gifts (1/2)

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A/N This is what Goldie made as his present for someone else

Fred POV

When Mike and I came back, we were greeted by all the others. Everyone, except Goldie.
"Does anyone know where Goldie is?" Mike asked, missing Goldie too.
"I think he's still in his room. He said he would stay home and make something instead of buying something" Shadow said.
"I'll go check up on him" Shade and I said at the same time.

"Why don't you go together? I'm sure that he'd listen to his little brother and his boyfriend" TiChi said.
"But what if he's making something for either of them?" Foxy asked.
"I'm pretty sure he doesn't have either of them" Chica said.
"Alright then, let's go check up on him" I said, Shade already walking over to me.

We had some small talk while we were walking over to Goldie. It was quiet in his room, too quiet. I looked at Shade, who had a similar expression to mine. I decided to knock on the door.
"Yeah?" Goldie responded from inside.
He sounded like he wasn't feeling too well. Emotionally, not sick-like.
"Are you alright?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Yeah, just... remembering" He said as he whipped the tears from his cheeks.
He wasn't crying hard, but sometimes a single tear would trace his cheeks.
Shade was about to ask what Goldie was remembering, when he saw the painting in front of Goldie.
"Holy... This is beautiful" He said, walking over to it.

"Thanks. It's for dad. I thought he would like a big painting of his kids. But painting Freddy was emotionally harder for me than I thought it would be"
Shade walked over to Goldie and took him in his arms. He started rubbing circles on Goldie's back to calm him down.
"I understand darling. But we might want to go back to the others. They're waiting for us"
"Yeah, you're right. Can you help me wrap it though?"

Shade and I agreed to help Goldie wrap his present, and together we went back towards the throne room.
"Ah, you have finally arrived. Go sit down so we can start" Mother said.
"Who wants to start?" Dad asked once we were seated.
"I would like to start. I spend the whole day making it" Goldie said.

Everyone gave him a smile, as a way of saying, you may start.
"Dad, I got you for Secret Santa. And I'm sorry for the tears on it. I couldn't help myself" He said as he gave dad his present.
Dad unwrapped it, and was stumbling over his words once he saw it.
"It's beautiful. And I understand about the tears"

"I remember this day. All four of you were so happy" Dad said as he touched the painting.
Goldie had spend the whole day making a giant painting of me, himself, Freddy and Shadow.
"Who's next?" Mike asked after a few moments of silence.
"I say we let the person who has Goldie go now. I think he'd appreciate something fun right now" Shade said, hugging a very emotional Goldie.

"I'm fine with going now" I said, taking a little bag from behind me.
"Here, I know how much you like to read, so I thought to get you a new book. I ended up buying the entire series" I said as I handed Goldie the bag with books.
"And I couldn't help but get you some more paint while I was there anyway. It ended up being a good call" I said, laughing a bit.
"Thank you. I can't wait to read them" Goldie said, holding the first book of the series in his hands.

"Who has Fred? We might as well do it like this" Goldie said.
"That would be me!" TiChi said, holding out a small box for me to take.
I opened it to find... A pair of binoculars?
"Ehh... I appreciate it, but why binoculars?" I asked TiChi.

"You know, so you can watch bunny's from your room" She said as she wiggled her eyebrows.
That made me blush. And I was sure it was pretty bad too.
"That's a very thoughtful gift of you TiChi" Mother said, oblivious to the actual reason.
"Thank you. I saw them, and thought that Fred could put it to good use"

"Now, who had me?" TiChi asked excitedly.
"I did" Shadow said.
"Here, it's not the full present yet, but you'll get the second part eventually" Shadow said as he gave TiChi the present.
"Should I save it then? For when I get the second part too?" TiChi asked.
"It would be more fun if you unpacked it along with the second part, but I'm also curious as of what it is"

"Save it. Then it won't give away what the second part could be. Otherwise the surprise will be gone" Erik said.
"He's right. Thank you Shadow, I'm sure I'll love it, but I'm going to wait with unpacking it"
"That's fine. I'll give you a sign when you have the second part, alright?"

"Now me!" Erik said as he jumped up and walked over to Shadow.
"I saw them as a combination, and I simply couldn't resist" He said as he gave Shadow his present.
Shadow looked confused, but seemed exited once he opened the wrapping paper that was around it.
"I'm going to try it on. You guys can go on without me, I will be back in a few minutes" Shadow said as he walked out of the room to change.

"Did anyone see what he got?" Foxy asked.
"I don't think so, but don't worry, you'll see in a moment" Erik said with a smile.
"Meanwhile, you can unwrap your present" Amy said.
Erik went over to her, and took his present from her. He opened it, and wowed at what he saw.

"I saw it and couldn't resist. Remember the old times?" She said, the last part barely audible.
"You remembered? You're amazing" Erik said, giving Amy a hug.
"May I be excused so I can try my present on too?" Erik asked mainly mother, but dad too.
"You may be excused" Mother said.

Erik left, right when Shadow came back.

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