Chapter 14: Wits

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Naruto was taken to the Hokage Residence by Iruka. And well, that sure went well. Hiruzen glared at him from across the room. Oh, yeah, he definitely expected more from Naruto.

"You know, after that incident with you beating up the entire graduating class last year, I thought I had finally got you to stop with these random incidents that were so difficult to handle and fix." Naruto stayed silent, standing right beside the angered Iruka.

"But I guess I was wrong about that. Why would you do such a thing?" Hiruzen was angry and he knew this was going to be the most difficult task/problem to fix up. Hiruzen and Iruka looked at him, expecting an answer to be delivered.

"To make her grow up. I told her in that class. The reason and purpose for me doing that was to make her. . . grow up." Naruto's answer was just as serious as Hiruzen's tone. "Naruto, you're a great student — a prodigy almost or already are, but those words won't help heal Satsuki's emotional wounds." Iruka agreed with Hiruzen's words.

Naruto scoffed, obviously not liking what he had stated.

"And what? Giving gifts will help the job to heal her wounds that are full of sadness, and hate? I think not. I said that words from other people wouldn't help, but I guess my words did help." Naruto clenched his hands to form a tight fist.

"Because the only way for her to heal her wounds were for me to tell her to get up and wake up to reality — the reality that her clan is dead and that she is their future and legacy." His words were vile and could cut deep into any person.

"Saying that everything will be ok won't help. You know why? Because everything is not ok. Her clan is dead and by who exactly? An S-Rank criminal who was on-par with a Kage at the age of 13 or something." The ending word was quite shit, but it worked.

"How do you know about that?" Naruto scoffed at that.

"Isn't it obvious? It got leaked to the public. Words from another person won't help heal a person, nor will it work against someone like Uchiha Itachi. The hate in Satsuki heart for her older brother will fester. It won't look good." Naruto got a glare from Hiruzen. Man, he was not pleased with Naruto.

"This world — it's plagued by the thing called hatred. The entity that will last until the brink of human extinction. Even then, it will carry on if animals are still alive. Love is limited, but hatred is limitless." These words could cut into a person's psyche and destroy them.

"She is a future kunoichi of the Uchiha Clan. There is no doubt that she will take lives and walk over corpses along the road as she evolves further into later development stage in life. Satsuki can't just say the Uchiha Clan's death were more important than another death outside of her clan because they were powerful and had powerful eyes. She is wrong, both subjectively and objectively." Naruto was not yet done with his piercing words.

"Like what I asked her at the academy, what about all the deaths that happen everyday? Are they excused and considered insignificant because they were random people that were clanless and were just your average ninja around the nations? Absolutely not." Iruka interrupted briefly.

"People in this village have an emotional attachment to the Uchiha Clan because of how they were essential to the founding of Konoha." Naruto scoffed at those words that Iruka had said.

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