Chapter 95: A World Filled With Perfection

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They stood, the Moon shining down on the Earth. The darkness of outer space illuminated the pitch-black space.

Their eyes reflected off of each other. They were demons of the world.

The Kingdom that one had created was nothing but piles of dust that had been burnt into crisp by his own hands.

It was tarnished.

It was severed.

This was their final battle.

The world wasn't ready for the destruction of their universe.


They stood there with loud silence, their eyes meeting with each other as Konon readied to fight Obito for Nagato's life.

"Konan - stop."

She carried out the order that she had been told to do, lifting her stance off and was now carrying a stance of relaxation; but her guard was still up.

Nagato looked at the man in front of him.

"Who are you?" He asked, his body being bound by shackles that had chakra rods piercing through it.

It was machine that had become necessary due to him becoming crippled by Hanzo's attack and through the use of the Gedo Statue.

"My name is not important because all you need to know is that I inherited the will of Uchiha Madara." Nagato's hair as crimson-red, signifying his bloodline ties to the Uzumaki.

His body was unbelievably skinny, unfit for someone who proclaimed that they were God. This was the true Pain - the man who had puppeting the dead bodies from behind the curtains.

"I see, so you're close to the real deal." There was a bitter-sweet tone to Nagato's voice, knowing that he was cornered by the man that inherited the will of Madara.

It sickened him with disgust.

"You came for these eyes of mine - for what reason?" He knew of a rather simple answer for why Obito had come for the Rinnegan.

It was simply because he had the Rinnegan; and the power that he now held was but a gateway to a fanciful adventure.

Obito, with the ripples in the side of his head, slightly smirked at those words, at that question being served towards him.

"Originally, I had planned to sacrifice myself so I could revive the real Madara. Why? Because he's the only one that can match his grandson - Naruto." That grin of his deepened slightly.

"Now... things are different."

"How so? You speak of this boy with great lengths. It seems you don't even believe that even Madara can beat him; but you now think differently now. Why is that?" Every fiber of his being screamed in pain, his lungs bursting with torment with a burning sensation.

"Don't you see? Once you are dead here, your eyes will be my golden opportunity." His intentions matched his smirk, replicating a sense of darkness that lurked from behind it.

"Tell me... those creatures of yours that you manifested... they had sentient thought, no?" It was a theory of his that he conjured the moment he saw those water dragons that roared as if alive.

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