Concert {Mic}

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The feeling of eyes being on you was intense but since you were at home you chalked it up to paranoia and tried to push it into the back of your head. You were cleaning to get your mind off it and like always music was playing in the background and you were jamming along. Your favorite song came on and you grabbed the air freshener can and held it like a microphone. Singing along with every word dancing like an idiot around your bedroom. 

A high note was coming up and being alone and having fun you said fuck it and went for it. You hit it perfectly! Even surprised yourself. "Wow." Mic muttered to himself as he leaned against your window seal. His eyes bright and fun of wonder as he watched you dancing around your room like an idiot singing your heart out. He just hopes you'll do that when he brings you to your new home.

(161 Words)

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