Chapter Twenty-six ⭐ 💚

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Narrated by JASON:

I just received the good news, I've been adopted and will be moving in soon. To celebrate, Saskia and I had dinner at my grandparents Thursday night. Freddie was there as well, we had dinner and played ping pong together. Just us young ones taking in the cool night air.

"So what do you mean by natural hybrid witches?" Saskia asked as she hit the tiny ball. She played against Fred.

"Just that, they touched something. A magical orb and its powers entered them,"

"Where'd the orb come from?" I asked him. Standing in an upright position with my hands behind my back. It's comfortable.

"Mother said a group of witches did a ritual, y'all know there are different types of witches?"

Saskia looked at him and nodded her head. I had no idea what they were talking about. I thought magic is magic? Now I hear something else?

"Well, the orb was made by all those types of witches. They heard someone approaching, and ran off. Leaving their orb levitating, so they touched it out of curiosity. Damnit!" He exclaimed when he missed the ball. He leaned against the table and looked at us, "when the magical creatures heard what happened with our parents, they tried it too. Only difference is that it didn't work again, it's a magical miracle,"

"Where's your mother now?" Saskia asked.

"Bermuda Triangle, underneath it is a school. The very best witches go there, she teaches. She chose to be a witch, Michael became a sorcerer. One of the best, of course,"

"And you? Do you have like... Powers?" I asked.

He lowered his head as he looked at me, "you don't?"

I shook my head. "No. My mom shut mine off because I'm also part zombie. She says they can trace other zombies,"

"Aww... Jason!" Saskia expressed and ran up to me and hugged me, "you said mom,"

I looked at her. What was I supposed to say? She is my mother, after all, ain't nothing changing that. "I'm never calling her mom or whatever, to her face. She's my mom as a noun but not my mom as a verb, and that she ought to know,"

"Can't you help Jason with your powers? Maybe he can locate his power without activating the signal?"

Fred shook his head. "I'm not a witch, they do that kind of magic. Magic with meaning so that they can have a solution for problems, me? I chose to be a wizard. I learn spells, for the sake of learning spells,"

"To gain power? And just that?" I asked. He nodded his head. "That's kind of useless, what's the point of having power if you can't help someone?"

He shrugged. "Hey, at least if I'm in trouble I know how to protect myself,"

"Yeah. My point exactly, your power is about self," I watched him picked up the ball, "can't you see the problem?"

He sighed. "Life is too short to carry others' burden with you. It's you versus Saskia, Jason,"

He threw the ball at me and I caught it. I took the ball and began playing against Saskia.


"It's Friday and I'm getting wasted tomorrow," Laura told me and Vincent, the only two other people at the tree. Paul stood by his steps and Vreemde wanted to organise a shopping day for her and Bev and Cait. Saskia and Lemon didn't make it yet. "This has been a long week,"

"It was okay," Vincent replied.

Laura tied her hair back and looked at Vincent. "Jason's a bum, wanna hang out with me and my friends tomorrow?"

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