Chapter Thirty ⭐💚

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Narrated by JASON:

Today will be the weirdest day of my life, after school, I go to my new home. An actual house, with a real family. I packed my things all weekend, Fred even came over Sunday to help take a few of my things already packed. Then came back to help me pack some more. Mainly books, now I'll have a shelf go store them. Or I could donate them and make even more space for new ones? Well just see.

After school, my friends came over to help him get his room ready, not a single trace of Petunia could be found, except for the pictures of herself. I left them right where they were because I wanted to see her every day. On my bedside table was a picture of my parents, I couldn't believe that I have my room and my own family. I finally got adopted and it's by my real family, I thought that I'd never be adopted. Who would want a ghost child with an abnormal heart rate?

I went downstairs and sat with my friends and family, they were enjoying lemonade when I suddenly heard her speak again.

"Jason. It's Sarah, go to your room,"

I excused myself and walked up the stairs to my very own room. I found it comical that my mother told me to go to my room. Like I've been a naughty boy. I closed the door behind me and saw another envelope on my dark blue and grey duvet covers. I picked it up and inside of it was more money and a small note. I picked it up and read it.

"I love you
♡_ S.A.M"

I placed the note in my draw and put the money in my pocket and looked around. What? So Sam's been mother this whole time? I walked up to the window and saw a woman standing in front of my yard. Her golden locks gently blowing in the breeze. It was Sarah. I froze up seeing her right there, it was different this time. This time I knows it's my mother, unlike the last time we met.

"How are you?"

"Happy... I guess. I have a home now, thank you for not taking it away from me. So you're Sam?"

She chortled, I heard her in my head but also saw her laughing. "Now why would you call me, Sam?"


"Oh... Sarah Angelique Michaels,"

I grinned. This woman even has Saskia's last name.

Sarah grinned. "Jason, know that I live to see you happy, you're all I've got. Make them proud, will you? Do your homework, help out wherever you can,"

I nodded my head. "Of course, thanks for the money,"

Sarah grinned and nodded her head. She looked at me for a short while before walking away. I shook my head and went back downstairs and sat next to Laura. She turned and looked at me, "we are going to Luck 'n Bug, you coming?"

I nodded my head and we got up and greeted my grandparents. We got into Saskia's Mercedes and drove over to the restaurant. They waited to be seated and scanned their menus.

"Bev and Cait's joining us," Saskia said, her eyes not once leaving the menu. "We have something scary and important to tell you all, and just relax okay? No matter what you hear,"

"Why?" Laura asked, "what's the news? You're scaring me,"

"Just... hear us out when they come. We have to tell you this important thing,"

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