Chapter Fifteen ⭐💚

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Narrated by JASON:

I looked at my friends. They all seemed all excited to look for Bethany. Caitlyn and Beverley say their hang out spots are next to the schoolyard. The garden. I've never been there but it was breathtaking. The grass was short, and all sorts of flowers were grown to decorate the place. There are a few large trees which many teens sat underneath. There are white benches, others could be seen sitting there. Beverley sat with her best friend. Sindra. We gave Sindra space, Bethany says it's because Sindra is a normal human being and she's not allowed to know Beth's secret. Otherwise, Bethany's powers will be taken from her.

"So you all wanna be there?"

Kin nodded her head. "My mom is like a witch and whatever, but she doesn't practise it, so it'll be kind of cool to see actual magic being done,"

Bethany bit her nail and looked into Kin's eyes, "yeah, so she was born into a family of witches. So you could become one too if you want?"

Kin shook her head. " My mother says I won't be able to get the calling,"

"How so?" Paul asked.

"Oh, sometimes parents do that. They block the witch's gene to prevent their offspring from accessing their powers and abilities,"

"So leaving them human?" Laura asked.

Bethany nodded her head. "Yeah. They usually do that to protect the child from destiny. It's sacrificial," Bethany looked back at her friend who was sitting on the bench under their tree, "Okay. After school, we'll go together to your home then, Saskia?"

We all agreed on that and returned to our tree. Where we returned to our break. We all sat down and as usual, I sat down and took out my book, the rest started talking when out of the blue everyone went silent. Beverley had taken out toilet paper and rolled off a lot, she sneezed into it. The snot was endless and sounded loud, and like it was more than enough for all our noses. It was gross.

She quickly grabbed some more tissues and sneezed into them as well. Everyone underneath the tree looked at her, even I stopped reading to pay attention to her. She wiped her nose and some snot stretched out as she cleared her nose. She grabbed some more tissues and sneezed into it until she couldn't hear any snot left. She wiped her nose for the final time and looked up at everyone. The tip of her upright pointy nose was pink, and so were her cheeks. She took another tissue and covered the dirty tissues with it and threw it in the front pocket of her school bag, more tissues jumped out from it. She giggled as she picked it up and shoved it down in her bag.

"Sorry guys. I have sinusitis. Always had them,"

"Do you have hand sanitiser too?"

She laughed as if I was making a joke but I was legit. She's not going to come and touch us with those hands. Never!

"So... it's the witch this afternoon, and of course, Laura's training. You know what lemme text Bethany and ask her if it's okay to meet in the forest. She can watch Laura train," Saskia thought. Then she looked at me, "Jason?"

I didn't have to reply, I just looked at her and she continued speaking.

"Why don't you join us? I think it'll be great if you could learn how to defend yourself. Especially since there are hunters in town?"

"Aww," Caitlyn chimed in, "that's a great idea. We can all help where it's needed,"

I shook my head. "No thanks. Sounds like too much work,"

Paul scoffed, "of course training gets intense. But it's only beneficial to you. People hunt us, Jason. To kill,"

"I agree with them," Kin added her opinion. "I mean aren't you even a little scared? That man sent your pictures to god knows who, now you're like even more wanted."

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