Chapter Fifty-two

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Narrated by KIN

Sofia and I sprung up by the sound of a loud knock on the door. A security guard from the hospital entered, angered. She had both her hands on her hips and slammed the door shut.

"Hey! We're leaving this afternoon. Doctor Webster is on our ass. So grab the damn manna and we'll handle the girl!"

She looked at Sofia and I then her eyes fell on XY3's bed, ours did too. I can't believe XY3 didn't sleep here last night. I looked at the guard again, her face turned pink. She frowned and gritted her teeth, "where on earth is the other one?"

Sofia and I looked at each other. Scared for our lives but mainly scared for XY3's. Then she gulped and looked at the security, "um... she went for an early morning jog. You know how it goes when you've been kept behind the same halls for years?"

The security flared her nostrils and left our room. My heart sunk. I looked at Sofia, "thanks for thinking so quickly. Where is she?"

Sofia shrugged, then the balcony doors swung open and she entered the room. She seemed so happy. Couldn't drop her big smile, her hair was crazy. Girl must've slept on the floor.

"Where were you!?" I practically scold.

She sighed happily and sat down on her bed, "spent the night with Dean, I think I love him,"

"No!" Sofia yelled in a whisper, "it's too soon for love!"

XY3 crossed her hands over her chest, "well what ever it is, I love it. I never want to forget this feeling,"

"I'm so happy for you but we have other things to worry about, we leave this afternoon. The other subjects will snatch Victoria!"

Then it seemed like reality hit her. Her smiled disappeared, she looked spooked. We are here for a reason, and it's not falling in love. "I-I,"

Sofia got up from her bed, "we have to find Victoria."

I nodded my head and climbed out of bed. We made our beds, then the balcony door opened again. It was Victoria.

"Good morning," she said. She sounded a bit down. "Kin, I just wanted to apologise for overreacting. Many people just aren't in it for me you know, but I figured if anyone could understand... it be you. People barely see me as a person, all I am is a weapon. But... so are you, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me?"

She mustered up a small smile. In a blink of an eye I ran to her and embraced her, she held me tightly as well. We pulled away and she cleared her throat, then she looked at the girls. "Yes. Let's go save Jason?"

I pulled her into another hug. I couldn't believe my ears. The others cheered as well. "Oh my gosh... thank you so very much."

I pulled back and looked at her. Jason is going to be okay. I couldn't believe it. I won't return to Crystal Moon and share bad news with his mother.

"So," Victoria said, "where do we start? What do we need?"

XY3 three answered, "some manna. They need to inject it into his system."

"How are we gonna get that? The leaders won't give it," said Sofia.

Victoria bit her nail then looked at Sofia, "then we steal some. We sneak into the tent and grab that statue. What do you guys think?"

We looked at each other. "I say yes. Let's do it." I was willing to do anything to help Jason. I'd even sell my soul.


We took a shower and joined the securities and the other teens at breakfast. XY3 decided to share the news. "There's no need to kidnap, Victoria, she has agreed to with us."

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