Chapter Fifty-four

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Narrated by JASON

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Kin's body. I didn't even know she slept over. She seemed so peaceful, I didn't want to wake her. Her hair covered her face, so I removed it to reveal her pretty babyface. Her eyelashes are so long, and her nose so tiny. I caressed her cheek with the outside of my hand, which I guess woke her.

She slowly opened her eyes and stretched out. She instantly sat upright and yawned, then she looked at me. Her auburn hair standing crazy, "good morning, Jason."

"Kin, when did you come in?"

She chuckled, "like an hour after dinner, you were asleep. So I just crawled in."

I grinned. I enjoyed sleeping next to Kin, the habit she began because she was too afraid to be alone. But now, it's come to a place where even I want her next to me. Because I get scared too. I got up and made my bed, Kin and I left the room together.

We went out separate ways and met again at the cafeteria. She had oatmeal for breakfast, mixed with some warm blood for flavour. We all just looked at each other, so I started.

'Doctor Carpenter left. All that's left is us,'

Hayden put some butter on her toast, "I love lots of butter on my toast." She told us as she opened the ham can. 'So is the tunnel real? Can't you find out, Jason?'


She physically shrugged and looked into my eyes, 'can't you prey inside of her brain?'

Cara choked on a cough, then she looked at me. 'Yes you can. Like that day when you found out about doctor Carpenter,'

'I can't do that,' all their eyes were on me before they realised that to the outsider it looks weird. So they continued eating. 'I can only enter her mind by making a connection,'

Kin shook her head. 'I know no one taught you yet, but zombies can definitely plant thoughts in others mind. Like how Saskia made you think that you needed to go the bathroom. Twice,'

I glared at Kin and took a small sip from my hot tea. 'She never did that,'

'I mean that's how it feels. Mind control. It should make your victim feel like they're the ones steering their own thoughts.'

I sighed and dug my fork into my cheese sausage, then lifted it up to my mouth to take a bite. 'I can't do it, Kin. I don't even know what you're talking about,'

'Jason,' Maxwell said and looked into my eyes. 'But you must. Please,'

'Yeah,' Hayden urged.

'And if you fail,' Cara added, 'at least you tried and doctor Hart would never know,'

'Yeah.' They all said.

I groaned softly and took another bite from my sausage. 'I'll do it.'

I mean like them, I want to escape as well. And I'll do whatever I must to leave this place. I have to get back to my life, my boring life I've taken for granted. That I've taken lightly.

After breakfast, I found myself sitting in my old plain white room with a book in my hand. It laid open on my lap, but I wasn't reading it. I was thinking about Sarah, I have to somehow connect to her. But each time I try, it unlocks new memories. Memories fade, as with everyone.

But the difference with me and the average person is that I don't know these incidents. The average person have forgotten so many memories, but they in fact do still remember them. They just can't remember that they do, but their memories are still very much alive within them. Sometimes small things like a song, a taste, or a smell will trigger that memory. And it all floods back into their mind. Forgotten moments. Never really forgotten.

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