Fyzz Ref

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Name: Fyzz (his name actually used to be Robotic Fizzarolli #9,874 upon when he was built in the factory, but since meeting Clocksworth, he was given the freedom to change it to anything he wanted. Not very original but something he likes none the less.)

Personality: Fyzz is exactly like his other clones in the sense he can be extremely attention seeking, obnoxious, jokes around a little too much, and can find some other's pain a little funny. But unlike them he's extremely more docile and caring towards people and appreciative of Clocks since he treats him as an actuall person and not some robotic servant. Fyzz is still pretty weary of the outside world because of what happened and even when masking under the smile his instincts are to lash out first against anyone on the outside, but is able to control those instincts really well to where no one would even be able to tell he was uncomfortable unless you looked very very close at him.

Species: Demonic-magical robot

Age: Unknown but definately older than twenty. His mindset is around the age as a childish 22-24 year old.

Family: None but considers his boss and his children family.

Appearance: Fyzz used to look the exact same way his other copies did when he was first made, but since being repaired by Clocksworth and given the ability over what his appearence was he did change some things. Like how he wanted his eyes to be bright blue and install eyelashes. Why? because he could! And he prefers his more fuzzy welcoming appearance over his old design. But he does look a bit different being repaired without the original parts. You can see many copper colored patches on his body because of it.

Powers/Abilities: basically everything his counter parts can do. Same spin attack, very flexible, can extend his arms and legs, think for himself thankfully, bullet proof in most places on his body, and water proof. But because not all of his original parts were used it's very difficult to do those so he's a lot slower than most of his counterparts.

Bonus: Warning: Past abuse mentioned in the bio.

Ok. So we know you can buy the robots for whatever reason you want, (so this isn't the same robot from the pilot) Fyzz(yes I know cliche name) was purchased and set up by some abusive previous owners (Who happened to be Vox of all demona) who wanted more of a slave than anything else, and being programmed to obey (but not completely cut off to his own opinions like the robot in the pilot) he basically got mistreated any and every way under the son. Vox or Val were the ones who buy him for whatever reasons but in any case he was used and prev-owners wasn't bothered enough to keep good care of him because frankly they couldn't care less as long as he worked until he finally got to the point of either getting fixed or scraped because literal gears were falling out of him or sparks were interferring with his sensors. Which lead him to be just dumped on the streets somewhere like people would do a bag of trash. So literally that's what he had to do for a while. Sparks flying and literally walking around in the open literally falling apart at the seams-or wires- and just..well wasting away like a toy with the batteries slowly dying. Until he was attacked and was nearly killed by scavengers who make off with a few of his most important parts leaving him helpless and laying there. Nothing but a heap of metal panicking and begging to anyone ignoring him on the streets for help. It was eventually Clocksworth who found him crying outside the alleyway and being the odd cat out he was decided to bring him in and rebuild the guy since he was pretty handy in that department. Under the pretense that the robot wouldn't try attacking him or try stealing any of his parts in return. Panicked and desperate for help Fyzz agrees so Clocks takes him in before anyone decided to try taking him and selling him as scrap metal.) Luckily Clocksworth was able to fully repair him with what knickknacks and junk he kept lying around although because he was fixed with different parts and clothes from his original design, he looks slightly different now. Extremely thankful to old Clocks he offers to pay him back since his original programming of obeying the owner is still in there, and Clocksworth accepts under a few fair conditions for the both of them. Like no hurting any kids under his care, etc. Fyzz is exactly like his other clones in the sense he can be extremely attention seeking, obnoxious, jokes around a little too much, and can find some other's pain a little funny. But unlike them he's extremely more docile and caring towards people and appreciative of Clocks since he treats him as an actuall person and not some robotic servant. Basically Fyzz serves as the Orphan home's body guard/second in command/helper to Clocks and is often in charge if Clocks leaves or whenever he has Fyzz go with one of the kids. Fyzz is still pretty weary of the outside world because of what happened and even when masking under the smile his instincts are to lash out first against anyone on the outside.

Fyzz genuinely loves his job entertaining and helping to take care of the many kids who come and go out of Clocksworth's care. Especially his three girls. Velveteen doesn't really care much for his childish antics as much as Static or Clover does but she still lingers about him if she's feeling upset she can always count on him to make her smile or laugh or give good advice. Static was the one he had a problem with at first. He knows her being the abandoned daughter of Vox, the one who mistreated him so it was hard at first to like her, but the big chubby cheeked baby eventually won him over with her sweet voice. Tho its hard for him to function when she wails. Fyzz is often the one carring for them whenever Clocksworth is doing something important and leaves the home in Fyzz's care. Which includes gaurding the home and kids, watching over the children, and being his daughters' personal body guard not that he minds. It's a lot better than his previous situation so he can't complain. He still loves to perform so entertains the kids, and is often the one to help Static with her dancing or help Clover with her communication skills.

He knows about the girls' origins and vows to keep them safe from any of their parents influnce since he first handedly experienced their bad side and doesn't wish it upon the children.

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