Lucas Ref

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Name: Prince Lucas

Personality: secretly irogant, selfish, and egotistical but comes off as charming and polite to keep up the act

Species: Eldtritch demon mix

Age: 15

Family: Rosie: Mother, Seviathan: Father, Helsa: Aunt, (I dunno what their parents names are): Grandparents

Appearance: White skin, green and white hair, dark green and black eyes, green and black suit, tall for his age

Powers/Abilities: being an eldtritch mix, he doesn't have the body mutation powers of his father or grandparents, but his chest splits open revealing a giant mouth and has insane strength

Bonus:(Contains my own headcannons)

Seviathan is the son of one of the three hell kings and has had his share of Hell's ups and downs. Being a prince, he's gotten pretty much anything you could ask of anyone. Good food, fancy everything, riches, power, and even a great girlfriend with the Princess Charlie Mange....For a while. Seviathan had an ego the size of hell itself and could be selfish and rude to his subjects with no consequences, but kept it a secret to everyone but his older sister. This didn't stay secret for long though and it didn't collide well with what Charlie believed in. Causing a fight between the two lovers which ended with Charlie breaking off their relationship. This caused quite a fracture to his ego and admittedly did strike him down a notch. For a while he played it off like it was him who broke it off and it was nothing, but after Charlie's marriage to Husk was announced, it sent him into a fit of mixed emotions.

How could she possibly see more in a alcoholic that was old enough to be her dad?! What did he have that he didn't?! Guess his sister's horrid words about her was right.

His world was spiraling down in a mix of rage, hurt, and confusion. He still kept up the whole smug a$$hole persona in public and around his family, but he was pretty darn conflicted and semi depressed in private. Helsa noticed and at first she teased him about his old feelings for that stupid princess, but she starts to become troubled about her brother's constant sulking. They may fight like cats and dogs, but she did care for her baby brother. A little. Deep down. So in an attempt to cheer his sorry a$$ up, she decided he should go in her place to be interviewed at Alastor's famous talk show. Maybe he'd feel better if he had a chance to talk about himself nonstop in public. He didn't want to but Helsa (threatened) assured him about it and made him go. The talk show was alright. Admittedly talking about himself did stroke his ego and made him feel better, but he still felt somewhat miserable. Seviathan decided to mingle with the powerful and high society demons after the show where he was introduced to some of Alastor's companions and good friend Rosie. The two begin to talk about their professions and discover they have a few things in common. Their mastery at deceiving others, love for the more refined things, and a love for performance. They part ways on pretty good terms and he returns home feeling much better. Since then the two would see each other at big social events and chat each other up. The two would have long conversations about Rosie's latest victims to Seviathan's business exploits over a cup of tea. As performers he'd love to listen to Rosie singing and sometimes Mimzy or Alastor would join in, and she'd like to dance with 'Prince Green' as she playfully nicknamed him. Eventually starting a beautiful friendship.

When he has another run in with Charlie, he starts to get a bit upset so his sister suggest he go talk with that girl he loves so much. To which he promptly goes red faced at. He doesn't like her like that! Sure, Helsa totally believes him. Not. She ends up teasing him more and more about his friendship with Rosie until he ends up snapping and telling her off. To which she dares him to prove it if he wanted it all to stop. He agreed and when he asked Rosie out on a 'date' she agrees right away. See!? She didn't-...Wait. WHAT?! He's shocked for one, but there's no going back now I guess.

Lucas is a third generation edritch of one of the three Hell Royal families and as entitled as they come. He could give Trevor a run for his money in the ego department. A very shell of the person his father used to be but less extreme as he doesn't brag. Growing up in with Rosie as his mother, he was naturally introduced to the 1920s-1930s lifestyle and will often refer to things with old lingo such as "The Cat's Meow" "Picture Show" "And Hotdog" when he's really happy. He's often made fun for this, but they usually think twice about doing it again when he threatens to eat their heads using his chest mouth. His mother also has had a heavy influence on his manners and likes, such as jazz and swing music, but he still feels self conscious about singing. Despite his Aunt Helsa and Father not liking Charlie or the Mange family in general, his grandparents are great friends with Mr. and Mrs. Mange and Rosie is good singing buddies with Charlie. He's mutual on the subject of his family's rivalry but he finds Wild-Card's lazy habits a stain to his prince title.

Lucas has been spoiled rotten by his family the day he was born and only Rosie has been able to put any sense or morals into his head. He still takes his duties seriously and tries his best to please his family.  Currently he's been getting a little interest in Wild-Card's personal guard Berry, but he hasn't dared said anything about it yet. The only person who knows is his cousin Whitney who he's very close too.

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